#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Make backend documentation """ import sys import os import io import subprocess from pathlib import Path marker = "{{< rem autogenerated options" start = marker + " start" stop = marker + " stop" end = ">}}" def find_backends(): """Return a list of all backends""" return [ x for x in os.listdir("backend") if x not in ("all",) ] def output_docs(backend, out, cwd): """Output documentation for backend options to out""" out.flush() subprocess.check_call(["./rclone", "help", "backend", backend], stdout=out) def output_backend_tool_docs(backend, out, cwd): """Output documentation for backend tool to out""" out.flush() subprocess.call(["./rclone", "backend", "help", backend], stdout=out, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) def alter_doc(backend): """Alter the documentation for backend""" rclone_bin_dir = Path(sys.path[0]).parent.absolute() doc_file = "docs/content/"+backend+".md" if not os.path.exists(doc_file): raise ValueError("Didn't find doc file %s" % (doc_file,)) new_file = doc_file+"~new~" altered = False with open(doc_file, "r", encoding="utf_8") as in_file, open(new_file, "w", encoding="utf_8") as out_file: in_docs = False for line in in_file: if not in_docs: if start in line: in_docs = True start_full = (start + "\" - DO NOT EDIT - instead edit fs.RegInfo in backend/%s/%s.go then run make backenddocs\" " + end + "\n") % (backend, backend) out_file.write(start_full) output_docs(backend, out_file, rclone_bin_dir) output_backend_tool_docs(backend, out_file, rclone_bin_dir) out_file.write(stop+" "+end+"\n") altered = True if not in_docs: out_file.write(line) if in_docs: if stop in line: in_docs = False os.rename(doc_file, doc_file+"~") os.rename(new_file, doc_file) if not altered: raise ValueError("Didn't find '%s' markers for in %s" % (start, doc_file)) def main(args): # single backend if (len(args) == 2): try: alter_doc(args[1]) print("Added docs for %s backend" % args[1]) except Exception as e: print("Failed adding docs for %s backend: %s" % (args[1], e)) return # all backends failed, success = 0, 0 for backend in find_backends(): try: alter_doc(backend) except Exception as e: print("Failed adding docs for %s backend: %s" % (backend, e)) failed += 1 else: success += 1 print("Added docs for %d backends with %d failures" % (success, failed)) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)