# golangci-lint configuration options linters: enable: - deadcode - errcheck - goimports - revive - ineffassign - structcheck - varcheck - govet - unconvert - staticcheck - gosimple - stylecheck #- unused #- prealloc #- maligned disable-all: true issues: # Enable some lints excluded by default exclude-use-default: false # Maximum issues count per one linter. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 50. max-issues-per-linter: 0 # Maximum count of issues with the same text. Set to 0 to disable. Default is 3. max-same-issues: 0 exclude-rules: - linters: - staticcheck text: 'SA1019: "github.com/rclone/rclone/cmd/serve/httplib" is deprecated' # TODO: Remove if/when this is fixed by merging PR #6277. - linters: - staticcheck text: 'SA1019: "golang.org/x/oauth2/jws" is deprecated' # TODO: Investigate if this is a real issue. If not, i.e. it is a false # positive, consider instead excluding this check using a code comment! - path: ^backend[\\/]crypt[\\/]cipher\.go$ linters: - staticcheck text: 'SA6002: argument should be pointer-like to avoid allocations' # TODO: Investigate if this is a real issue. If not, i.e. it is a false # positive, consider instead excluding this check using a code comment! - path: ^backend[\\/]onedrive[\\/]onedrive\.go$ linters: - staticcheck text: 'SA4009: argument err is overwritten before first use' # TODO: Investigate if this is a real issue. If not, i.e. it is a false # positive, consider instead excluding this check using a code comment! - path: ^backend[\\/]onedrive[\\/]onedrive\.go$ linters: - staticcheck text: 'SA4009\(related information\): assignment to err' # TODO: Investigate if this is a real issue. If not, i.e. it is a false # positive, consider instead excluding this check using a code comment! - path: ^fs[\\/]pacer\.go$ linters: - staticcheck text: 'SA5007: infinite recursive call' run: # timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m timeout: 10m linters-settings: revive: rules: - name: unreachable-code disabled: true - name: unused-parameter disabled: true - name: empty-block disabled: true - name: redefines-builtin-id disabled: true - name: superfluous-else disabled: true stylecheck: # Only enable the checks performed by the staticcheck stand-alone tool, # as documented here: https://staticcheck.io/docs/configuration/options/#checks checks: ["all", "-ST1000", "-ST1003", "-ST1016", "-ST1020", "-ST1021", "-ST1022", "-ST1023"]