
103 lines
2.5 KiB

package spt
import (
type flags struct {
base64Encoding bool
algo string
cmType privacy.CipherMethodType
kdf string
argon2idTime int
argon2idMemory int
argon2idThreads int
keygen privacy.KeyGen
hint bool
const (
defaultAlgo = ""
chacha20Algo = "chacha"
aesAlgo = "aes"
defaultKdf = defaultAlgo
argon2idKdf = "argon2"
argon2idTime = 1
argon2idMemory = 64 * 1024
argon2idThreads = 4
var (
f flags
func initFlags() {
encryptCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&f.hint, "hint", false, "include hint in the output file")
encryptCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&f.algo, "algo", defaultAlgo, "encryption algorithm, valid values: chacha and aes. Default algo is chacha")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&f.kdf, "kdf", defaultKdf, "Key Derivation Function, valid values: argon2")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&f.argon2idTime, "argon2id-time", argon2idTime, "sets argon2id time cost-parameter")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&f.argon2idMemory, "argon2id-mem", argon2idMemory, "sets argon2id memory cost-parameter (in KB)")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&f.argon2idThreads, "argon2id-thread", argon2idThreads, "sets argon2id thread cost-parameter")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&f.base64Encoding, "base64", false, "the file is encoded in Base64")
func processFlags() (err error) {
if err = processAlgoFlags(); err != nil {
if err = processKeyGenFlags(); err != nil {
func processAlgoFlags() (err error) {
switch f.algo {
case defaultAlgo, chacha20Algo:
f.cmType = privacy.XChaCha20Simple
case aesAlgo:
f.cmType = privacy.AES256GCMSimple
return errors.New("invalid algo")
func processKeyGenFlags() (err error) {
switch f.kdf {
case defaultKdf:
f.keygen = privacy.NewArgon2()
case argon2idKdf:
if f.argon2idTime < 0 || f.argon2idThreads < 0 || f.argon2idMemory < 0 {
return errors.New("invalid argon2id parameter")
f.keygen, err = privacy.NewArgon2WithParams(uint32(f.argon2idTime), uint32(f.argon2idMemory), uint8(argon2idThreads))
return errors.New("invalid KDF")
func (f flags) IsBase64() bool {
return f.base64Encoding
func (f flags) CipherMethod() privacy.CipherMethodType {
return f.cmType
func (f flags) KeyGen() privacy.KeyGen {
return f.keygen
func (f flags) IncludeHint() bool {
return f.hint