#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Generate a markdown changelog for the rclone project """ import os import sys import re import datetime import subprocess from collections import defaultdict IGNORE_RES = [ r"^Add .* to contributors$", r"^Start v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?-DEV development$", r"^Version v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?$", ] IGNORE_RE = re.compile("(?:" + "|".join(IGNORE_RES) + ")") CATEGORY = re.compile(r"(^[\w/ ]+(?:, *[\w/ ]+)*):\s*(.*)$") backends = [ x for x in os.listdir("backend") if x != "all"] backend_aliases = { "amazon cloud drive" : "amazonclouddrive", "acd" : "amazonclouddrive", "google cloud storage" : "googlecloudstorage", "gcs" : "googlecloudstorage", "azblob" : "azureblob", "mountlib": "mount", "cmount": "mount", "mount/cmount": "mount", } backend_titles = { "amazonclouddrive": "Amazon Cloud Drive", "googlecloudstorage": "Google Cloud Storage", "azureblob": "Azure Blob", "ftp": "FTP", "sftp": "SFTP", "http": "HTTP", "webdav": "WebDAV", } STRIP_FIX_RE = re.compile(r"(\s+-)?\s+((fixes|addresses)\s+)?#\d+", flags=re.I) STRIP_PATH_RE = re.compile(r"^(backend|fs)/") IS_FIX_RE = re.compile(r"\b(fix|fixes)\b", flags=re.I) def make_out(data, indent=""): """Return a out, lines the first being a function for output into the second""" out_lines = [] def out(category, title=None): if title == None: title = category lines = data.get(category) if not lines: return del(data[category]) if indent != "" and len(lines) == 1: out_lines.append(indent+"* " + title+": " + lines[0]) return out_lines.append(indent+"* " + title) for line in lines: out_lines.append(indent+" * " + line) return out, out_lines def process_log(log): """Process the incoming log into a category dict of lists""" by_category = defaultdict(list) for log_line in reversed(log.split("\n")): log_line = log_line.strip() hash, author, timestamp, message = log_line.split("|", 3) message = message.strip() if IGNORE_RE.search(message): continue match = CATEGORY.search(message) categories = "UNKNOWN" if match: categories = match.group(1).lower() message = match.group(2) message = STRIP_FIX_RE.sub("", message) message = message +" ("+author+")" message = message[0].upper()+message[1:] seen = set() for category in categories.split(","): category = category.strip() category = STRIP_PATH_RE.sub("", category) category = backend_aliases.get(category, category) if category in seen: continue by_category[category].append(message) seen.add(category) #print category, hash, author, timestamp, message return by_category def main(): if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("Syntax: %s vX.XX vX.XY" % sys.argv[0], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) version, next_version = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] log = subprocess.check_output(["git", "log", '''--pretty=format:%H|%an|%aI|%s'''] + [version+".."+next_version]) log = log.decode("utf-8") by_category = process_log(log) # Output backends first so remaining in by_category are core items out, backend_lines = make_out(by_category) out("mount", title="Mount") out("vfs", title="VFS") out("local", title="Local") out("cache", title="Cache") out("crypt", title="Crypt") backend_names = sorted(x for x in list(by_category.keys()) if x in backends) for backend_name in backend_names: if backend_name in backend_titles: backend_title = backend_titles[backend_name] else: backend_title = backend_name.title() out(backend_name, title=backend_title) # Split remaining in by_category into new features and fixes new_features = defaultdict(list) bugfixes = defaultdict(list) for name, messages in by_category.items(): for message in messages: if IS_FIX_RE.search(message): bugfixes[name].append(message) else: new_features[name].append(message) # Output new features out, new_features_lines = make_out(new_features, indent=" ") for name in sorted(new_features.keys()): out(name) # Output bugfixes out, bugfix_lines = make_out(bugfixes, indent=" ") for name in sorted(bugfixes.keys()): out(name) # Read old changelog and split with open("docs/content/changelog.md") as fd: old_changelog = fd.read() heading = "# Changelog" i = old_changelog.find(heading) if i < 0: raise AssertionError("Couldn't find heading in old changelog") i += len(heading) old_head, old_tail = old_changelog[:i], old_changelog[i:] # Update the build date old_head = re.sub(r"\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d", str(datetime.date.today()), old_head) # Output combined changelog with new part sys.stdout.write(old_head) today = datetime.date.today() new_features = "\n".join(new_features_lines) bugfixes = "\n".join(bugfix_lines) backend_changes = "\n".join(backend_lines) sys.stdout.write(""" ## %(next_version)s - %(today)s [See commits](https://github.com/rclone/rclone/compare/%(version)s...%(next_version)s) * New backends * New commands * New Features %(new_features)s * Bug Fixes %(bugfixes)s %(backend_changes)s""" % locals()) sys.stdout.write(old_tail) if __name__ == "__main__": main()