package structs import ( "fmt" "net/http" "testing" "" ) // returns the "%p" representation of the thing passed in func ptr(p interface{}) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%p", p) } func TestSetDefaults(t *testing.T) { old := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport) newT := new(http.Transport) SetDefaults(newT, old) // Can't use assert.Equal or reflect.DeepEqual for this as it has functions in // Check functions by comparing the "%p" representations of them assert.Equal(t, ptr(old.Proxy), ptr(newT.Proxy), "when checking .Proxy") assert.Equal(t, ptr(old.DialContext), ptr(newT.DialContext), "when checking .DialContext") // Check the other public fields assert.Equal(t, ptr(old.Dial), ptr(newT.Dial), "when checking .Dial") //lint:ignore SA1019 newT.Dial has been deprecated since Go 1.7: Use DialContext instead, which allows the transport to cancel dials as soon as they are no longer needed. If both are set, DialContext takes priority. assert.Equal(t, ptr(old.DialTLS), ptr(newT.DialTLS), "when checking .DialTLS") //lint:ignore SA1019 old.DialTLS has been deprecated since Go 1.14: Use DialTLSContext instead, which allows the transport to cancel dials as soon as they are no longer needed. If both are set, DialTLSContext takes priority. assert.Equal(t, old.TLSClientConfig, newT.TLSClientConfig, "when checking .TLSClientConfig") assert.Equal(t, old.TLSHandshakeTimeout, newT.TLSHandshakeTimeout, "when checking .TLSHandshakeTimeout") assert.Equal(t, old.DisableKeepAlives, newT.DisableKeepAlives, "when checking .DisableKeepAlives") assert.Equal(t, old.DisableCompression, newT.DisableCompression, "when checking .DisableCompression") assert.Equal(t, old.MaxIdleConns, newT.MaxIdleConns, "when checking .MaxIdleConns") assert.Equal(t, old.MaxIdleConnsPerHost, newT.MaxIdleConnsPerHost, "when checking .MaxIdleConnsPerHost") assert.Equal(t, old.IdleConnTimeout, newT.IdleConnTimeout, "when checking .IdleConnTimeout") assert.Equal(t, old.ResponseHeaderTimeout, newT.ResponseHeaderTimeout, "when checking .ResponseHeaderTimeout") assert.Equal(t, old.ExpectContinueTimeout, newT.ExpectContinueTimeout, "when checking .ExpectContinueTimeout") assert.Equal(t, old.TLSNextProto, newT.TLSNextProto, "when checking .TLSNextProto") assert.Equal(t, old.MaxResponseHeaderBytes, newT.MaxResponseHeaderBytes, "when checking .MaxResponseHeaderBytes") } type aType struct { Matching string OnlyA string MatchingInt int DifferentType string } type bType struct { Matching string OnlyB string MatchingInt int DifferentType int Unused string } func TestSetFrom(t *testing.T) { a := aType{ Matching: "a", OnlyA: "onlyA", MatchingInt: 1, DifferentType: "surprise", } b := bType{ Matching: "b", OnlyB: "onlyB", MatchingInt: 2, DifferentType: 7, Unused: "Ha", } bBefore := b SetFrom(&a, &b) assert.Equal(t, aType{ Matching: "b", OnlyA: "onlyA", MatchingInt: 2, DifferentType: "surprise", }, a) assert.Equal(t, bBefore, b) } func TestSetFromReversed(t *testing.T) { a := aType{ Matching: "a", OnlyA: "onlyA", MatchingInt: 1, DifferentType: "surprise", } aBefore := a b := bType{ Matching: "b", OnlyB: "onlyB", MatchingInt: 2, DifferentType: 7, Unused: "Ha", } SetFrom(&b, &a) assert.Equal(t, bType{ Matching: "a", OnlyB: "onlyB", MatchingInt: 1, DifferentType: 7, Unused: "Ha", }, b) assert.Equal(t, aBefore, a) }