diff --git a/MANUAL.html b/MANUAL.html index bb9b50815..f4ac2df73 100644 --- a/MANUAL.html +++ b/MANUAL.html @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@



@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ destpath/two.txt

If you are familiar with rsync, rclone always works as if you had written a trailing / - meaning "copy the contents of this directory". This applies to all commands and whether you are talking about the source or destination.


Note: Use the -P/--progress flag to view real-time transfer statistics

rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags]


  -h, --help   help for copy
@@ -220,6 +221,7 @@ destpath/sourcepath/two.txt

Note that files in the destination won't be deleted if there were any errors at any point.

It is always the contents of the directory that is synced, not the directory so when source:path is a directory, it's the contents of source:path that are copied, not the directory name and contents. See extended explanation in the copy command above if unsure.

If dest:path doesn't exist, it is created and the source:path contents go there.


Note: Use the -P/--progress flag to view real-time transfer statistics

rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags]


  -h, --help   help for sync
@@ -231,6 +233,7 @@ destpath/sourcepath/two.txt

Otherwise for each file in source:path selected by the filters (if any) this will move it into dest:path. If possible a server side move will be used, otherwise it will copy it (server side if possible) into dest:path then delete the original (if no errors on copy) in source:path.

If you want to delete empty source directories after move, use the --delete-empty-src-dirs flag.

Important: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the --dry-run flag.


Note: Use the -P/--progress flag to view real-time transfer statistics.

rclone move source:path dest:path [flags]


      --delete-empty-src-dirs   Delete empty source dirs after move
@@ -238,7 +241,8 @@ destpath/sourcepath/two.txt

rclone delete

Remove the contents of path.



Remove the contents of path. Unlike purge it obeys include/exclude filters so can be used to selectively delete files.


Remove the files in path. Unlike purge it obeys include/exclude filters so can be used to selectively delete files.


rclone delete only deletes objects but leaves the directory structure alone. If you want to delete a directory and all of its contents use rclone purge

Eg delete all files bigger than 100MBytes

Check what would be deleted first (use either)

rclone --min-size 100M lsl remote:path
@@ -641,6 +645,7 @@ if src is directory
     copy it to dst, overwriting existing files if they exist
     see copy command for full details

This doesn't transfer unchanged files, testing by size and modification time or MD5SUM. It doesn't delete files from the destination.


Note: Use the -P/--progress flag to view real-time transfer statistics

rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags]


  -h, --help   help for copyto
@@ -905,7 +910,7 @@ umount /path/to/local/mount

The bucket based remotes (eg Swift, S3, Google Compute Storage, B2, Hubic) won't work from the root - you will need to specify a bucket, or a path within the bucket. So swift: won't work whereas swift:bucket will as will swift:bucket/path. None of these support the concept of directories, so empty directories will have a tendency to disappear once they fall out of the directory cache.

Only supported on Linux, FreeBSD, OS X and Windows at the moment.

rclone mount vs rclone sync/copy


File systems expect things to be 100% reliable, whereas cloud storage systems are a long way from 100% reliable. The rclone sync/copy commands cope with this with lots of retries. However rclone mount can't use retries in the same way without making local copies of the uploads. Look at the file caching for solutions to make mount mount more reliable.


File systems expect things to be 100% reliable, whereas cloud storage systems are a long way from 100% reliable. The rclone sync/copy commands cope with this with lots of retries. However rclone mount can't use retries in the same way without making local copies of the uploads. Look at the file caching for solutions to make mount more reliable.

Attribute caching

You can use the flag --attr-timeout to set the time the kernel caches the attributes (size, modification time etc) for directory entries.

The default is "1s" which caches files just long enough to avoid too many callbacks to rclone from the kernel.

@@ -1023,6 +1028,7 @@ if src is directory see move command for full details

This doesn't transfer unchanged files, testing by size and modification time or MD5SUM. src will be deleted on successful transfer.

Important: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the --dry-run flag.


Note: Use the -P/--progress flag to view real-time transfer statistics.

rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags]


  -h, --help   help for moveto
@@ -1039,10 +1045,12 @@ if src is directory c toggle counts g toggle graph n,s,C sort by name,size,count + d delete file/directory ^L refresh screen ? to toggle help on and off q/ESC/c-C to quit -

This an homage to the ncdu tool but for rclone remotes. It is missing lots of features at the moment, most importantly deleting files, but is useful as it stands.


This an homage to the ncdu tool but for rclone remotes. It is missing lots of features at the moment but is useful as it stands.


Note that it might take some time to delete big files/folders. The UI won't respond in the meantime since the deletion is done synchronously.

rclone ncdu remote:path [flags]


  -h, --help   help for ncdu
@@ -1056,15 +1064,21 @@ if src is directory

rclone rc

Run a command against a running rclone.



This runs a command against a running rclone. By default it will use that specified in the --rc-addr command.


This runs a command against a running rclone. Use the --url flag to specify an non default URL to connect on. This can be either a ":port" which is taken to mean "http://localhost:port" or a "host:port" which is taken to mean "http://host:port"


A username and password can be passed in with --user and --pass.


Note that --rc-addr, --rc-user, --rc-pass will be read also for --url, --user, --pass.

Arguments should be passed in as parameter=value.

The result will be returned as a JSON object by default.


The --json parameter can be used to pass in a JSON blob as an input instead of key=value arguments. This is the only way of passing in more complicated values.

Use "rclone rc" to see a list of all possible commands.

rclone rc commands parameter [flags]


  -h, --help         help for rc
-      --no-output    If set don't output the JSON result.
-      --url string   URL to connect to rclone remote control. (default "http://localhost:5572/")
  -h, --help          help for rc
+      --json string   Input JSON - use instead of key=value args.
+      --no-output     If set don't output the JSON result.
+      --pass string   Password to use to connect to rclone remote control.
+      --url string    URL to connect to rclone remote control. (default "http://localhost:5572/")
+      --user string   Username to use to rclone remote control.

rclone rcat

Copies standard input to file on remote.


@@ -1077,28 +1091,38 @@ ffmpeg - | rclone rcat remote:path/to/file
rclone rcat remote:path [flags]


  -h, --help   help for rcat

rclone rcd


Run rclone listening to remote control commands only.




This runs rclone so that it only listents to remote control commands.


This is useful if you are controlling rclone via the rc API.


If you pass in a path to a directory, rclone will serve that directory for GET requests on the URL passed in. It will also open the URL in the browser when rclone is run.


See the rc documentation for more info on the rc flags.

rclone rcd <path to files to serve>* [flags]


  -h, --help   help for rcd

rclone rmdirs

Remove empty directories under the path.





This removes any empty directories (or directories that only contain empty directories) under the path that it finds, including the path if it has nothing in.

If you supply the --leave-root flag, it will not remove the root directory.

This is useful for tidying up remotes that rclone has left a lot of empty directories in.

rclone rmdirs remote:path [flags]




  -h, --help         help for rmdirs
       --leave-root   Do not remove root directory if empty

rclone serve

Serve a remote over a protocol.





rclone serve is used to serve a remote over a given protocol. This command requires the use of a subcommand to specify the protocol, eg

rclone serve http remote:

Each subcommand has its own options which you can see in their help.

rclone serve <protocol> [opts] <remote> [flags]




  -h, --help   help for serve

rclone serve ftp

Serve remote:path over FTP.





rclone serve ftp implements a basic ftp server to serve the remote over FTP protocol. This can be viewed with a ftp client or you can make a remote of type ftp to read and write it.

Server options

Use --addr to specify which IP address and port the server should listen on, eg --addr or --addr :8080 to listen to all IPs. By default it only listens on localhost. You can use port :0 to let the OS choose an available port.

@@ -1161,7 +1185,7 @@ ffmpeg - | rclone rcat remote:path/to/file

This mode should support all normal file system operations.

If an upload or download fails it will be retried up to --low-level-retries times.

rclone serve ftp remote:path [flags]




      --addr string                        IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:2121")
       --dir-cache-time duration            Time to cache directory entries for. (default 5m0s)
       --gid uint32                         Override the gid field set by the filesystem. (default 502)
@@ -1183,7 +1207,7 @@ ffmpeg - | rclone rcat remote:path/to/file
--vfs-read-chunk-size-limit int If greater than --vfs-read-chunk-size, double the chunk size after each chunk read, until the limit is reached. 'off' is unlimited. (default off)

rclone serve http

Serve the remote over HTTP.





rclone serve http implements a basic web server to serve the remote over HTTP. This can be viewed in a web browser or you can make a remote of type http read from it.

You can use the filter flags (eg --include, --exclude) to control what is served.

The server will log errors. Use -v to see access logs.

@@ -1261,7 +1285,7 @@ htpasswd -B htpasswd anotherUser

This mode should support all normal file system operations.

If an upload or download fails it will be retried up to --low-level-retries times.

rclone serve http remote:path [flags]




      --addr string                        IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:8080")
       --cert string                        SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate)
       --client-ca string                   Client certificate authority to verify clients with
@@ -1290,7 +1314,7 @@ htpasswd -B htpasswd anotherUser
--vfs-read-chunk-size-limit int If greater than --vfs-read-chunk-size, double the chunk size after each chunk read, until the limit is reached. 'off' is unlimited. (default off)

rclone serve restic

Serve the remote for restic's REST API.





rclone serve restic implements restic's REST backend API over HTTP. This allows restic to use rclone as a data storage mechanism for cloud providers that restic does not support directly.

Restic is a command line program for doing backups.

The server will log errors. Use -v to see access logs.

@@ -1347,7 +1371,7 @@ htpasswd -B htpasswd anotherUser

By default this will serve over http. If you want you can serve over https. You will need to supply the --cert and --key flags. If you wish to do client side certificate validation then you will need to supply --client-ca also.

--cert should be a either a PEM encoded certificate or a concatenation of that with the CA certificate. --key should be the PEM encoded private key and --client-ca should be the PEM encoded client certificate authority certificate.

rclone serve restic remote:path [flags]




      --addr string                     IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:8080")
       --append-only                     disallow deletion of repository data
       --cert string                     SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate)
@@ -1364,7 +1388,7 @@ htpasswd -B htpasswd anotherUser
--user string User name for authentication.

rclone serve webdav

Serve remote:path over webdav.





rclone serve webdav implements a basic webdav server to serve the remote over HTTP via the webdav protocol. This can be viewed with a webdav client or you can make a remote of type webdav to read and write it.

Webdav options


@@ -1444,7 +1468,7 @@ htpasswd -B htpasswd anotherUser

This mode should support all normal file system operations.

If an upload or download fails it will be retried up to --low-level-retries times.

rclone serve webdav remote:path [flags]




      --addr string                        IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:8080")
       --cert string                        SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate)
       --client-ca string                   Client certificate authority to verify clients with
@@ -1474,7 +1498,7 @@ htpasswd -B htpasswd anotherUser
--vfs-read-chunk-size-limit int If greater than --vfs-read-chunk-size, double the chunk size after each chunk read, until the limit is reached. 'off' is unlimited. (default off)

rclone settier

Changes storage class/tier of objects in remote.





rclone settier changes storage tier or class at remote if supported. Few cloud storage services provides different storage classes on objects, for example AWS S3 and Glacier, Azure Blob storage - Hot, Cool and Archive, Google Cloud Storage, Regional Storage, Nearline, Coldline etc.

Note that, certain tier chages make objects not available to access immediately. For example tiering to archive in azure blob storage makes objects in frozen state, user can restore by setting tier to Hot/Cool, similarly S3 to Glacier makes object inaccessible.true

You can use it to tier single object

@@ -1484,20 +1508,20 @@ htpasswd -B htpasswd anotherUser

Or just provide remote directory and all files in directory will be tiered

rclone settier tier remote:path/dir
rclone settier tier remote:path [flags]




  -h, --help   help for settier

rclone touch

Create new file or change file modification time.





Create new file or change file modification time.

rclone touch remote:path [flags]




  -h, --help               help for touch
   -C, --no-create          Do not create the file if it does not exist.
   -t, --timestamp string   Change the modification times to the specified time instead of the current time of day. The argument is of the form 'YYMMDD' (ex. 17.10.30) or 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS' (ex. 2006-01-02T15:04:05)

rclone tree

List the contents of the remote in a tree like fashion.





rclone tree lists the contents of a remote in a similar way to the unix tree command.

For example

$ rclone tree remote:path
@@ -1513,7 +1537,7 @@ htpasswd -B htpasswd anotherUser

You can use any of the filtering options with the tree command (eg --include and --exclude). You can also use --fast-list.

The tree command has many options for controlling the listing which are compatible with the tree command. Note that not all of them have short options as they conflict with rclone's short options.

rclone tree remote:path [flags]




  -a, --all             All files are listed (list . files too).
   -C, --color           Turn colorization on always.
   -d, --dirs-only       List directories only.
@@ -1592,7 +1616,7 @@ htpasswd -B htpasswd anotherUser

This can be used when scripting to make aged backups efficiently, eg

rclone sync remote:current-backup remote:previous-backup
 rclone sync /path/to/files remote:current-backup




Rclone has a number of options to control its behaviour.

Options which use TIME use the go time parser. A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".

Options which use SIZE use kByte by default. However, a suffix of b for bytes, k for kBytes, M for MBytes, G for GBytes, T for TBytes and P for PBytes may be used. These are the binary units, eg 1, 2**10, 2**20, 2**30 respectively.

@@ -1949,7 +1973,7 @@ export RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS

Environment Variables

Rclone can be configured entirely using environment variables. These can be used to set defaults for options or config file entries.





Every option in rclone can have its default set by environment variable.

To find the name of the environment variable, first, take the long option name, strip the leading --, change - to _, make upper case and prepend RCLONE_.

For example, to always set --stats 5s, set the environment variable RCLONE_STATS=5s. If you set stats on the command line this will override the environment variable setting.

@@ -2067,6 +2091,13 @@ y/e/d>
\*.jpg       - matches "*.jpg"
 \\.jpg       - matches "\.jpg"
 \[one\].jpg  - matches "[one].jpg"

Patterns are case sensitive unless the --ignore-case flag is used.


Without --ignore-case (default)

potato - matches "potato"
+       - doesn't match "POTATO"

With --ignore-case

potato - matches "potato"
+       - matches "POTATO"

Note also that rclone filter globs can only be used in one of the filter command line flags, not in the specification of the remote, so rclone copy "remote:dir*.jpg" /path/to/dir won't work - what is required is rclone --include "*.jpg" copy remote:dir /path/to/dir


Rclone keeps track of directories that could match any file patterns.

@@ -2167,6 +2198,7 @@ file2.avi

This example will include all jpg and png files, exclude any files matching secret*.jpg and include file2.avi. It will also include everything in the directory dir at the root of the sync, except dir/Trash which it will exclude. Everything else will be excluded from the sync.

--files-from - Read list of source-file names

This reads a list of file names from the file passed in and only these files are transferred. The filtering rules are ignored completely if you use this option.


Rclone will not scan any directories if you use --files-from it will just look at the files specified. Rclone will not error if any of the files are missing from the source.

This option can be repeated to read from more than one file. These are read in the order that they are placed on the command line.

Paths within the --files-from file will be interpreted as starting with the root specified in the command. Leading / characters are ignored.

For example, suppose you had files-from.txt with this content:

@@ -2236,6 +2268,9 @@ user2/stuff

--dump filters - dump the filters to the output

This dumps the defined filters to the output as regular expressions.

Useful for debugging.


--ignore-case - make searches case insensitive


Normally filter patterns are case sensitive. If this flag is supplied then filter patterns become case insensitive.


Normally a --include "file.txt" will not match a file called FILE.txt. However if you use the --ignore-case flag then --include "file.txt" this will match a file called FILE.txt.

Quoting shell metacharacters

The examples above may not work verbatim in your shell as they have shell metacharacters in them (eg *), and may require quoting.

Eg linux, OSX

@@ -2260,32 +2295,45 @@ dir1/dir2/dir3/.ignore

Currently only one filename is supported, i.e. --exclude-if-present should not be used multiple times.

Remote controlling rclone

If rclone is run with the --rc flag then it starts an http server which can be used to remote control rclone.


If you just want to run a remote control then see the rcd command.

NB this is experimental and everything here is subject to change!

Supported parameters





Flag to start the http server listen on remote requests





IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572")





SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate)





Client certificate authority to verify clients with





htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done





SSL PEM Private key





Maximum size of request header (default 4096)





User name for authentication.





Password for authentication.





Realm for authentication (default "rclone")





Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s)





Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s)




Enable the serving of remote objects via the HTTP interface. This means objects will be accessible at by default, so you can browse to or* to see a listing of the remotes. Objects may be requested from remotes using this syntax[remote:path]/path/to/object


Default Off.


--rc-files /path/to/directory


Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server.


If this is set then rclone will serve the files in that directory. It will also open the root in the web browser if specified. This is for implementing browser based GUIs for rclone functions.


If --rc-user or --rc-pass is set then the URL that is opened will have the authorization in the URL in the http://user:pass@localhost/ style.


Default Off.




By default rclone will require authorisation to have been set up on the rc interface in order to use any methods which access any rclone remotes. Eg operations/list is denied as it involved creating a remote as is sync/copy.


If this is set then no authorisation will be required on the server to use these methods. The alternative is to use --rc-user and --rc-pass and use these credentials in the request.


Default Off.

Accessing the remote control via the rclone rc command

Rclone itself implements the remote control protocol in its rclone rc command.

You can use it like this

@@ -2295,6 +2343,61 @@ dir1/dir2/dir3/.ignore "param2": "two" }

Run rclone rc on its own to see the help for the installed remote control commands.


rclone rc also supports a --json flag which can be used to send more complicated input parameters.

$ rclone rc --json '{ "p1": [1,"2",null,4], "p2": { "a":1, "b":2 } }' rc/noop
+    "p1": [
+        1,
+        "2",
+        null,
+        4
+    ],
+    "p2": {
+        "a": 1,
+        "b": 2
+    }

Special parameters


The rc interface supports some special parameters which apply to all commands. These start with _ to show they are different.


Running asynchronous jobs with _async = true


If _async has a true value when supplied to an rc call then it will return immediately with a job id and the task will be run in the background. The job/status call can be used to get information of the background job. The job can be queried for up to 1 minute after it has finished.


It is recommended that potentially long running jobs, eg sync/sync, sync/copy, sync/move, operations/purge are run with the _async flag to avoid any potential problems with the HTTP request and response timing out.


Starting a job with the _async flag:

$ rclone rc --json '{ "p1": [1,"2",null,4], "p2": { "a":1, "b":2 }, "_async": true }' rc/noop
+    "jobid": 2

Query the status to see if the job has finished. For more information on the meaning of these return parameters see the job/status call.

$ rclone rc --json '{ "jobid":2 }' job/status
+    "duration": 0.000124163,
+    "endTime": "2018-10-27T11:38:07.911245881+01:00",
+    "error": "",
+    "finished": true,
+    "id": 2,
+    "output": {
+        "_async": true,
+        "p1": [
+            1,
+            "2",
+            null,
+            4
+        ],
+        "p2": {
+            "a": 1,
+            "b": 2
+        }
+    },
+    "startTime": "2018-10-27T11:38:07.911121728+01:00",
+    "success": true

job/list can be used to show the running or recently completed jobs

$ rclone rc job/list
+    "jobids": [
+        2
+    ]

Supported commands

cache/expire: Purge a remote from cache

@@ -2312,6 +2415,52 @@ rclone rc cache/expire remote=/ withData=true

File names will automatically be encrypted when the a crypt remote is used on top of the cache.

cache/stats: Get cache stats

Show statistics for the cache remote.


config/create: create the config for a remote.


This takes the following parameters

+ +

See the config create command command for more information on the above.


Authentication is required for this call.


config/delete: Delete a remote in the config file.


Parameters: - name - name of remote to delete


See the config delete command command for more information on the above.


Authentication is required for this call.


config/dump: Dumps the config file.


Returns a JSON object: - key: value


Where keys are remote names and values are the config parameters.


See the config dump command command for more information on the above.


Authentication is required for this call.


config/get: Get a remote in the config file.


Parameters: - name - name of remote to get


See the config dump command command for more information on the above.


Authentication is required for this call.


config/listremotes: Lists the remotes in the config file.


Returns - remotes - array of remote names


See the listremotes command command for more information on the above.


Authentication is required for this call.


config/password: password the config for a remote.


This takes the following parameters

+ +

See the config password command command for more information on the above.


Authentication is required for this call.


config/providers: Shows how providers are configured in the config file.


Returns a JSON object: - providers - array of objects


See the config providers command command for more information on the above.


Authentication is required for this call.


config/update: update the config for a remote.


This takes the following parameters

+ +

See the config update command command for more information on the above.


Authentication is required for this call.

core/bwlimit: Set the bandwidth limit.

This sets the bandwidth limit to that passed in.


@@ -2329,6 +2478,9 @@ rclone rc core/bwlimit rate=off
  • Sys: this is the total amount of memory requested from the OS
  • It is virtual memory so may include unused memory
  • +

    core/obscure: Obscures a string passed in.


    Pass a clear string and rclone will obscure it for the config file: - clear - string


    Returns - obscured - string

    core/pid: Return PID of current process

    This returns PID of current process. Useful for stopping rclone process.

    core/stats: Returns stats about current transfers.

    @@ -2362,12 +2514,191 @@ rclone rc core/bwlimit rate=off [] }

    Values for "transferring", "checking" and "lastError" are only assigned if data is available. The value for "eta" is null if an eta cannot be determined.


    core/version: Shows the current version of rclone and the go runtime.


    This shows the current version of go and the go runtime - version - rclone version, eg "v1.44" - decomposed - version number as [major, minor, patch, subpatch] - note patch and subpatch will be 999 for a git compiled version - isGit - boolean - true if this was compiled from the git version - os - OS in use as according to Go - arch - cpu architecture in use according to Go - goVersion - version of Go runtime in use


    job/list: Lists the IDs of the running jobs


    Parameters - None


    Results - jobids - array of integer job ids


    job/status: Reads the status of the job ID


    Parameters - jobid - id of the job (integer)


    Results - finished - boolean - duration - time in seconds that the job ran for - endTime - time the job finished (eg "2018-10-26T18:50:20.528746884+01:00") - error - error from the job or empty string for no error - finished - boolean whether the job has finished or not - id - as passed in above - startTime - time the job started (eg "2018-10-26T18:50:20.528336039+01:00") - success - boolean - true for success false otherwise - output - output of the job as would have been returned if called synchronously


    operations/about: Return the space used on the remote


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    The result is as returned from rclone about --json


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/cleanup: Remove trashed files in the remote or path


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    See the cleanup command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/copyfile: Copy a file from source remote to destination remote


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    This returns - jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/copyurl: Copy the URL to the object


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    See the copyurl command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/delete: Remove files in the path


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    See the delete command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/deletefile: Remove the single file pointed to


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    See the deletefile command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/list: List the given remote and path in JSON format


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    The result is

    + +

    See the lsjson command for more information on the above and examples.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/mkdir: Make a destination directory or container


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    See the mkdir command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/movefile: Move a file from source remote to destination remote


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    This returns - jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/purge: Remove a directory or container and all of its contents


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    See the purge command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/rmdir: Remove an empty directory or container


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    See the rmdir command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/rmdirs: Remove all the empty directories in the path


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    See the rmdirs command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    operations/size: Count the number of bytes and files in remote


    This takes the following parameters

    + +


    + +

    See the size command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    options/blocks: List all the option blocks


    Returns - options - a list of the options block names


    options/get: Get all the options


    Returns an object where keys are option block names and values are an object with the current option values in.


    This shows the internal names of the option within rclone which should map to the external options very easily with a few exceptions.


    options/set: Set an option



    + +

    Repeated as often as required.


    Only supply the options you wish to change. If an option is unknown it will be silently ignored. Not all options will have an effect when changed like this.

    rc/error: This returns an error

    This returns an error with the input as part of its error string. Useful for testing error handling.

    rc/list: List all the registered remote control commands

    This lists all the registered remote control commands as a JSON map in the commands response.

    rc/noop: Echo the input to the output parameters

    This echoes the input parameters to the output parameters for testing purposes. It can be used to check that rclone is still alive and to check that parameter passing is working properly.


    rc/noopauth: Echo the input to the output parameters requiring auth


    This echoes the input parameters to the output parameters for testing purposes. It can be used to check that rclone is still alive and to check that parameter passing is working properly.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    sync/copy: copy a directory from source remote to destination remote


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    This returns - jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status


    See the copy command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    sync/move: move a directory from source remote to destination remote


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    This returns - jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status


    See the move command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.


    sync/sync: sync a directory from source remote to destination remote


    This takes the following parameters

    + +

    This returns - jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status


    See the sync command command for more information on the above.


    Authentication is required for this call.

    vfs/forget: Forget files or directories in the directory cache.

    This forgets the paths in the directory cache causing them to be re-read from the remote when needed.

    If no paths are passed in then it will forget all the paths in the directory cache.

    @@ -2395,17 +2726,29 @@ rclone rc core/bwlimit rate=off

    All calls must made using POST.

    The input objects can be supplied using URL parameters, POST parameters or by supplying "Content-Type: application/json" and a JSON blob in the body. There are examples of these below using curl.

    The response will be a JSON blob in the body of the response. This is formatted to be reasonably human readable.


    If an error occurs then there will be an HTTP error status (usually 400) and the body of the response will contain a JSON encoded error object.


    Error returns


    If an error occurs then there will be an HTTP error status (eg 500) and the body of the response will contain a JSON encoded error object, eg

    +    "error": "Expecting string value for key \"remote\" (was float64)",
    +    "input": {
    +        "fs": "/tmp",
    +        "remote": 3
    +    },
    +    "status": 400
    +    "path": "operations/rmdir",

    The keys in the error response are - error - error string - input - the input parameters to the call - status - the HTTP status code - path - the path of the call



    The sever implements basic CORS support and allows all origins for that. The response to a preflight OPTIONS request will echo the requested "Access-Control-Request-Headers" back.

    Using POST with URL parameters only

    curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?potato=1&sausage=2'
    curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?potato=1&sausage=2'


         "potato": "1",
         "sausage": "2"

    Here is what an error response looks like:

    curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error/?potato=1&sausage=2'
    curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error?potato=1&sausage=2'
         "error": "arbitrary error on input map[potato:1 sausage:2]",
         "input": {
    @@ -2414,19 +2757,19 @@ rclone rc core/bwlimit rate=off
    } }

    Note that curl doesn't return errors to the shell unless you use the -f option

    $ curl -f -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error/?potato=1&sausage=2'
    $ curl -f -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error?potato=1&sausage=2'
     curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 400 Bad Request
     $ echo $?

    Using POST with a form

    curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/
    curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" http://localhost:5572/rc/noop


         "potato": "1",
         "sausage": "2"

    Note that you can combine these with URL parameters too with the POST parameters taking precedence.

    curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" "http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?rutabaga=3&sausage=4"
    curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" "http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?rutabaga=3&sausage=4"


         "potato": "1",
    @@ -2435,14 +2778,14 @@ $ echo $?

    Using POST with a JSON blob

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/
    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' http://localhost:5572/rc/noop


         "password": "xyz",
         "username": "xyz"

    This can be combined with URL parameters too if required. The JSON blob takes precedence.

    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?rutabaga=3&potato=4'
    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?rutabaga=3&potato=4'
         "potato": 2,
         "rutabaga": "3",
    @@ -2451,7 +2794,8 @@ $ echo $?

    Debugging rclone with pprof

    If you use the --rc flag this will also enable the use of the go profiling tools on the same port.

    To use these, first install go.


    Then (for example) to profile rclone's memory use you can run:


    Debugging memory use


    To profile rclone's memory use you can run:

    go tool pprof -web http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/heap

    This should open a page in your browser showing what is using what memory.

    You can also use the -text flag to produce a textual summary

    @@ -2470,9 +2814,17 @@ Showing nodes accounting for 1537.03kB, 100% of 1537.03kB total 0 0% 100% 513kB 33.38% net/http.(*conn).readRequest 0 0% 100% 513kB 33.38% net/http.(*conn).serve 0 0% 100% 1024.03kB 66.62% runtime.main

    Possible profiles to look at:


    Debugging go routine leaks


    Memory leaks are most often caused by go routine leaks keeping memory alive which should have been garbage collected.


    See all active go routines using

    curl http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1

    Or go to http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 in your browser.


    Other profiles to look at


    You can see a summary of profiles available at http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/


    Here is how to use some of them:

    @@ -2961,14 +3313,14 @@ Showing nodes accounting for 1537.03kB, 100% of 1537.03kB total Yandex Disk Yes -No -No +Yes +Yes +Yes +Yes No Yes Yes Yes -No #2178 -No The local filesystem @@ -3951,7 +4303,11 @@ y/e/d>
  • "s3.wasabisys.com"
  • +
  • "s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com" +
  • @@ -4170,7 +4526,9 @@ y/e/d>
  • Default: ""
  • --s3-acl


    Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. For more info visit https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl


    Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects.


    For more info visit https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl


    Note that this ACL is applied when server side copying objects as S3 doesn't copy the ACL from the source but rather writes a fresh one.




    Impersonate this user when using a business account.



    Note that Dropbox is case insensitive so you can't have a file called "Hello.doc" and one called "hello.doc".

    @@ -7731,6 +8097,7 @@ y) Yes this is OK e) Edit this remote d) Delete this remote y/e/d> y +

    NOTE: The encryption keys need to have been already generated after a regular login via the browser, otherwise attempting to use the credentials in rclone will fail.

    Once configured you can then use rclone like this,

    List directories in top level of your Mega

    rclone lsd remote:
    @@ -8126,6 +8493,7 @@ y/e/d> y

    Note that OneDrive is case insensitive so you can't have a file called "Hello.doc" and one called "hello.doc".

    There are quite a few characters that can't be in OneDrive file names. These can't occur on Windows platforms, but on non-Windows platforms they are common. Rclone will map these names to and from an identical looking unicode equivalent. For example if a file has a ? in it will be mapped to instead.

    The largest allowed file size is 10GiB (10,737,418,240 bytes).


    OneDrive seems to be OK with at least 50,000 files in a folder, but at 100,000 rclone will get errors listing the directory like couldn’t list files: UnknownError:. See #2707 for more info.

    Versioning issue

    Every change in OneDrive causes the service to create a new version. This counts against a users quota. For example changing the modification time of a file creates a second version, so the file is using twice the space.

    The copy is the only rclone command affected by this as we copy the file and then afterwards set the modification time to match the source file.

    @@ -8428,7 +8796,7 @@ y/e/d> y

    Advanced Options

    Here are the advanced options specific to qingstor (QingCloud Object Storage).



    Number of connnection retries.


    Number of connection retries.


    Advanced Options


    Here are the advanced options specific to yandex (Yandex Disk).

    + +

    Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. Default is false, meaning link command will create or retrieve public link.


    Local Filesystem

    Local paths are specified as normal filesystem paths, eg /path/to/wherever, so

    @@ -9674,7 +10052,7 @@ nounc = true -

    Advanced Options


    Advanced Options

    Here are the advanced options specific to local (Local Disk).

    Follow symlinks and copy the pointed to item.

    @@ -9721,6 +10099,115 @@ nounc = true



    v1.45 - 2018-11-24


    v1.44 - 2018-10-15

    Contact the rclone project


    diff --git a/MANUAL.md b/MANUAL.md index 64063b5e2..14b102955 100644 --- a/MANUAL.md +++ b/MANUAL.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ % rclone(1) User Manual % Nick Craig-Wood -% Oct 15, 2018 +% Nov 24, 2018 Rclone ====== @@ -313,6 +313,8 @@ written a trailing / - meaning "copy the contents of this directory". This applies to all commands and whether you are talking about the source or destination. +**Note**: Use the `-P`/`--progress` flag to view real-time transfer statistics + ``` rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] @@ -350,6 +352,8 @@ extended explanation in the `copy` command above if unsure. If dest:path doesn't exist, it is created and the source:path contents go there. +**Note**: Use the `-P`/`--progress` flag to view real-time transfer statistics + ``` rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] @@ -387,6 +391,8 @@ If you want to delete empty source directories after move, use the --delete-empt **Important**: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the --dry-run flag. +**Note**: Use the `-P`/`--progress` flag to view real-time transfer statistics. + ``` rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] @@ -406,9 +412,13 @@ Remove the contents of path. ### Synopsis -Remove the contents of path. Unlike `purge` it obeys include/exclude +Remove the files in path. Unlike `purge` it obeys include/exclude filters so can be used to selectively delete files. +`rclone delete` only deletes objects but leaves the directory structure +alone. If you want to delete a directory and all of its contents use +`rclone purge` + Eg delete all files bigger than 100MBytes Check what would be deleted first (use either) @@ -1289,6 +1299,8 @@ This doesn't transfer unchanged files, testing by size and modification time or MD5SUM. It doesn't delete files from the destination. +**Note**: Use the `-P`/`--progress` flag to view real-time transfer statistics + ``` rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] @@ -1940,7 +1952,7 @@ systems are a long way from 100% reliable. The rclone sync/copy commands cope with this with lots of retries. However rclone mount can't use retries in the same way without making local copies of the uploads. Look at the [file caching](#file-caching) -for solutions to make mount mount more reliable. +for solutions to make mount more reliable. ### Attribute caching @@ -2208,6 +2220,8 @@ transfer. **Important**: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the --dry-run flag. +**Note**: Use the `-P`/`--progress` flag to view real-time transfer statistics. + ``` rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] @@ -2245,13 +2259,17 @@ Here are the keys - press '?' to toggle the help on and off c toggle counts g toggle graph n,s,C sort by name,size,count + d delete file/directory ^L refresh screen ? to toggle help on and off q/ESC/c-C to quit This an homage to the [ncdu tool](https://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu) but for -rclone remotes. It is missing lots of features at the moment, most -importantly deleting files, but is useful as it stands. +rclone remotes. It is missing lots of features at the moment +but is useful as it stands. + +Note that it might take some time to delete big files/folders. The +UI won't respond in the meantime since the deletion is done synchronously. ``` @@ -2289,13 +2307,25 @@ Run a command against a running rclone. ### Synopsis -This runs a command against a running rclone. By default it will use -that specified in the --rc-addr command. + +This runs a command against a running rclone. Use the --url flag to +specify an non default URL to connect on. This can be either a +":port" which is taken to mean "http://localhost:port" or a +"host:port" which is taken to mean "http://host:port" + +A username and password can be passed in with --user and --pass. + +Note that --rc-addr, --rc-user, --rc-pass will be read also for --url, +--user, --pass. Arguments should be passed in as parameter=value. The result will be returned as a JSON object by default. +The --json parameter can be used to pass in a JSON blob as an input +instead of key=value arguments. This is the only way of passing in +more complicated values. + Use "rclone rc" to see a list of all possible commands. ``` @@ -2305,9 +2335,12 @@ rclone rc commands parameter [flags] ### Options ``` - -h, --help help for rc - --no-output If set don't output the JSON result. - --url string URL to connect to rclone remote control. (default "http://localhost:5572/") + -h, --help help for rc + --json string Input JSON - use instead of key=value args. + --no-output If set don't output the JSON result. + --pass string Password to use to connect to rclone remote control. + --url string URL to connect to rclone remote control. (default "http://localhost:5572/") + --user string Username to use to rclone remote control. ``` ## rclone rcat @@ -2350,6 +2383,34 @@ rclone rcat remote:path [flags] -h, --help help for rcat ``` +## rclone rcd + +Run rclone listening to remote control commands only. + +### Synopsis + + +This runs rclone so that it only listents to remote control commands. + +This is useful if you are controlling rclone via the rc API. + +If you pass in a path to a directory, rclone will serve that directory +for GET requests on the URL passed in. It will also open the URL in +the browser when rclone is run. + +See the [rc documentation](https://rclone.org/rc/) for more info on the rc flags. + + +``` +rclone rcd * [flags] +``` + +### Options + +``` + -h, --help help for rcd +``` + ## rclone rmdirs Remove empty directories under the path. @@ -4677,6 +4738,18 @@ Special characters can be escaped with a `\` before them. \\.jpg - matches "\.jpg" \[one\].jpg - matches "[one].jpg" +Patterns are case sensitive unless the `--ignore-case` flag is used. + +Without `--ignore-case` (default) + + potato - matches "potato" + - doesn't match "POTATO" + +With `--ignore-case` + + potato - matches "potato" + - matches "POTATO" + Note also that rclone filter globs can only be used in one of the filter command line flags, not in the specification of the remote, so `rclone copy "remote:dir*.jpg" /path/to/dir` won't work - what is @@ -4887,6 +4960,10 @@ This reads a list of file names from the file passed in and **only** these files are transferred. The **filtering rules are ignored** completely if you use this option. +Rclone will not scan any directories if you use `--files-from` it will +just look at the files specified. Rclone will not error if any of the +files are missing from the source. + This option can be repeated to read from more than one file. These are read in the order that they are placed on the command line. @@ -5021,6 +5098,15 @@ This dumps the defined filters to the output as regular expressions. Useful for debugging. +### `--ignore-case` - make searches case insensitive ### + +Normally filter patterns are case sensitive. If this flag is supplied +then filter patterns become case insensitive. + +Normally a `--include "file.txt"` will not match a file called +`FILE.txt`. However if you use the `--ignore-case` flag then +`--include "file.txt"` this will match a file called `FILE.txt`. + ## Quoting shell metacharacters ## The examples above may not work verbatim in your shell as they have @@ -5063,46 +5149,95 @@ should not be used multiple times. If rclone is run with the `--rc` flag then it starts an http server which can be used to remote control rclone. +If you just want to run a remote control then see the [rcd command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_rcd/). + **NB** this is experimental and everything here is subject to change! ## Supported parameters -#### --rc #### +### --rc + Flag to start the http server listen on remote requests -#### --rc-addr=IP #### +### --rc-addr=IP + IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") -#### --rc-cert=KEY #### +### --rc-cert=KEY SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) -#### --rc-client-ca=PATH #### +### --rc-client-ca=PATH Client certificate authority to verify clients with -#### --rc-htpasswd=PATH #### +### --rc-htpasswd=PATH + htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done -#### --rc-key=PATH #### +### --rc-key=PATH + SSL PEM Private key -#### --rc-max-header-bytes=VALUE #### +### --rc-max-header-bytes=VALUE + Maximum size of request header (default 4096) -#### --rc-user=VALUE #### +### --rc-user=VALUE + User name for authentication. -#### --rc-pass=VALUE #### +### --rc-pass=VALUE + Password for authentication. -#### --rc-realm=VALUE #### +### --rc-realm=VALUE + Realm for authentication (default "rclone") -#### --rc-server-read-timeout=DURATION #### +### --rc-server-read-timeout=DURATION + Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) -#### --rc-server-write-timeout=DURATION #### +### --rc-server-write-timeout=DURATION + Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) +### --rc-serve + +Enable the serving of remote objects via the HTTP interface. This +means objects will be accessible at by default, +so you can browse to or* +to see a listing of the remotes. Objects may be requested from +remotes using this syntax[remote:path]/path/to/object + +Default Off. + +### --rc-files /path/to/directory + +Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. + +If this is set then rclone will serve the files in that directory. It +will also open the root in the web browser if specified. This is for +implementing browser based GUIs for rclone functions. + +If `--rc-user` or `--rc-pass` is set then the URL that is opened will +have the authorization in the URL in the `http://user:pass@localhost/` +style. + +Default Off. + +### --rc-no-auth + +By default rclone will require authorisation to have been set up on +the rc interface in order to use any methods which access any rclone +remotes. Eg `operations/list` is denied as it involved creating a +remote as is `sync/copy`. + +If this is set then no authorisation will be required on the server to +use these methods. The alternative is to use `--rc-user` and +`--rc-pass` and use these credentials in the request. + +Default Off. + ## Accessing the remote control via the rclone rc command Rclone itself implements the remote control protocol in its `rclone @@ -5121,6 +5256,92 @@ $ rclone rc rc/noop param1=one param2=two Run `rclone rc` on its own to see the help for the installed remote control commands. +`rclone rc` also supports a `--json` flag which can be used to send +more complicated input parameters. + +``` +$ rclone rc --json '{ "p1": [1,"2",null,4], "p2": { "a":1, "b":2 } }' rc/noop +{ + "p1": [ + 1, + "2", + null, + 4 + ], + "p2": { + "a": 1, + "b": 2 + } +} +``` + +## Special parameters + +The rc interface supports some special parameters which apply to +**all** commands. These start with `_` to show they are different. + +### Running asynchronous jobs with _async = true + +If `_async` has a true value when supplied to an rc call then it will +return immediately with a job id and the task will be run in the +background. The `job/status` call can be used to get information of +the background job. The job can be queried for up to 1 minute after +it has finished. + +It is recommended that potentially long running jobs, eg `sync/sync`, +`sync/copy`, `sync/move`, `operations/purge` are run with the `_async` +flag to avoid any potential problems with the HTTP request and +response timing out. + +Starting a job with the `_async` flag: + +``` +$ rclone rc --json '{ "p1": [1,"2",null,4], "p2": { "a":1, "b":2 }, "_async": true }' rc/noop +{ + "jobid": 2 +} +``` + +Query the status to see if the job has finished. For more information +on the meaning of these return parameters see the `job/status` call. + +``` +$ rclone rc --json '{ "jobid":2 }' job/status +{ + "duration": 0.000124163, + "endTime": "2018-10-27T11:38:07.911245881+01:00", + "error": "", + "finished": true, + "id": 2, + "output": { + "_async": true, + "p1": [ + 1, + "2", + null, + 4 + ], + "p2": { + "a": 1, + "b": 2 + } + }, + "startTime": "2018-10-27T11:38:07.911121728+01:00", + "success": true +} +``` + +`job/list` can be used to show the running or recently completed jobs + +``` +$ rclone rc job/list +{ + "jobids": [ + 2 + ] +} +``` + ## Supported commands ### cache/expire: Purge a remote from cache @@ -5166,6 +5387,90 @@ is used on top of the cache. Show statistics for the cache remote. +### config/create: create the config for a remote. + +This takes the following parameters + +- name - name of remote +- type - type of new remote +- type - type of the new remote + + +See the [config create command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_create/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### config/delete: Delete a remote in the config file. + +Parameters: +- name - name of remote to delete + +See the [config delete command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_delete/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### config/dump: Dumps the config file. + +Returns a JSON object: +- key: value + +Where keys are remote names and values are the config parameters. + +See the [config dump command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_dump/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### config/get: Get a remote in the config file. + +Parameters: +- name - name of remote to get + +See the [config dump command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_dump/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### config/listremotes: Lists the remotes in the config file. + +Returns +- remotes - array of remote names + +See the [listremotes command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_listremotes/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### config/password: password the config for a remote. + +This takes the following parameters + +- name - name of remote +- type - type of new remote + + +See the [config password command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_password/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### config/providers: Shows how providers are configured in the config file. + +Returns a JSON object: +- providers - array of objects + +See the [config providers command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_providers/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### config/update: update the config for a remote. + +This takes the following parameters + +- name - name of remote +- type - type of new remote + + +See the [config update command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_update/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + ### core/bwlimit: Set the bandwidth limit. This sets the bandwidth limit to that passed in. @@ -5196,6 +5501,14 @@ The most interesting values for most people are: * Sys: this is the total amount of memory requested from the OS * It is virtual memory so may include unused memory +### core/obscure: Obscures a string passed in. + +Pass a clear string and rclone will obscure it for the config file: +- clear - string + +Returns +- obscured - string + ### core/pid: Return PID of current process This returns PID of current process. @@ -5240,6 +5553,230 @@ Returns the following values: Values for "transferring", "checking" and "lastError" are only assigned if data is available. The value for "eta" is null if an eta cannot be determined. +### core/version: Shows the current version of rclone and the go runtime. + +This shows the current version of go and the go runtime +- version - rclone version, eg "v1.44" +- decomposed - version number as [major, minor, patch, subpatch] + - note patch and subpatch will be 999 for a git compiled version +- isGit - boolean - true if this was compiled from the git version +- os - OS in use as according to Go +- arch - cpu architecture in use according to Go +- goVersion - version of Go runtime in use + +### job/list: Lists the IDs of the running jobs + +Parameters - None + +Results +- jobids - array of integer job ids + +### job/status: Reads the status of the job ID + +Parameters +- jobid - id of the job (integer) + +Results +- finished - boolean +- duration - time in seconds that the job ran for +- endTime - time the job finished (eg "2018-10-26T18:50:20.528746884+01:00") +- error - error from the job or empty string for no error +- finished - boolean whether the job has finished or not +- id - as passed in above +- startTime - time the job started (eg "2018-10-26T18:50:20.528336039+01:00") +- success - boolean - true for success false otherwise +- output - output of the job as would have been returned if called synchronously + +### operations/about: Return the space used on the remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" + +The result is as returned from rclone about --json + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/cleanup: Remove trashed files in the remote or path + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" + +See the [cleanup command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_cleanup/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/copyfile: Copy a file from source remote to destination remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- srcFs - a remote name string eg "drive:" for the source +- srcRemote - a path within that remote eg "file.txt" for the source +- dstFs - a remote name string eg "drive2:" for the destination +- dstRemote - a path within that remote eg "file2.txt" for the destination + +This returns +- jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/copyurl: Copy the URL to the object + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" +- url - string, URL to read from + +See the [copyurl command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_copyurl/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/delete: Remove files in the path + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" + +See the [delete command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_delete/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/deletefile: Remove the single file pointed to + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" + +See the [deletefile command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_deletefile/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/list: List the given remote and path in JSON format + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" +- opt - a dictionary of options to control the listing (optional) + - recurse - If set recurse directories + - noModTime - If set return modification time + - showEncrypted - If set show decrypted names + - showOrigIDs - If set show the IDs for each item if known + - showHash - If set return a dictionary of hashes + +The result is + +- list + - This is an array of objects as described in the lsjson command + +See the lsjson command for more information on the above and examples. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/mkdir: Make a destination directory or container + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" + +See the [mkdir command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_mkdir/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/movefile: Move a file from source remote to destination remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- srcFs - a remote name string eg "drive:" for the source +- srcRemote - a path within that remote eg "file.txt" for the source +- dstFs - a remote name string eg "drive2:" for the destination +- dstRemote - a path within that remote eg "file2.txt" for the destination + +This returns +- jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/purge: Remove a directory or container and all of its contents + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" + +See the [purge command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_purge/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/rmdir: Remove an empty directory or container + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" + +See the [rmdir command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_rmdir/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/rmdirs: Remove all the empty directories in the path + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" +- leaveRoot - boolean, set to true not to delete the root + +See the [rmdirs command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_rmdirs/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### operations/size: Count the number of bytes and files in remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:path/to/dir" + +Returns + +- count - number of files +- bytes - number of bytes in those files + +See the [size command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_size/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### options/blocks: List all the option blocks + +Returns +- options - a list of the options block names + +### options/get: Get all the options + +Returns an object where keys are option block names and values are an +object with the current option values in. + +This shows the internal names of the option within rclone which should +map to the external options very easily with a few exceptions. + +### options/set: Set an option + +Parameters + +- option block name containing an object with + - key: value + +Repeated as often as required. + +Only supply the options you wish to change. If an option is unknown +it will be silently ignored. Not all options will have an effect when +changed like this. + ### rc/error: This returns an error This returns an error with the input as part of its error string. @@ -5256,6 +5793,57 @@ This echoes the input parameters to the output parameters for testing purposes. It can be used to check that rclone is still alive and to check that parameter passing is working properly. +### rc/noopauth: Echo the input to the output parameters requiring auth + +This echoes the input parameters to the output parameters for testing +purposes. It can be used to check that rclone is still alive and to +check that parameter passing is working properly. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### sync/copy: copy a directory from source remote to destination remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- srcFs - a remote name string eg "drive:src" for the source +- dstFs - a remote name string eg "drive:dst" for the destination + +This returns +- jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status + +See the [copy command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_copy/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### sync/move: move a directory from source remote to destination remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- srcFs - a remote name string eg "drive:src" for the source +- dstFs - a remote name string eg "drive:dst" for the destination +- deleteEmptySrcDirs - delete empty src directories if set + +This returns +- jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status + +See the [move command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_move/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +### sync/sync: sync a directory from source remote to destination remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- srcFs - a remote name string eg "drive:src" for the source +- dstFs - a remote name string eg "drive:dst" for the destination + +This returns +- jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status + +See the [sync command](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_sync/) command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + ### vfs/forget: Forget files or directories in the directory cache. This forgets the paths in the directory cache causing them to be @@ -5330,9 +5918,31 @@ blob in the body. There are examples of these below using `curl`. The response will be a JSON blob in the body of the response. This is formatted to be reasonably human readable. -If an error occurs then there will be an HTTP error status (usually -400) and the body of the response will contain a JSON encoded error -object. +### Error returns + +If an error occurs then there will be an HTTP error status (eg 500) +and the body of the response will contain a JSON encoded error object, +eg + +``` +{ + "error": "Expecting string value for key \"remote\" (was float64)", + "input": { + "fs": "/tmp", + "remote": 3 + }, + "status": 400 + "path": "operations/rmdir", +} +``` + +The keys in the error response are +- error - error string +- input - the input parameters to the call +- status - the HTTP status code +- path - the path of the call + +### CORS The sever implements basic CORS support and allows all origins for that. The response to a preflight OPTIONS request will echo the requested "Access-Control-Request-Headers" back. @@ -5340,7 +5950,7 @@ The response to a preflight OPTIONS request will echo the requested "Access-Cont ### Using POST with URL parameters only ``` -curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?potato=1&sausage=2' +curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?potato=1&sausage=2' ``` Response @@ -5355,7 +5965,7 @@ Response Here is what an error response looks like: ``` -curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error/?potato=1&sausage=2' +curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error?potato=1&sausage=2' ``` ``` @@ -5371,7 +5981,7 @@ curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error/?potato=1&sausage=2' Note that curl doesn't return errors to the shell unless you use the `-f` option ``` -$ curl -f -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error/?potato=1&sausage=2' +$ curl -f -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error?potato=1&sausage=2' curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 400 Bad Request $ echo $? 22 @@ -5380,7 +5990,7 @@ $ echo $? ### Using POST with a form ``` -curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/ +curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" http://localhost:5572/rc/noop ``` Response @@ -5396,7 +6006,7 @@ Note that you can combine these with URL parameters too with the POST parameters taking precedence. ``` -curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" "http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?rutabaga=3&sausage=4" +curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" "http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?rutabaga=3&sausage=4" ``` Response @@ -5413,7 +6023,7 @@ Response ### Using POST with a JSON blob ``` -curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/ +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' http://localhost:5572/rc/noop ``` response @@ -5429,7 +6039,7 @@ This can be combined with URL parameters too if required. The JSON blob takes precedence. ``` -curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?rutabaga=3&potato=4' +curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?rutabaga=3&potato=4' ``` ``` @@ -5447,7 +6057,9 @@ profiling tools on the same port. To use these, first [install go](https://golang.org/doc/install). -Then (for example) to profile rclone's memory use you can run: +### Debugging memory use + +To profile rclone's memory use you can run: go tool pprof -web http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/heap @@ -5474,9 +6086,25 @@ Showing nodes accounting for 1537.03kB, 100% of 1537.03kB total 0 0% 100% 1024.03kB 66.62% runtime.main ``` -Possible profiles to look at: +### Debugging go routine leaks + +Memory leaks are most often caused by go routine leaks keeping memory +alive which should have been garbage collected. + +See all active go routines using + + curl http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 + +Or go to http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 in your browser. + +### Other profiles to look at + +You can see a summary of profiles available at http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/ + +Here is how to use some of them: * Memory: `go tool pprof http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/heap` + * Go routines: `curl http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1` * 30-second CPU profile: `go tool pprof http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/profile` * 5-second execution trace: `wget http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/trace?seconds=5` @@ -5629,7 +6257,7 @@ operations more efficient. | QingStor | No | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | No [#2178](https://github.com/ncw/rclone/issues/2178) | No | | SFTP | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | No [#2178](https://github.com/ncw/rclone/issues/2178) | No | | WebDAV | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes ‡ | No [#2178](https://github.com/ncw/rclone/issues/2178) | No | -| Yandex Disk | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No [#2178](https://github.com/ncw/rclone/issues/2178) | No | +| Yandex Disk | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | | The local filesystem | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | ### Purge ### @@ -6748,7 +7376,9 @@ Required when using an S3 clone. - "sgp1.digitaloceanspaces.com" - Digital Ocean Spaces Singapore 1 - "s3.wasabisys.com" - - Wasabi Object Storage + - Wasabi US East endpoint + - "s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com" + - Wasabi US West endpoint #### --s3-location-constraint @@ -6876,9 +7506,13 @@ Leave blank if not sure. Used when creating buckets only. #### --s3-acl -Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. +Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. + For more info visit https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl +Note that this ACL is applied when server side copying objects as S3 +doesn't copy the ACL from the source but rather writes a fresh one. + - Config: acl - Env Var: RCLONE_S3_ACL - Type: string @@ -9585,6 +10219,15 @@ memory. It can be set smaller if you are tight on memory. - Type: SizeSuffix - Default: 48M +#### --dropbox-impersonate + +Impersonate this user when using a business account. + +- Config: impersonate +- Env Var: RCLONE_DROPBOX_IMPERSONATE +- Type: string +- Default: "" + ### Limitations ### @@ -11617,6 +12260,9 @@ d) Delete this remote y/e/d> y ``` +**NOTE:** The encryption keys need to have been already generated after a regular login +via the browser, otherwise attempting to use the credentials in `rclone` will fail. + Once configured you can then use `rclone` like this, List directories in top level of your Mega @@ -11701,12 +12347,10 @@ permanently delete objects instead. ### Limitations ### -This backend uses the [go-mega go -library](https://github.com/t3rm1n4l/go-mega) which is an opensource +This backend uses the [go-mega go library](https://github.com/t3rm1n4l/go-mega) which is an opensource go library implementing the Mega API. There doesn't appear to be any -documentation for the mega protocol beyond the [mega C++ -SDK](https://github.com/meganz/sdk) source code so there are likely -quite a few errors still remaining in this library. +documentation for the mega protocol beyond the [mega C++ SDK](https://github.com/meganz/sdk) source code +so there are likely quite a few errors still remaining in this library. Mega allows duplicate files which may confuse rclone. @@ -12226,6 +12870,11 @@ in it will be mapped to `?` instead. The largest allowed file size is 10GiB (10,737,418,240 bytes). +OneDrive seems to be OK with at least 50,000 files in a folder, but at +100,000 rclone will get errors listing the directory like `couldn’t +list files: UnknownError:`. See +[#2707](https://github.com/ncw/rclone/issues/2707) for more info. + ### Versioning issue ### Every change in OneDrive causes the service to create a new version. @@ -12611,7 +13260,7 @@ Here are the advanced options specific to qingstor (QingCloud Object Storage). #### --qingstor-connection-retries -Number of connnection retries. +Number of connection retries. - Config: connection_retries - Env Var: RCLONE_QINGSTOR_CONNECTION_RETRIES @@ -14098,12 +14747,6 @@ excess files in the path. rclone sync /home/local/directory remote:directory -### --fast-list ### - -This remote supports `--fast-list` which allows you to use fewer -transactions in exchange for more memory. See the [rclone -docs](/docs/#fast-list) for more details. - ### Modified time ### Modified times are supported and are stored accurate to 1 ns in custom @@ -14119,6 +14762,11 @@ If you wish to empty your trash you can use the `rclone cleanup remote:` command which will permanently delete all your trashed files. This command does not take any path arguments. +### Quota information ### + +To view your current quota you can use the `rclone about remote:` +command which will display your usage limit (quota) and the current usage. + ### Standard Options @@ -14144,6 +14792,20 @@ Leave blank normally. - Type: string - Default: "" +### Advanced Options + +Here are the advanced options specific to yandex (Yandex Disk). + +#### --yandex-unlink + +Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. +Default is false, meaning link command will create or retrieve public link. + +- Config: unlink +- Env Var: RCLONE_YANDEX_UNLINK +- Type: bool +- Default: false + Local Filesystem @@ -14385,6 +15047,75 @@ Don't cross filesystem boundaries (unix/macOS only). # Changelog +## v1.45 - 2018-11-24 + +* New backends + * The Yandex backend was re-written - see below for details (Sebastian Bünger) +* New commands + * rcd: New command just to serve the remote control API (Nick Craig-Wood) +* New Features + * The remote control API (rc) was greatly expanded to allow full control over rclone (Nick Craig-Wood) + * sensitive operations require authorization or the `--rc-no-auth` flag + * config/* operations to configure rclone + * options/* for reading/setting command line flags + * operations/* for all low level operations, eg copy file, list directory + * sync/* for sync, copy and move + * `--rc-files` flag to serve files on the rc http server + * this is for building web native GUIs for rclone + * Optionally serving objects on the rc http server + * Ensure rclone fails to start up if the `--rc` port is in use already + * See [the rc docs](https://rclone.org/rc/) for more info + * sync/copy/move + * Make `--files-from` only read the objects specified and don't scan directories (Nick Craig-Wood) + * This is a huge speed improvement for destinations with lots of files + * filter: Add `--ignore-case` flag (Nick Craig-Wood) + * ncdu: Add remove function ('d' key) (Henning Surmeier) + * rc command + * Add `--json` flag for structured JSON input (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Add `--user` and `--pass` flags and interpret `--rc-user`, `--rc-pass`, `--rc-addr` (Nick Craig-Wood) + * build + * Require go1.8 or later for compilation (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Enable softfloat on MIPS arch (Scott Edlund) + * Integration test framework revamped with a better report and better retries (Nick Craig-Wood) +* Bug Fixes + * cmd: Make --progress update the stats correctly at the end (Nick Craig-Wood) + * config: Create config directory on save if it is missing (Nick Craig-Wood) + * dedupe: Check for existing filename before renaming a dupe file (ssaqua) + * move: Don't create directories with --dry-run (Nick Craig-Wood) + * operations: Fix Purge and Rmdirs when dir is not the root (Nick Craig-Wood) + * serve http/webdav/restic: Ensure rclone exits if the port is in use (Nick Craig-Wood) +* Mount + * Make `--volname` work for Windows and macOS (Nick Craig-Wood) +* Azure Blob + * Avoid context deadline exceeded error by setting a large TryTimeout value (brused27) + * Fix erroneous Rmdir error "directory not empty" (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Wait for up to 60s to create a just deleted container (Nick Craig-Wood) +* Dropbox + * Add dropbox impersonate support (Jake Coggiano) +* Jottacloud + * Fix bug in `--fast-list` handing of empty folders (albertony) +* Opendrive + * Fix transfer of files with `+` and `&` in (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Fix retries of upload chunks (Nick Craig-Wood) +* S3 + * Set ACL for server side copies to that provided by the user (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Fix role_arn, credential_source, ... (Erik Swanson) + * Add config info for Wasabi's US-West endpoint (Henry Ptasinski) +* SFTP + * Ensure file hash checking is really disabled (Jon Fautley) +* Swift + * Add pacer for retries to make swift more reliable (Nick Craig-Wood) +* WebDAV + * Add Content-Type to PUT requests (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Fix config parsing so `--webdav-user` and `--webdav-pass` flags work (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Add RFC3339 date format (Ralf Hemberger) +* Yandex + * The yandex backend was re-written (Sebastian Bünger) + * This implements low level retries (Sebastian Bünger) + * Copy, Move, DirMove, PublicLink and About optional interfaces (Sebastian Bünger) + * Improved general error handling (Sebastian Bünger) + * Removed ListR for now due to inconsistent behaviour (Sebastian Bünger) + ## v1.44 - 2018-10-15 * New commands @@ -15989,18 +16720,38 @@ just requires writing the algorithm to do it. ### Can I use rclone with an HTTP proxy? ### -Yes. rclone will use the environment variables `HTTP_PROXY`, -`HTTPS_PROXY` and `NO_PROXY`, similar to cURL and other programs. +Yes. rclone will follow the standard environment variables for +proxies, similar to cURL and other programs. -`HTTPS_PROXY` takes precedence over `HTTP_PROXY` for https requests. +In general the variables are called `http_proxy` (for services reached +over `http`) and `https_proxy` (for services reached over `https`). Most +public services will be using `https`, but you may wish to set both. -The environment values may be either a complete URL or a "host[:port]", -in which case the "http" scheme is assumed. +If you ever use `FTP` then you would need to set `ftp_proxy`. + +The content of the variable is `protocol://server:port`. The protocol +value is the one used to talk to the proxy server, itself, and is commonly +either `http` or `socks5`. + +Slightly annoyingly, there is no _standard_ for the name; some applications +may use `http_proxy` but another one `HTTP_PROXY`. The `Go` libraries +used by `rclone` will try both variations, but you may wish to set all +possibilities. So, on Linux, you may end up with code similar to + + export http_proxy=http://proxyserver:12345 + export https_proxy=$http_proxy + export HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy + export HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy The `NO_PROXY` allows you to disable the proxy for specific hosts. Hosts must be comma separated, and can contain domains or parts. For instance "foo.com" also matches "bar.foo.com". +e.g. + + export no_proxy=localhost,,my.host.name + export NO_PROXY=$no_proxy + ### Rclone gives x509: failed to load system roots and no roots provided error ### This means that `rclone` can't file the SSL root certificates. Likely @@ -16158,7 +16909,7 @@ Contributors * Marvin Watson * Danny Tsai * Yoni Jah - * Stephen Harris + * Stephen Harris * Ihor Dvoretskyi * Jon Craton * Hraban Luyat @@ -16300,6 +17051,15 @@ Contributors * David Haguenauer * teresy * buergi + * Florian Gamboeck + * Ralf Hemberger <10364191+rhemberger@users.noreply.github.com> + * Scott Edlund + * Erik Swanson + * Jake Coggiano + * brused27 + * Peter Kaminski + * Henry Ptasinski + * Alexander # Contact the rclone project # diff --git a/MANUAL.txt b/MANUAL.txt index 1579ecff5..4e1545f59 100644 --- a/MANUAL.txt +++ b/MANUAL.txt @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ rclone(1) User Manual Nick Craig-Wood -Oct 15, 2018 +Nov 24, 2018 @@ -318,6 +318,8 @@ written a trailing / - meaning "copy the contents of this directory". This applies to all commands and whether you are talking about the source or destination. +NOTE: Use the -P/--progress flag to view real-time transfer statistics + rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] Options @@ -350,6 +352,8 @@ extended explanation in the copy command above if unsure. If dest:path doesn't exist, it is created and the source:path contents go there. +NOTE: Use the -P/--progress flag to view real-time transfer statistics + rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] Options @@ -382,6 +386,8 @@ If you want to delete empty source directories after move, use the IMPORTANT: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the --dry-run flag. +NOTE: Use the -P/--progress flag to view real-time transfer statistics. + rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] Options @@ -396,8 +402,12 @@ Remove the contents of path. Synopsis -Remove the contents of path. Unlike purge it obeys include/exclude -filters so can be used to selectively delete files. +Remove the files in path. Unlike purge it obeys include/exclude filters +so can be used to selectively delete files. + +rclone delete only deletes objects but leaves the directory structure +alone. If you want to delete a directory and all of its contents use +rclone purge Eg delete all files bigger than 100MBytes @@ -1169,6 +1179,8 @@ This will: This doesn't transfer unchanged files, testing by size and modification time or MD5SUM. It doesn't delete files from the destination. +NOTE: Use the -P/--progress flag to view real-time transfer statistics + rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] Options @@ -1735,7 +1747,7 @@ File systems expect things to be 100% reliable, whereas cloud storage systems are a long way from 100% reliable. The rclone sync/copy commands cope with this with lots of retries. However rclone mount can't use retries in the same way without making local copies of the uploads. Look -at the file caching for solutions to make mount mount more reliable. +at the file caching for solutions to make mount more reliable. Attribute caching @@ -1996,6 +2008,8 @@ time or MD5SUM. src will be deleted on successful transfer. IMPORTANT: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the --dry-run flag. +NOTE: Use the -P/--progress flag to view real-time transfer statistics. + rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] Options @@ -2026,13 +2040,16 @@ Here are the keys - press '?' to toggle the help on and off c toggle counts g toggle graph n,s,C sort by name,size,count + d delete file/directory ^L refresh screen ? to toggle help on and off q/ESC/c-C to quit This an homage to the ncdu tool but for rclone remotes. It is missing -lots of features at the moment, most importantly deleting files, but is -useful as it stands. +lots of features at the moment but is useful as it stands. + +Note that it might take some time to delete big files/folders. The UI +won't respond in the meantime since the deletion is done synchronously. rclone ncdu remote:path [flags] @@ -2062,22 +2079,36 @@ Run a command against a running rclone. Synopsis -This runs a command against a running rclone. By default it will use -that specified in the --rc-addr command. +This runs a command against a running rclone. Use the --url flag to +specify an non default URL to connect on. This can be either a ":port" +which is taken to mean "http://localhost:port" or a "host:port" which is +taken to mean "http://host:port" + +A username and password can be passed in with --user and --pass. + +Note that --rc-addr, --rc-user, --rc-pass will be read also for --url, +--user, --pass. Arguments should be passed in as parameter=value. The result will be returned as a JSON object by default. +The --json parameter can be used to pass in a JSON blob as an input +instead of key=value arguments. This is the only way of passing in more +complicated values. + Use "rclone rc" to see a list of all possible commands. rclone rc commands parameter [flags] Options - -h, --help help for rc - --no-output If set don't output the JSON result. - --url string URL to connect to rclone remote control. (default "http://localhost:5572/") + -h, --help help for rc + --json string Input JSON - use instead of key=value args. + --no-output If set don't output the JSON result. + --pass string Password to use to connect to rclone remote control. + --url string URL to connect to rclone remote control. (default "http://localhost:5572/") + --user string Username to use to rclone remote control. rclone rcat @@ -2115,6 +2146,29 @@ Options -h, --help help for rcat +rclone rcd + +Run rclone listening to remote control commands only. + +Synopsis + +This runs rclone so that it only listents to remote control commands. + +This is useful if you are controlling rclone via the rc API. + +If you pass in a path to a directory, rclone will serve that directory +for GET requests on the URL passed in. It will also open the URL in the +browser when rclone is run. + +See the rc documentation for more info on the rc flags. + + rclone rcd * [flags] + +Options + + -h, --help help for rcd + + rclone rmdirs Remove empty directories under the path. @@ -4372,6 +4426,18 @@ Special characters can be escaped with a \ before them. \\.jpg - matches "\.jpg" \[one\].jpg - matches "[one].jpg" +Patterns are case sensitive unless the --ignore-case flag is used. + +Without --ignore-case (default) + + potato - matches "potato" + - doesn't match "POTATO" + +With --ignore-case + + potato - matches "potato" + - matches "POTATO" + Note also that rclone filter globs can only be used in one of the filter command line flags, not in the specification of the remote, so rclone copy "remote:dir*.jpg" /path/to/dir won't work - what is required @@ -4582,6 +4648,10 @@ This reads a list of file names from the file passed in and ONLY these files are transferred. The FILTERING RULES ARE IGNORED completely if you use this option. +Rclone will not scan any directories if you use --files-from it will +just look at the files specified. Rclone will not error if any of the +files are missing from the source. + This option can be repeated to read from more than one file. These are read in the order that they are placed on the command line. @@ -4713,6 +4783,15 @@ This dumps the defined filters to the output as regular expressions. Useful for debugging. +--ignore-case - make searches case insensitive + +Normally filter patterns are case sensitive. If this flag is supplied +then filter patterns become case insensitive. + +Normally a --include "file.txt" will not match a file called FILE.txt. +However if you use the --ignore-case flag then --include "file.txt" this +will match a file called FILE.txt. + Quoting shell metacharacters @@ -4760,6 +4839,8 @@ REMOTE CONTROLLING RCLONE If rclone is run with the --rc flag then it starts an http server which can be used to remote control rclone. +If you just want to run a remote control then see the rcd command. + NB this is experimental and everything here is subject to change! @@ -4813,6 +4894,42 @@ Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) +--rc-serve + +Enable the serving of remote objects via the HTTP interface. This means +objects will be accessible at by default, so you +can browse to or* to see a +listing of the remotes. Objects may be requested from remotes using this +syntax[remote:path]/path/to/object + +Default Off. + +--rc-files /path/to/directory + +Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. + +If this is set then rclone will serve the files in that directory. It +will also open the root in the web browser if specified. This is for +implementing browser based GUIs for rclone functions. + +If --rc-user or --rc-pass is set then the URL that is opened will have +the authorization in the URL in the http://user:pass@localhost/ style. + +Default Off. + +--rc-no-auth + +By default rclone will require authorisation to have been set up on the +rc interface in order to use any methods which access any rclone +remotes. Eg operations/list is denied as it involved creating a remote +as is sync/copy. + +If this is set then no authorisation will be required on the server to +use these methods. The alternative is to use --rc-user and --rc-pass and +use these credentials in the request. + +Default Off. + Accessing the remote control via the rclone rc command @@ -4830,6 +4947,85 @@ You can use it like this Run rclone rc on its own to see the help for the installed remote control commands. +rclone rc also supports a --json flag which can be used to send more +complicated input parameters. + + $ rclone rc --json '{ "p1": [1,"2",null,4], "p2": { "a":1, "b":2 } }' rc/noop + { + "p1": [ + 1, + "2", + null, + 4 + ], + "p2": { + "a": 1, + "b": 2 + } + } + + +Special parameters + +The rc interface supports some special parameters which apply to ALL +commands. These start with _ to show they are different. + +Running asynchronous jobs with _async = true + +If _async has a true value when supplied to an rc call then it will +return immediately with a job id and the task will be run in the +background. The job/status call can be used to get information of the +background job. The job can be queried for up to 1 minute after it has +finished. + +It is recommended that potentially long running jobs, eg sync/sync, +sync/copy, sync/move, operations/purge are run with the _async flag to +avoid any potential problems with the HTTP request and response timing +out. + +Starting a job with the _async flag: + + $ rclone rc --json '{ "p1": [1,"2",null,4], "p2": { "a":1, "b":2 }, "_async": true }' rc/noop + { + "jobid": 2 + } + +Query the status to see if the job has finished. For more information on +the meaning of these return parameters see the job/status call. + + $ rclone rc --json '{ "jobid":2 }' job/status + { + "duration": 0.000124163, + "endTime": "2018-10-27T11:38:07.911245881+01:00", + "error": "", + "finished": true, + "id": 2, + "output": { + "_async": true, + "p1": [ + 1, + "2", + null, + 4 + ], + "p2": { + "a": 1, + "b": 2 + } + }, + "startTime": "2018-10-27T11:38:07.911121728+01:00", + "success": true + } + +job/list can be used to show the running or recently completed jobs + + $ rclone rc job/list + { + "jobids": [ + 2 + ] + } + Supported commands @@ -4874,6 +5070,84 @@ cache/stats: Get cache stats Show statistics for the cache remote. +config/create: create the config for a remote. + +This takes the following parameters + +- name - name of remote +- type - type of new remote +- type - type of the new remote + +See the config create command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +config/delete: Delete a remote in the config file. + +Parameters: - name - name of remote to delete + +See the config delete command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +config/dump: Dumps the config file. + +Returns a JSON object: - key: value + +Where keys are remote names and values are the config parameters. + +See the config dump command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +config/get: Get a remote in the config file. + +Parameters: - name - name of remote to get + +See the config dump command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +config/listremotes: Lists the remotes in the config file. + +Returns - remotes - array of remote names + +See the listremotes command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +config/password: password the config for a remote. + +This takes the following parameters + +- name - name of remote +- type - type of new remote + +See the config password command command for more information on the +above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +config/providers: Shows how providers are configured in the config file. + +Returns a JSON object: - providers - array of objects + +See the config providers command command for more information on the +above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +config/update: update the config for a remote. + +This takes the following parameters + +- name - name of remote +- type - type of new remote + +See the config update command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + core/bwlimit: Set the bandwidth limit. This sets the bandwidth limit to that passed in. @@ -4906,6 +5180,13 @@ The most interesting values for most people are: - Sys: this is the total amount of memory requested from the OS - It is virtual memory so may include unused memory +core/obscure: Obscures a string passed in. + +Pass a clear string and rclone will obscure it for the config file: - +clear - string + +Returns - obscured - string + core/pid: Return PID of current process This returns PID of current process. Useful for stopping rclone process. @@ -4949,6 +5230,224 @@ Values for "transferring", "checking" and "lastError" are only assigned if data is available. The value for "eta" is null if an eta cannot be determined. +core/version: Shows the current version of rclone and the go runtime. + +This shows the current version of go and the go runtime - version - +rclone version, eg "v1.44" - decomposed - version number as [major, +minor, patch, subpatch] - note patch and subpatch will be 999 for a git +compiled version - isGit - boolean - true if this was compiled from the +git version - os - OS in use as according to Go - arch - cpu +architecture in use according to Go - goVersion - version of Go runtime +in use + +job/list: Lists the IDs of the running jobs + +Parameters - None + +Results - jobids - array of integer job ids + +job/status: Reads the status of the job ID + +Parameters - jobid - id of the job (integer) + +Results - finished - boolean - duration - time in seconds that the job +ran for - endTime - time the job finished (eg +"2018-10-26T18:50:20.528746884+01:00") - error - error from the job or +empty string for no error - finished - boolean whether the job has +finished or not - id - as passed in above - startTime - time the job +started (eg "2018-10-26T18:50:20.528336039+01:00") - success - boolean - +true for success false otherwise - output - output of the job as would +have been returned if called synchronously + +operations/about: Return the space used on the remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" + +The result is as returned from rclone about --json + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/cleanup: Remove trashed files in the remote or path + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" + +See the cleanup command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/copyfile: Copy a file from source remote to destination remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- srcFs - a remote name string eg "drive:" for the source +- srcRemote - a path within that remote eg "file.txt" for the source +- dstFs - a remote name string eg "drive2:" for the destination +- dstRemote - a path within that remote eg "file2.txt" for the + destination + +This returns - jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/copyurl: Copy the URL to the object + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" +- url - string, URL to read from + +See the copyurl command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/delete: Remove files in the path + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" + +See the delete command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/deletefile: Remove the single file pointed to + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" + +See the deletefile command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/list: List the given remote and path in JSON format + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" +- opt - a dictionary of options to control the listing (optional) + - recurse - If set recurse directories + - noModTime - If set return modification time + - showEncrypted - If set show decrypted names + - showOrigIDs - If set show the IDs for each item if known + - showHash - If set return a dictionary of hashes + +The result is + +- list + - This is an array of objects as described in the lsjson command + +See the lsjson command for more information on the above and examples. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/mkdir: Make a destination directory or container + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" + +See the mkdir command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/movefile: Move a file from source remote to destination remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- srcFs - a remote name string eg "drive:" for the source +- srcRemote - a path within that remote eg "file.txt" for the source +- dstFs - a remote name string eg "drive2:" for the destination +- dstRemote - a path within that remote eg "file2.txt" for the + destination + +This returns - jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/purge: Remove a directory or container and all of its contents + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" + +See the purge command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/rmdir: Remove an empty directory or container + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" + +See the rmdir command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/rmdirs: Remove all the empty directories in the path + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:" +- remote - a path within that remote eg "dir" +- leaveRoot - boolean, set to true not to delete the root + +See the rmdirs command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +operations/size: Count the number of bytes and files in remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- fs - a remote name string eg "drive:path/to/dir" + +Returns + +- count - number of files +- bytes - number of bytes in those files + +See the size command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +options/blocks: List all the option blocks + +Returns - options - a list of the options block names + +options/get: Get all the options + +Returns an object where keys are option block names and values are an +object with the current option values in. + +This shows the internal names of the option within rclone which should +map to the external options very easily with a few exceptions. + +options/set: Set an option + +Parameters + +- option block name containing an object with +- key: value + +Repeated as often as required. + +Only supply the options you wish to change. If an option is unknown it +will be silently ignored. Not all options will have an effect when +changed like this. + rc/error: This returns an error This returns an error with the input as part of its error string. Useful @@ -4965,6 +5464,54 @@ This echoes the input parameters to the output parameters for testing purposes. It can be used to check that rclone is still alive and to check that parameter passing is working properly. +rc/noopauth: Echo the input to the output parameters requiring auth + +This echoes the input parameters to the output parameters for testing +purposes. It can be used to check that rclone is still alive and to +check that parameter passing is working properly. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +sync/copy: copy a directory from source remote to destination remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- srcFs - a remote name string eg "drive:src" for the source +- dstFs - a remote name string eg "drive:dst" for the destination + +This returns - jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status + +See the copy command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +sync/move: move a directory from source remote to destination remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- srcFs - a remote name string eg "drive:src" for the source +- dstFs - a remote name string eg "drive:dst" for the destination +- deleteEmptySrcDirs - delete empty src directories if set + +This returns - jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status + +See the move command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + +sync/sync: sync a directory from source remote to destination remote + +This takes the following parameters + +- srcFs - a remote name string eg "drive:src" for the source +- dstFs - a remote name string eg "drive:dst" for the destination + +This returns - jobid - ID of async job to query with job/status + +See the sync command command for more information on the above. + +Authentication is required for this call. + vfs/forget: Forget files or directories in the directory cache. This forgets the paths in the directory cache causing them to be re-read @@ -5036,8 +5583,26 @@ body. There are examples of these below using curl. The response will be a JSON blob in the body of the response. This is formatted to be reasonably human readable. -If an error occurs then there will be an HTTP error status (usually 400) -and the body of the response will contain a JSON encoded error object. +Error returns + +If an error occurs then there will be an HTTP error status (eg 500) and +the body of the response will contain a JSON encoded error object, eg + + { + "error": "Expecting string value for key \"remote\" (was float64)", + "input": { + "fs": "/tmp", + "remote": 3 + }, + "status": 400 + "path": "operations/rmdir", + } + +The keys in the error response are - error - error string - input - the +input parameters to the call - status - the HTTP status code - path - +the path of the call + +CORS The sever implements basic CORS support and allows all origins for that. The response to a preflight OPTIONS request will echo the requested @@ -5045,7 +5610,7 @@ The response to a preflight OPTIONS request will echo the requested Using POST with URL parameters only - curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?potato=1&sausage=2' + curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?potato=1&sausage=2' Response @@ -5056,7 +5621,7 @@ Response Here is what an error response looks like: - curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error/?potato=1&sausage=2' + curl -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error?potato=1&sausage=2' { "error": "arbitrary error on input map[potato:1 sausage:2]", @@ -5069,14 +5634,14 @@ Here is what an error response looks like: Note that curl doesn't return errors to the shell unless you use the -f option - $ curl -f -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error/?potato=1&sausage=2' + $ curl -f -X POST 'http://localhost:5572/rc/error?potato=1&sausage=2' curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 400 Bad Request $ echo $? 22 Using POST with a form - curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/ + curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" http://localhost:5572/rc/noop Response @@ -5088,7 +5653,7 @@ Response Note that you can combine these with URL parameters too with the POST parameters taking precedence. - curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" "http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?rutabaga=3&sausage=4" + curl --data "potato=1" --data "sausage=2" "http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?rutabaga=3&sausage=4" Response @@ -5100,7 +5665,7 @@ Response Using POST with a JSON blob - curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/ + curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' http://localhost:5572/rc/noop response @@ -5112,7 +5677,7 @@ response This can be combined with URL parameters too if required. The JSON blob takes precedence. - curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?rutabaga=3&potato=4' + curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"potato":2,"sausage":1}' 'http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?rutabaga=3&potato=4' { "potato": 2, @@ -5128,7 +5693,9 @@ profiling tools on the same port. To use these, first install go. -Then (for example) to profile rclone's memory use you can run: +Debugging memory use + +To profile rclone's memory use you can run: go tool pprof -web http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/heap @@ -5153,9 +5720,28 @@ You can also use the -text flag to produce a textual summary 0 0% 100% 513kB 33.38% net/http.(*conn).serve 0 0% 100% 1024.03kB 66.62% runtime.main -Possible profiles to look at: +Debugging go routine leaks + +Memory leaks are most often caused by go routine leaks keeping memory +alive which should have been garbage collected. + +See all active go routines using + + curl http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 + +Or go to http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 in your +browser. + +Other profiles to look at + +You can see a summary of profiles available at +http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/ + +Here is how to use some of them: - Memory: go tool pprof http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/heap +- Go routines: + curl http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 - 30-second CPU profile: go tool pprof http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/profile - 5-second execution trace: @@ -5312,7 +5898,7 @@ more efficient. QingStor No Yes No No No Yes No No #2178 No SFTP No No Yes Yes No No Yes No #2178 No WebDAV Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes ‡ No #2178 No - Yandex Disk Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No #2178 No + Yandex Disk Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes The local filesystem Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Purge @@ -6419,7 +7005,9 @@ Endpoint for S3 API. Required when using an S3 clone. - "sgp1.digitaloceanspaces.com" - Digital Ocean Spaces Singapore 1 - "s3.wasabisys.com" - - Wasabi Object Storage + - Wasabi US East endpoint + - "s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com" + - Wasabi US West endpoint --s3-location-constraint @@ -6547,10 +7135,14 @@ not sure. Used when creating buckets only. --s3-acl -Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. For -more info visit +Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. + +For more info visit https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl +Note that this ACL is applied when server side copying objects as S3 +doesn't copy the ACL from the source but rather writes a fresh one. + - Config: acl - Env Var: RCLONE_S3_ACL - Type: string @@ -9207,6 +9799,15 @@ can be set smaller if you are tight on memory. - Type: SizeSuffix - Default: 48M +--dropbox-impersonate + +Impersonate this user when using a business account. + +- Config: impersonate +- Env Var: RCLONE_DROPBOX_IMPERSONATE +- Type: string +- Default: "" + Limitations Note that Dropbox is case insensitive so you can't have a file called @@ -11204,6 +11805,10 @@ This will guide you through an interactive setup process: d) Delete this remote y/e/d> y +NOTE: The encryption keys need to have been already generated after a +regular login via the browser, otherwise attempting to use the +credentials in rclone will fail. + Once configured you can then use rclone like this, List directories in top level of your Mega @@ -11805,6 +12410,10 @@ mapped to ? instead. The largest allowed file size is 10GiB (10,737,418,240 bytes). +OneDrive seems to be OK with at least 50,000 files in a folder, but at +100,000 rclone will get errors listing the directory like +couldn’t list files: UnknownError:. See #2707 for more info. + Versioning issue Every change in OneDrive causes the service to create a new version. @@ -12188,7 +12797,7 @@ Storage). --qingstor-connection-retries -Number of connnection retries. +Number of connection retries. - Config: connection_retries - Env Var: RCLONE_QINGSTOR_CONNECTION_RETRIES @@ -13644,12 +14253,6 @@ in the path. rclone sync /home/local/directory remote:directory ---fast-list - -This remote supports --fast-list which allows you to use fewer -transactions in exchange for more memory. See the rclone docs for more -details. - Modified time Modified times are supported and are stored accurate to 1 ns in custom @@ -13665,6 +14268,11 @@ If you wish to empty your trash you can use the rclone cleanup remote: command which will permanently delete all your trashed files. This command does not take any path arguments. +Quota information + +To view your current quota you can use the rclone about remote: command +which will display your usage limit (quota) and the current usage. + Standard Options Here are the standard options specific to yandex (Yandex Disk). @@ -13687,6 +14295,21 @@ Yandex Client Secret Leave blank normally. - Type: string - Default: "" +Advanced Options + +Here are the advanced options specific to yandex (Yandex Disk). + +--yandex-unlink + +Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than +creating. Default is false, meaning link command will create or retrieve +public link. + +- Config: unlink +- Env Var: RCLONE_YANDEX_UNLINK +- Type: bool +- Default: false + Local Filesystem @@ -13909,6 +14532,99 @@ Don't cross filesystem boundaries (unix/macOS only). CHANGELOG +v1.45 - 2018-11-24 + +- New backends + - The Yandex backend was re-written - see below for details + (Sebastian Bünger) +- New commands + - rcd: New command just to serve the remote control API (Nick + Craig-Wood) +- New Features + - The remote control API (rc) was greatly expanded to allow full + control over rclone (Nick Craig-Wood) + - sensitive operations require authorization or the + --rc-no-auth flag + - config/* operations to configure rclone + - options/* for reading/setting command line flags + - operations/* for all low level operations, eg copy file, + list directory + - sync/* for sync, copy and move + - --rc-files flag to serve files on the rc http server + - this is for building web native GUIs for rclone + - Optionally serving objects on the rc http server + - Ensure rclone fails to start up if the --rc port is in use + already + - See the rc docs for more info + - sync/copy/move + - Make --files-from only read the objects specified and don't + scan directories (Nick Craig-Wood) + - This is a huge speed improvement for destinations with + lots of files + - filter: Add --ignore-case flag (Nick Craig-Wood) + - ncdu: Add remove function ('d' key) (Henning Surmeier) + - rc command + - Add --json flag for structured JSON input (Nick Craig-Wood) + - Add --user and --pass flags and interpret --rc-user, + --rc-pass, --rc-addr (Nick Craig-Wood) + - build + - Require go1.8 or later for compilation (Nick Craig-Wood) + - Enable softfloat on MIPS arch (Scott Edlund) + - Integration test framework revamped with a better report and + better retries (Nick Craig-Wood) +- Bug Fixes + - cmd: Make --progress update the stats correctly at the end (Nick + Craig-Wood) + - config: Create config directory on save if it is missing (Nick + Craig-Wood) + - dedupe: Check for existing filename before renaming a dupe file + (ssaqua) + - move: Don't create directories with --dry-run (Nick Craig-Wood) + - operations: Fix Purge and Rmdirs when dir is not the root (Nick + Craig-Wood) + - serve http/webdav/restic: Ensure rclone exits if the port is in + use (Nick Craig-Wood) +- Mount + - Make --volname work for Windows and macOS (Nick Craig-Wood) +- Azure Blob + - Avoid context deadline exceeded error by setting a large + TryTimeout value (brused27) + - Fix erroneous Rmdir error "directory not empty" (Nick + Craig-Wood) + - Wait for up to 60s to create a just deleted container (Nick + Craig-Wood) +- Dropbox + - Add dropbox impersonate support (Jake Coggiano) +- Jottacloud + - Fix bug in --fast-list handing of empty folders (albertony) +- Opendrive + - Fix transfer of files with + and & in (Nick Craig-Wood) + - Fix retries of upload chunks (Nick Craig-Wood) +- S3 + - Set ACL for server side copies to that provided by the user + (Nick Craig-Wood) + - Fix role_arn, credential_source, ... (Erik Swanson) + - Add config info for Wasabi's US-West endpoint (Henry Ptasinski) +- SFTP + - Ensure file hash checking is really disabled (Jon Fautley) +- Swift + - Add pacer for retries to make swift more reliable (Nick + Craig-Wood) +- WebDAV + - Add Content-Type to PUT requests (Nick Craig-Wood) + - Fix config parsing so --webdav-user and --webdav-pass flags work + (Nick Craig-Wood) + - Add RFC3339 date format (Ralf Hemberger) +- Yandex + - The yandex backend was re-written (Sebastian Bünger) + - This implements low level retries (Sebastian Bünger) + - Copy, Move, DirMove, PublicLink and About optional + interfaces (Sebastian Bünger) + - Improved general error handling (Sebastian Bünger) + - Removed ListR for now due to inconsistent behaviour + (Sebastian Bünger) + + v1.44 - 2018-10-15 - New commands @@ -15802,18 +16518,38 @@ requires writing the algorithm to do it. Can I use rclone with an HTTP proxy? -Yes. rclone will use the environment variables HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY -and NO_PROXY, similar to cURL and other programs. +Yes. rclone will follow the standard environment variables for proxies, +similar to cURL and other programs. -HTTPS_PROXY takes precedence over HTTP_PROXY for https requests. +In general the variables are called http_proxy (for services reached +over http) and https_proxy (for services reached over https). Most +public services will be using https, but you may wish to set both. -The environment values may be either a complete URL or a "host[:port]", -in which case the "http" scheme is assumed. +If you ever use FTP then you would need to set ftp_proxy. + +The content of the variable is protocol://server:port. The protocol +value is the one used to talk to the proxy server, itself, and is +commonly either http or socks5. + +Slightly annoyingly, there is no _standard_ for the name; some +applications may use http_proxy but another one HTTP_PROXY. The Go +libraries used by rclone will try both variations, but you may wish to +set all possibilities. So, on Linux, you may end up with code similar to + + export http_proxy=http://proxyserver:12345 + export https_proxy=$http_proxy + export HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy + export HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy The NO_PROXY allows you to disable the proxy for specific hosts. Hosts must be comma separated, and can contain domains or parts. For instance "foo.com" also matches "bar.foo.com". +e.g. + + export no_proxy=localhost,,my.host.name + export NO_PROXY=$no_proxy + Rclone gives x509: failed to load system roots and no roots provided error This means that rclone can't file the SSL root certificates. Likely you @@ -15966,7 +16702,7 @@ Contributors - Marvin Watson marvwatson@users.noreply.github.com - Danny Tsai danny8376@gmail.com - Yoni Jah yonjah+git@gmail.com yonjah+github@gmail.com -- Stephen Harris github@spuddy.org +- Stephen Harris github@spuddy.org sweharris@users.noreply.github.com - Ihor Dvoretskyi ihor.dvoretskyi@gmail.com - Jon Craton jncraton@gmail.com - Hraban Luyat hraban@0brg.net @@ -16111,6 +16847,15 @@ Contributors - David Haguenauer ml@kurokatta.org - teresy hi.teresy@gmail.com - buergi patbuergi@gmx.de +- Florian Gamboeck mail@floga.de +- Ralf Hemberger 10364191+rhemberger@users.noreply.github.com +- Scott Edlund sedlund@users.noreply.github.com +- Erik Swanson erik@retailnext.net +- Jake Coggiano jake@stripe.com +- brused27 brused27@noemailaddress +- Peter Kaminski kaminski@istori.com +- Henry Ptasinski henry@logout.com +- Alexander kharkovalexander@gmail.com diff --git a/docs/content/cache.md b/docs/content/cache.md index 83d72df61..cc9bde8b5 100644 --- a/docs/content/cache.md +++ b/docs/content/cache.md @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ The remote name is used as the DB file name. - Config: db_path - Env Var: RCLONE_CACHE_DB_PATH - Type: string -- Default: "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend" +- Default: "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend" #### --cache-chunk-path @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ then "--cache-chunk-path" will use the same path as "--cache-db-path". - Config: chunk_path - Env Var: RCLONE_CACHE_CHUNK_PATH - Type: string -- Default: "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend" +- Default: "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend" #### --cache-db-purge diff --git a/docs/content/changelog.md b/docs/content/changelog.md index f8e07b5c0..882fa3b39 100644 --- a/docs/content/changelog.md +++ b/docs/content/changelog.md @@ -1,11 +1,80 @@ --- title: "Documentation" description: "Rclone Changelog" -date: "2018-10-15" +date: "2018-11-24" --- # Changelog +## v1.45 - 2018-11-24 + +* New backends + * The Yandex backend was re-written - see below for details (Sebastian Bünger) +* New commands + * rcd: New command just to serve the remote control API (Nick Craig-Wood) +* New Features + * The remote control API (rc) was greatly expanded to allow full control over rclone (Nick Craig-Wood) + * sensitive operations require authorization or the `--rc-no-auth` flag + * config/* operations to configure rclone + * options/* for reading/setting command line flags + * operations/* for all low level operations, eg copy file, list directory + * sync/* for sync, copy and move + * `--rc-files` flag to serve files on the rc http server + * this is for building web native GUIs for rclone + * Optionally serving objects on the rc http server + * Ensure rclone fails to start up if the `--rc` port is in use already + * See [the rc docs](https://rclone.org/rc/) for more info + * sync/copy/move + * Make `--files-from` only read the objects specified and don't scan directories (Nick Craig-Wood) + * This is a huge speed improvement for destinations with lots of files + * filter: Add `--ignore-case` flag (Nick Craig-Wood) + * ncdu: Add remove function ('d' key) (Henning Surmeier) + * rc command + * Add `--json` flag for structured JSON input (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Add `--user` and `--pass` flags and interpret `--rc-user`, `--rc-pass`, `--rc-addr` (Nick Craig-Wood) + * build + * Require go1.8 or later for compilation (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Enable softfloat on MIPS arch (Scott Edlund) + * Integration test framework revamped with a better report and better retries (Nick Craig-Wood) +* Bug Fixes + * cmd: Make --progress update the stats correctly at the end (Nick Craig-Wood) + * config: Create config directory on save if it is missing (Nick Craig-Wood) + * dedupe: Check for existing filename before renaming a dupe file (ssaqua) + * move: Don't create directories with --dry-run (Nick Craig-Wood) + * operations: Fix Purge and Rmdirs when dir is not the root (Nick Craig-Wood) + * serve http/webdav/restic: Ensure rclone exits if the port is in use (Nick Craig-Wood) +* Mount + * Make `--volname` work for Windows and macOS (Nick Craig-Wood) +* Azure Blob + * Avoid context deadline exceeded error by setting a large TryTimeout value (brused27) + * Fix erroneous Rmdir error "directory not empty" (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Wait for up to 60s to create a just deleted container (Nick Craig-Wood) +* Dropbox + * Add dropbox impersonate support (Jake Coggiano) +* Jottacloud + * Fix bug in `--fast-list` handing of empty folders (albertony) +* Opendrive + * Fix transfer of files with `+` and `&` in (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Fix retries of upload chunks (Nick Craig-Wood) +* S3 + * Set ACL for server side copies to that provided by the user (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Fix role_arn, credential_source, ... (Erik Swanson) + * Add config info for Wasabi's US-West endpoint (Henry Ptasinski) +* SFTP + * Ensure file hash checking is really disabled (Jon Fautley) +* Swift + * Add pacer for retries to make swift more reliable (Nick Craig-Wood) +* WebDAV + * Add Content-Type to PUT requests (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Fix config parsing so `--webdav-user` and `--webdav-pass` flags work (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Add RFC3339 date format (Ralf Hemberger) +* Yandex + * The yandex backend was re-written (Sebastian Bünger) + * This implements low level retries (Sebastian Bünger) + * Copy, Move, DirMove, PublicLink and About optional interfaces (Sebastian Bünger) + * Improved general error handling (Sebastian Bünger) + * Removed ListR for now due to inconsistent behaviour (Sebastian Bünger) + ## v1.44 - 2018-10-15 * New commands diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone.md index 8666d0d08..a79ba4147 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone" slug: rclone url: /commands/rclone/ @@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ rclone [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ rclone [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ rclone [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ rclone [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ rclone [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ rclone [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -215,18 +217,21 @@ rclone [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -287,7 +292,7 @@ rclone [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) -V, --version Print the version number --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) @@ -297,6 +302,7 @@ rclone [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO @@ -337,6 +343,7 @@ rclone [flags] * [rclone purge](/commands/rclone_purge/) - Remove the path and all of its contents. * [rclone rc](/commands/rclone_rc/) - Run a command against a running rclone. * [rclone rcat](/commands/rclone_rcat/) - Copies standard input to file on remote. +* [rclone rcd](/commands/rclone_rcd/) - Run rclone listening to remote control commands only. * [rclone rmdir](/commands/rclone_rmdir/) - Remove the path if empty. * [rclone rmdirs](/commands/rclone_rmdirs/) - Remove empty directories under the path. * [rclone serve](/commands/rclone_serve/) - Serve a remote over a protocol. @@ -348,4 +355,4 @@ rclone [flags] * [rclone tree](/commands/rclone_tree/) - List the contents of the remote in a tree like fashion. * [rclone version](/commands/rclone_version/) - Show the version number. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_about.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_about.md index d64003e6e..48211895d 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_about.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_about.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone about" slug: rclone_about url: /commands/rclone_about/ @@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ rclone about remote: [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ rclone about remote: [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ rclone about remote: [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ rclone about remote: [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ rclone about remote: [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -247,7 +249,7 @@ rclone about remote: [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -257,18 +259,21 @@ rclone about remote: [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -329,7 +334,7 @@ rclone about remote: [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -338,10 +343,11 @@ rclone about remote: [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_authorize.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_authorize.md index 622a48594..d5c7a9fb6 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_authorize.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_authorize.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone authorize" slug: rclone_authorize url: /commands/rclone_authorize/ @@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ rclone authorize [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ rclone authorize [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ rclone authorize [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ rclone authorize [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ rclone authorize [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ rclone authorize [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -216,18 +218,21 @@ rclone authorize [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ rclone authorize [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -297,10 +302,11 @@ rclone authorize [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_cachestats.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_cachestats.md index 426b55ab7..2c18ae5fa 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_cachestats.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_cachestats.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone cachestats" slug: rclone_cachestats url: /commands/rclone_cachestats/ @@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ rclone cachestats source: [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ rclone cachestats source: [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ rclone cachestats source: [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ rclone cachestats source: [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ rclone cachestats source: [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ rclone cachestats source: [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -215,18 +217,21 @@ rclone cachestats source: [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -287,7 +292,7 @@ rclone cachestats source: [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -296,10 +301,11 @@ rclone cachestats source: [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_cat.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_cat.md index f7f8588b1..424a408a2 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_cat.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_cat.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone cat" slug: rclone_cat url: /commands/rclone_cat/ @@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ rclone cat remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ rclone cat remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ rclone cat remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -162,7 +163,7 @@ rclone cat remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -175,6 +176,7 @@ rclone cat remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ rclone cat remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -237,18 +239,21 @@ rclone cat remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -309,7 +314,7 @@ rclone cat remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -318,10 +323,11 @@ rclone cat remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_check.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_check.md index 12f525771..559b085f3 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_check.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_check.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone check" slug: rclone_check url: /commands/rclone_check/ @@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ rclone check source:path dest:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ rclone check source:path dest:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ rclone check source:path dest:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ rclone check source:path dest:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -169,6 +170,7 @@ rclone check source:path dest:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ rclone check source:path dest:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -231,18 +233,21 @@ rclone check source:path dest:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -303,7 +308,7 @@ rclone check source:path dest:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -312,10 +317,11 @@ rclone check source:path dest:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_cleanup.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_cleanup.md index d5a0da62c..3b90cf6cc 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_cleanup.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_cleanup.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone cleanup" slug: rclone_cleanup url: /commands/rclone_cleanup/ @@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ rclone cleanup remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ rclone cleanup remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ rclone cleanup remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ rclone cleanup remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ rclone cleanup remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ rclone cleanup remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -216,18 +218,21 @@ rclone cleanup remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ rclone cleanup remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -297,10 +302,11 @@ rclone cleanup remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config.md index 4a134be20..2748bede0 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone config" slug: rclone_config url: /commands/rclone_config/ @@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ rclone config [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ rclone config [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ rclone config [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ rclone config [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ rclone config [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ rclone config [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -216,18 +218,21 @@ rclone config [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ rclone config [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -297,6 +302,7 @@ rclone config [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO @@ -312,4 +318,4 @@ rclone config [flags] * [rclone config show](/commands/rclone_config_show/) - Print (decrypted) config file, or the config for a single remote. * [rclone config update](/commands/rclone_config_update/) - Update options in an existing remote. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_create.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_create.md index 53aec11ac..027e4e1fd 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_create.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_create.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone config create" slug: rclone_config_create url: /commands/rclone_config_create/ @@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ rclone config create [ ]* [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ rclone config create [ ]* [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ rclone config create [ ]* [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ rclone config create [ ]* [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -159,6 +160,7 @@ rclone config create [ ]* [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -211,7 +213,7 @@ rclone config create [ ]* [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -221,18 +223,21 @@ rclone config create [ ]* [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -293,7 +298,7 @@ rclone config create [ ]* [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -302,10 +307,11 @@ rclone config create [ ]* [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone config](/commands/rclone_config/) - Enter an interactive configuration session. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_delete.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_delete.md index 92c6d536d..74bc62fc4 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_delete.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_delete.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone config delete" slug: rclone_config_delete url: /commands/rclone_config_delete/ @@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ rclone config delete [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ rclone config delete [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ rclone config delete [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ rclone config delete [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ rclone config delete [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ rclone config delete [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -213,18 +215,21 @@ rclone config delete [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -285,7 +290,7 @@ rclone config delete [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -294,10 +299,11 @@ rclone config delete [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone config](/commands/rclone_config/) - Enter an interactive configuration session. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_dump.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_dump.md index 4f0b64685..387d911a5 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_dump.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_dump.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone config dump" slug: rclone_config_dump url: /commands/rclone_config_dump/ @@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ rclone config dump [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ rclone config dump [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ rclone config dump [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ rclone config dump [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ rclone config dump [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ rclone config dump [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -213,18 +215,21 @@ rclone config dump [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -285,7 +290,7 @@ rclone config dump [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -294,10 +299,11 @@ rclone config dump [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone config](/commands/rclone_config/) - Enter an interactive configuration session. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_edit.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_edit.md index 3a6ce7dba..e41065a48 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_edit.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_edit.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone config edit" slug: rclone_config_edit url: /commands/rclone_config_edit/ @@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ rclone config edit [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ rclone config edit [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ rclone config edit [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ rclone config edit [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ rclone config edit [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ rclone config edit [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -216,18 +218,21 @@ rclone config edit [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ rclone config edit [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -297,10 +302,11 @@ rclone config edit [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone config](/commands/rclone_config/) - Enter an interactive configuration session. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_file.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_file.md index d92696629..9769a899e 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_file.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_file.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone config file" slug: rclone_config_file url: /commands/rclone_config_file/ @@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ rclone config file [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ rclone config file [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ rclone config file [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ rclone config file [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ rclone config file [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ rclone config file [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -213,18 +215,21 @@ rclone config file [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -285,7 +290,7 @@ rclone config file [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -294,10 +299,11 @@ rclone config file [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone config](/commands/rclone_config/) - Enter an interactive configuration session. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_password.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_password.md index b1b35b72d..fcf888ec4 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_password.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_password.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone config password" slug: rclone_config_password url: /commands/rclone_config_password/ @@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ rclone config password [ ]+ [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ rclone config password [ ]+ [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ rclone config password [ ]+ [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ rclone config password [ ]+ [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -158,6 +159,7 @@ rclone config password [ ]+ [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ rclone config password [ ]+ [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -220,18 +222,21 @@ rclone config password [ ]+ [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -292,7 +297,7 @@ rclone config password [ ]+ [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -301,10 +306,11 @@ rclone config password [ ]+ [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone config](/commands/rclone_config/) - Enter an interactive configuration session. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_providers.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_providers.md index cd138e300..b21df8b0a 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_providers.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_providers.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone config providers" slug: rclone_config_providers url: /commands/rclone_config_providers/ @@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ rclone config providers [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ rclone config providers [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ rclone config providers [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ rclone config providers [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ rclone config providers [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ rclone config providers [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -213,18 +215,21 @@ rclone config providers [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -285,7 +290,7 @@ rclone config providers [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -294,10 +299,11 @@ rclone config providers [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone config](/commands/rclone_config/) - Enter an interactive configuration session. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_show.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_show.md index 8419d0965..571ba7d60 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_show.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_show.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone config show" slug: rclone_config_show url: /commands/rclone_config_show/ @@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ rclone config show [] [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ rclone config show [] [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ rclone config show [] [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ rclone config show [] [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ rclone config show [] [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ rclone config show [] [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -213,18 +215,21 @@ rclone config show [] [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -285,7 +290,7 @@ rclone config show [] [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -294,10 +299,11 @@ rclone config show [] [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone config](/commands/rclone_config/) - Enter an interactive configuration session. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_update.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_update.md index 742c5222f..21837d398 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_update.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_config_update.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone config update" slug: rclone_config_update url: /commands/rclone_config_update/ @@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ rclone config update [ ]+ [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ rclone config update [ ]+ [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ rclone config update [ ]+ [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ rclone config update [ ]+ [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -158,6 +159,7 @@ rclone config update [ ]+ [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ rclone config update [ ]+ [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -220,18 +222,21 @@ rclone config update [ ]+ [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -292,7 +297,7 @@ rclone config update [ ]+ [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -301,10 +306,11 @@ rclone config update [ ]+ [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone config](/commands/rclone_config/) - Enter an interactive configuration session. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_copy.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_copy.md index 52e6369d4..ea3cb04ae 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_copy.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_copy.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone copy" slug: rclone_copy url: /commands/rclone_copy/ @@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ written a trailing / - meaning "copy the contents of this directory". This applies to all commands and whether you are talking about the source or destination. +**Note**: Use the `-P`/`--progress` flag to view real-time transfer statistics + ``` rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] @@ -96,13 +98,13 @@ rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -127,8 +129,8 @@ rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -160,6 +162,7 @@ rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -174,7 +177,7 @@ rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -187,6 +190,7 @@ rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -239,7 +243,7 @@ rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -249,18 +253,21 @@ rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -321,7 +328,7 @@ rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -330,10 +337,11 @@ rclone copy source:path dest:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_copyto.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_copyto.md index 45b36666d..583e2f039 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_copyto.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_copyto.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone copyto" slug: rclone_copyto url: /commands/rclone_copyto/ @@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ This doesn't transfer unchanged files, testing by size and modification time or MD5SUM. It doesn't delete files from the destination. +**Note**: Use the `-P`/`--progress` flag to view real-time transfer statistics + ``` rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] @@ -86,13 +88,13 @@ rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -117,8 +119,8 @@ rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -150,6 +152,7 @@ rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -164,7 +167,7 @@ rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -177,6 +180,7 @@ rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -229,7 +233,7 @@ rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -239,18 +243,21 @@ rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -311,7 +318,7 @@ rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -320,10 +327,11 @@ rclone copyto source:path dest:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_copyurl.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_copyurl.md index 5d5f5ee05..f06df4758 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_copyurl.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_copyurl.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone copyurl" slug: rclone_copyurl url: /commands/rclone_copyurl/ @@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ rclone copyurl https://example.com dest:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ rclone copyurl https://example.com dest:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ rclone copyurl https://example.com dest:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ rclone copyurl https://example.com dest:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ rclone copyurl https://example.com dest:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ rclone copyurl https://example.com dest:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -216,18 +218,21 @@ rclone copyurl https://example.com dest:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ rclone copyurl https://example.com dest:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -297,10 +302,11 @@ rclone copyurl https://example.com dest:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_cryptcheck.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_cryptcheck.md index a747731b0..fb85b5fc3 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_cryptcheck.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_cryptcheck.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone cryptcheck" slug: rclone_cryptcheck url: /commands/rclone_cryptcheck/ @@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ rclone cryptcheck remote:path cryptedremote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ rclone cryptcheck remote:path cryptedremote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ rclone cryptcheck remote:path cryptedremote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ rclone cryptcheck remote:path cryptedremote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ rclone cryptcheck remote:path cryptedremote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -231,7 +233,7 @@ rclone cryptcheck remote:path cryptedremote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -241,18 +243,21 @@ rclone cryptcheck remote:path cryptedremote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -313,7 +318,7 @@ rclone cryptcheck remote:path cryptedremote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -322,10 +327,11 @@ rclone cryptcheck remote:path cryptedremote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_cryptdecode.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_cryptdecode.md index 2463738e4..e7a49e4fc 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_cryptdecode.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_cryptdecode.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone cryptdecode" slug: rclone_cryptdecode url: /commands/rclone_cryptdecode/ @@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ rclone cryptdecode encryptedremote: encryptedfilename [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ rclone cryptdecode encryptedremote: encryptedfilename [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ rclone cryptdecode encryptedremote: encryptedfilename [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ rclone cryptdecode encryptedremote: encryptedfilename [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ rclone cryptdecode encryptedremote: encryptedfilename [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -215,7 +217,7 @@ rclone cryptdecode encryptedremote: encryptedfilename [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -225,18 +227,21 @@ rclone cryptdecode encryptedremote: encryptedfilename [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -297,7 +302,7 @@ rclone cryptdecode encryptedremote: encryptedfilename [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -306,10 +311,11 @@ rclone cryptdecode encryptedremote: encryptedfilename [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_dbhashsum.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_dbhashsum.md index c89ce78cd..8da564ad1 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_dbhashsum.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_dbhashsum.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone dbhashsum" slug: rclone_dbhashsum url: /commands/rclone_dbhashsum/ @@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ rclone dbhashsum remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ rclone dbhashsum remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ rclone dbhashsum remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ rclone dbhashsum remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ rclone dbhashsum remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -208,7 +210,7 @@ rclone dbhashsum remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -218,18 +220,21 @@ rclone dbhashsum remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -290,7 +295,7 @@ rclone dbhashsum remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -299,10 +304,11 @@ rclone dbhashsum remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_dedupe.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_dedupe.md index acad65614..983ecc969 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_dedupe.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_dedupe.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone dedupe" slug: rclone_dedupe url: /commands/rclone_dedupe/ @@ -141,13 +141,13 @@ rclone dedupe [mode] remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ rclone dedupe [mode] remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ rclone dedupe [mode] remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ rclone dedupe [mode] remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -232,6 +233,7 @@ rclone dedupe [mode] remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -284,7 +286,7 @@ rclone dedupe [mode] remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -294,18 +296,21 @@ rclone dedupe [mode] remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -366,7 +371,7 @@ rclone dedupe [mode] remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -375,10 +380,11 @@ rclone dedupe [mode] remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_delete.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_delete.md index 96544fedd..9d4687d56 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_delete.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_delete.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone delete" slug: rclone_delete url: /commands/rclone_delete/ @@ -11,9 +11,13 @@ Remove the contents of path. ### Synopsis -Remove the contents of path. Unlike `purge` it obeys include/exclude +Remove the files in path. Unlike `purge` it obeys include/exclude filters so can be used to selectively delete files. +`rclone delete` only deletes objects but leaves the directory structure +alone. If you want to delete a directory and all of its contents use +`rclone purge` + Eg delete all files bigger than 100MBytes Check what would be deleted first (use either) @@ -77,13 +81,13 @@ rclone delete remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -108,8 +112,8 @@ rclone delete remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -141,6 +145,7 @@ rclone delete remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -155,7 +160,7 @@ rclone delete remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -168,6 +173,7 @@ rclone delete remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -220,7 +226,7 @@ rclone delete remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -230,18 +236,21 @@ rclone delete remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -302,7 +311,7 @@ rclone delete remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -311,10 +320,11 @@ rclone delete remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_deletefile.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_deletefile.md index 13403a4ae..241d1e575 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_deletefile.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_deletefile.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone deletefile" slug: rclone_deletefile url: /commands/rclone_deletefile/ @@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ rclone deletefile remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ rclone deletefile remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ rclone deletefile remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ rclone deletefile remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -155,6 +156,7 @@ rclone deletefile remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -207,7 +209,7 @@ rclone deletefile remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -217,18 +219,21 @@ rclone deletefile remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -289,7 +294,7 @@ rclone deletefile remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -298,10 +303,11 @@ rclone deletefile remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete.md index 900cb36d2..6f381e2cb 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone genautocomplete" slug: rclone_genautocomplete url: /commands/rclone_genautocomplete/ @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ Run with --help to list the supported shells. --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ Run with --help to list the supported shells. --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ Run with --help to list the supported shells. --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ Run with --help to list the supported shells. --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ Run with --help to list the supported shells. --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -202,7 +204,7 @@ Run with --help to list the supported shells. --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -212,18 +214,21 @@ Run with --help to list the supported shells. --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -284,7 +289,7 @@ Run with --help to list the supported shells. --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -293,6 +298,7 @@ Run with --help to list the supported shells. --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO @@ -301,4 +307,4 @@ Run with --help to list the supported shells. * [rclone genautocomplete bash](/commands/rclone_genautocomplete_bash/) - Output bash completion script for rclone. * [rclone genautocomplete zsh](/commands/rclone_genautocomplete_zsh/) - Output zsh completion script for rclone. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete_bash.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete_bash.md index 48f79e3c8..a1efd2a66 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete_bash.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete_bash.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone genautocomplete bash" slug: rclone_genautocomplete_bash url: /commands/rclone_genautocomplete_bash/ @@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ rclone genautocomplete bash [output_file] [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ rclone genautocomplete bash [output_file] [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ rclone genautocomplete bash [output_file] [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ rclone genautocomplete bash [output_file] [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -166,6 +167,7 @@ rclone genautocomplete bash [output_file] [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ rclone genautocomplete bash [output_file] [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -228,18 +230,21 @@ rclone genautocomplete bash [output_file] [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -300,7 +305,7 @@ rclone genautocomplete bash [output_file] [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -309,10 +314,11 @@ rclone genautocomplete bash [output_file] [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone genautocomplete](/commands/rclone_genautocomplete/) - Output completion script for a given shell. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete_zsh.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete_zsh.md index a04a77ffd..71cec3ab2 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete_zsh.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_genautocomplete_zsh.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone genautocomplete zsh" slug: rclone_genautocomplete_zsh url: /commands/rclone_genautocomplete_zsh/ @@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ rclone genautocomplete zsh [output_file] [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ rclone genautocomplete zsh [output_file] [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ rclone genautocomplete zsh [output_file] [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ rclone genautocomplete zsh [output_file] [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -166,6 +167,7 @@ rclone genautocomplete zsh [output_file] [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ rclone genautocomplete zsh [output_file] [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -228,18 +230,21 @@ rclone genautocomplete zsh [output_file] [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -300,7 +305,7 @@ rclone genautocomplete zsh [output_file] [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -309,10 +314,11 @@ rclone genautocomplete zsh [output_file] [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone genautocomplete](/commands/rclone_genautocomplete/) - Output completion script for a given shell. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_gendocs.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_gendocs.md index cea1d1600..0baf2074b 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_gendocs.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_gendocs.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone gendocs" slug: rclone_gendocs url: /commands/rclone_gendocs/ @@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ rclone gendocs output_directory [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ rclone gendocs output_directory [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ rclone gendocs output_directory [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ rclone gendocs output_directory [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ rclone gendocs output_directory [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ rclone gendocs output_directory [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -216,18 +218,21 @@ rclone gendocs output_directory [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ rclone gendocs output_directory [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -297,10 +302,11 @@ rclone gendocs output_directory [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_hashsum.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_hashsum.md index 88b3191e9..f6583cf3d 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_hashsum.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_hashsum.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone hashsum" slug: rclone_hashsum url: /commands/rclone_hashsum/ @@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ rclone hashsum remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ rclone hashsum remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ rclone hashsum remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ rclone hashsum remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -168,6 +169,7 @@ rclone hashsum remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -220,7 +222,7 @@ rclone hashsum remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -230,18 +232,21 @@ rclone hashsum remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -302,7 +307,7 @@ rclone hashsum remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -311,10 +316,11 @@ rclone hashsum remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_link.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_link.md index 7b6dc6bc3..c51e3758d 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_link.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_link.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone link" slug: rclone_link url: /commands/rclone_link/ @@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ rclone link remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ rclone link remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ rclone link remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ rclone link remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ rclone link remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -213,7 +215,7 @@ rclone link remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -223,18 +225,21 @@ rclone link remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -295,7 +300,7 @@ rclone link remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -304,10 +309,11 @@ rclone link remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_listremotes.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_listremotes.md index 7511cc0b0..753c332d2 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_listremotes.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_listremotes.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone listremotes" slug: rclone_listremotes url: /commands/rclone_listremotes/ @@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ rclone listremotes [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ rclone listremotes [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ rclone listremotes [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ rclone listremotes [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ rclone listremotes [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -208,7 +210,7 @@ rclone listremotes [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -218,18 +220,21 @@ rclone listremotes [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -290,7 +295,7 @@ rclone listremotes [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -299,10 +304,11 @@ rclone listremotes [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_ls.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_ls.md index eac46198f..07e4e1291 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_ls.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_ls.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone ls" slug: rclone_ls url: /commands/rclone_ls/ @@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ rclone ls remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ rclone ls remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ rclone ls remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ rclone ls remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -185,6 +186,7 @@ rclone ls remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ rclone ls remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -247,18 +249,21 @@ rclone ls remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -319,7 +324,7 @@ rclone ls remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -328,10 +333,11 @@ rclone ls remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsd.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsd.md index 1795f08df..7d278db5d 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsd.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsd.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone lsd" slug: rclone_lsd url: /commands/rclone_lsd/ @@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ rclone lsd remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ rclone lsd remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ rclone lsd remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ rclone lsd remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ rclone lsd remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ rclone lsd remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -258,18 +260,21 @@ rclone lsd remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -330,7 +335,7 @@ rclone lsd remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -339,10 +344,11 @@ rclone lsd remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsf.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsf.md index e69cdeac6..7dca13987 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsf.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsf.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone lsf" slug: rclone_lsf url: /commands/rclone_lsf/ @@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ rclone lsf remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ rclone lsf remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ rclone lsf remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ rclone lsf remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -274,6 +275,7 @@ rclone lsf remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -326,7 +328,7 @@ rclone lsf remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -336,18 +338,21 @@ rclone lsf remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -408,7 +413,7 @@ rclone lsf remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -417,10 +422,11 @@ rclone lsf remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsjson.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsjson.md index 88e875a87..5f83b9456 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsjson.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsjson.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone lsjson" slug: rclone_lsjson url: /commands/rclone_lsjson/ @@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ rclone lsjson remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ rclone lsjson remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ rclone lsjson remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ rclone lsjson remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -214,6 +215,7 @@ rclone lsjson remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -266,7 +268,7 @@ rclone lsjson remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -276,18 +278,21 @@ rclone lsjson remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -348,7 +353,7 @@ rclone lsjson remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -357,10 +362,11 @@ rclone lsjson remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsl.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsl.md index 27855f4bd..fd2dc75bc 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsl.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_lsl.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone lsl" slug: rclone_lsl url: /commands/rclone_lsl/ @@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ rclone lsl remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ rclone lsl remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ rclone lsl remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ rclone lsl remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -185,6 +186,7 @@ rclone lsl remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -237,7 +239,7 @@ rclone lsl remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -247,18 +249,21 @@ rclone lsl remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -319,7 +324,7 @@ rclone lsl remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -328,10 +333,11 @@ rclone lsl remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_md5sum.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_md5sum.md index ec03068ad..82890f6d1 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_md5sum.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_md5sum.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone md5sum" slug: rclone_md5sum url: /commands/rclone_md5sum/ @@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ rclone md5sum remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ rclone md5sum remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ rclone md5sum remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ rclone md5sum remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ rclone md5sum remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ rclone md5sum remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -216,18 +218,21 @@ rclone md5sum remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ rclone md5sum remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -297,10 +302,11 @@ rclone md5sum remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_mkdir.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_mkdir.md index afd750169..e1eae6334 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_mkdir.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_mkdir.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone mkdir" slug: rclone_mkdir url: /commands/rclone_mkdir/ @@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ rclone mkdir remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ rclone mkdir remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ rclone mkdir remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ rclone mkdir remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ rclone mkdir remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ rclone mkdir remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -213,18 +215,21 @@ rclone mkdir remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -285,7 +290,7 @@ rclone mkdir remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -294,10 +299,11 @@ rclone mkdir remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_mount.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_mount.md index 667ef431b..c6bcffaa7 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_mount.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_mount.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone mount" slug: rclone_mount url: /commands/rclone_mount/ @@ -360,13 +360,13 @@ rclone mount remote:path /path/to/mountpoint [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -424,6 +424,7 @@ rclone mount remote:path /path/to/mountpoint [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -438,7 +439,7 @@ rclone mount remote:path /path/to/mountpoint [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -451,6 +452,7 @@ rclone mount remote:path /path/to/mountpoint [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -513,18 +515,21 @@ rclone mount remote:path /path/to/mountpoint [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -585,7 +590,7 @@ rclone mount remote:path /path/to/mountpoint [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -594,10 +599,11 @@ rclone mount remote:path /path/to/mountpoint [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_move.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_move.md index d4235eec0..cd69594d4 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_move.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_move.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone move" slug: rclone_move url: /commands/rclone_move/ @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ If you want to delete empty source directories after move, use the --delete-empt **Important**: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the --dry-run flag. +**Note**: Use the `-P`/`--progress` flag to view real-time transfer statistics. + ``` rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] @@ -80,13 +82,13 @@ rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -111,8 +113,8 @@ rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -144,6 +146,7 @@ rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -158,7 +161,7 @@ rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -171,6 +174,7 @@ rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -223,7 +227,7 @@ rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -233,18 +237,21 @@ rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -305,7 +312,7 @@ rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -314,10 +321,11 @@ rclone move source:path dest:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_moveto.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_moveto.md index 7fa1ced03..dd93ebba8 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_moveto.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_moveto.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone moveto" slug: rclone_moveto url: /commands/rclone_moveto/ @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ transfer. **Important**: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the --dry-run flag. +**Note**: Use the `-P`/`--progress` flag to view real-time transfer statistics. + ``` rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] @@ -89,13 +91,13 @@ rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -120,8 +122,8 @@ rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -153,6 +155,7 @@ rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -180,6 +183,7 @@ rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -232,7 +236,7 @@ rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -242,18 +246,21 @@ rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -314,7 +321,7 @@ rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -323,10 +330,11 @@ rclone moveto source:path dest:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_ncdu.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_ncdu.md index 09c6755e1..307563f7a 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_ncdu.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_ncdu.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone ncdu" slug: rclone_ncdu url: /commands/rclone_ncdu/ @@ -30,13 +30,17 @@ Here are the keys - press '?' to toggle the help on and off c toggle counts g toggle graph n,s,C sort by name,size,count + d delete file/directory ^L refresh screen ? to toggle help on and off q/ESC/c-C to quit This an homage to the [ncdu tool](https://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu) but for -rclone remotes. It is missing lots of features at the moment, most -importantly deleting files, but is useful as it stands. +rclone remotes. It is missing lots of features at the moment +but is useful as it stands. + +Note that it might take some time to delete big files/folders. The +UI won't respond in the meantime since the deletion is done synchronously. ``` @@ -87,13 +91,13 @@ rclone ncdu remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -118,8 +122,8 @@ rclone ncdu remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -151,6 +155,7 @@ rclone ncdu remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -165,7 +170,7 @@ rclone ncdu remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -178,6 +183,7 @@ rclone ncdu remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -230,7 +236,7 @@ rclone ncdu remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -240,18 +246,21 @@ rclone ncdu remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -312,7 +321,7 @@ rclone ncdu remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -321,10 +330,11 @@ rclone ncdu remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_obscure.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_obscure.md index d9a186985..35aa1b38b 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_obscure.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_obscure.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone obscure" slug: rclone_obscure url: /commands/rclone_obscure/ @@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ rclone obscure password [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ rclone obscure password [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ rclone obscure password [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ rclone obscure password [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ rclone obscure password [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ rclone obscure password [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -213,18 +215,21 @@ rclone obscure password [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -285,7 +290,7 @@ rclone obscure password [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -294,10 +299,11 @@ rclone obscure password [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_purge.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_purge.md index f91ae8eaa..28e0fa15c 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_purge.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_purge.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone purge" slug: rclone_purge url: /commands/rclone_purge/ @@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ rclone purge remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ rclone purge remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ rclone purge remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ rclone purge remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -155,6 +156,7 @@ rclone purge remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -207,7 +209,7 @@ rclone purge remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -217,18 +219,21 @@ rclone purge remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -289,7 +294,7 @@ rclone purge remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -298,10 +303,11 @@ rclone purge remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_rc.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_rc.md index 97482ee33..42097665f 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_rc.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_rc.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone rc" slug: rclone_rc url: /commands/rclone_rc/ @@ -11,13 +11,25 @@ Run a command against a running rclone. ### Synopsis -This runs a command against a running rclone. By default it will use -that specified in the --rc-addr command. + +This runs a command against a running rclone. Use the --url flag to +specify an non default URL to connect on. This can be either a +":port" which is taken to mean "http://localhost:port" or a +"host:port" which is taken to mean "http://host:port" + +A username and password can be passed in with --user and --pass. + +Note that --rc-addr, --rc-user, --rc-pass will be read also for --url, +--user, --pass. Arguments should be passed in as parameter=value. The result will be returned as a JSON object by default. +The --json parameter can be used to pass in a JSON blob as an input +instead of key=value arguments. This is the only way of passing in +more complicated values. + Use "rclone rc" to see a list of all possible commands. ``` @@ -27,9 +39,12 @@ rclone rc commands parameter [flags] ### Options ``` - -h, --help help for rc - --no-output If set don't output the JSON result. - --url string URL to connect to rclone remote control. (default "http://localhost:5572/") + -h, --help help for rc + --json string Input JSON - use instead of key=value args. + --no-output If set don't output the JSON result. + --pass string Password to use to connect to rclone remote control. + --url string URL to connect to rclone remote control. (default "http://localhost:5572/") + --user string Username to use to rclone remote control. ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands @@ -70,13 +85,13 @@ rclone rc commands parameter [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -101,8 +116,8 @@ rclone rc commands parameter [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -134,6 +149,7 @@ rclone rc commands parameter [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -148,7 +164,7 @@ rclone rc commands parameter [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -161,6 +177,7 @@ rclone rc commands parameter [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -213,7 +230,7 @@ rclone rc commands parameter [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -223,18 +240,21 @@ rclone rc commands parameter [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -295,7 +315,7 @@ rclone rc commands parameter [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -304,10 +324,11 @@ rclone rc commands parameter [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_rcat.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_rcat.md index dc5e095c3..ff0af9b99 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_rcat.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_rcat.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone rcat" slug: rclone_rcat url: /commands/rclone_rcat/ @@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ rclone rcat remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ rclone rcat remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ rclone rcat remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ rclone rcat remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ rclone rcat remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -225,7 +227,7 @@ rclone rcat remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -235,18 +237,21 @@ rclone rcat remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -307,7 +312,7 @@ rclone rcat remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -316,10 +321,11 @@ rclone rcat remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_rcd.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_rcd.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7f401470 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_rcd.md @@ -0,0 +1,319 @@ +--- +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z +title: "rclone rcd" +slug: rclone_rcd +url: /commands/rclone_rcd/ +--- +## rclone rcd + +Run rclone listening to remote control commands only. + +### Synopsis + + +This runs rclone so that it only listents to remote control commands. + +This is useful if you are controlling rclone via the rc API. + +If you pass in a path to a directory, rclone will serve that directory +for GET requests on the URL passed in. It will also open the URL in +the browser when rclone is run. + +See the [rc documentation](/rc/) for more info on the rc flags. + + +``` +rclone rcd * [flags] +``` + +### Options + +``` + -h, --help help for rcd +``` + +### Options inherited from parent commands + +``` + --acd-auth-url string Auth server URL. + --acd-client-id string Amazon Application Client ID. + --acd-client-secret string Amazon Application Client Secret. + --acd-templink-threshold SizeSuffix Files >= this size will be downloaded via their tempLink. (default 9G) + --acd-token-url string Token server url. + --acd-upload-wait-per-gb Duration Additional time per GB to wait after a failed complete upload to see if it appears. (default 3m0s) + --alias-remote string Remote or path to alias. + --ask-password Allow prompt for password for encrypted configuration. (default true) + --auto-confirm If enabled, do not request console confirmation. + --azureblob-access-tier string Access tier of blob: hot, cool or archive. + --azureblob-account string Storage Account Name (leave blank to use connection string or SAS URL) + --azureblob-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size (<= 100MB). (default 4M) + --azureblob-endpoint string Endpoint for the service + --azureblob-key string Storage Account Key (leave blank to use connection string or SAS URL) + --azureblob-list-chunk int Size of blob list. (default 5000) + --azureblob-sas-url string SAS URL for container level access only + --azureblob-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix Cutoff for switching to chunked upload (<= 256MB). (default 256M) + --b2-account string Account ID or Application Key ID + --b2-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. Must fit in memory. (default 96M) + --b2-endpoint string Endpoint for the service. + --b2-hard-delete Permanently delete files on remote removal, otherwise hide files. + --b2-key string Application Key + --b2-test-mode string A flag string for X-Bz-Test-Mode header for debugging. + --b2-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix Cutoff for switching to chunked upload. (default 200M) + --b2-versions Include old versions in directory listings. + --backup-dir string Make backups into hierarchy based in DIR. + --bind string Local address to bind to for outgoing connections, IPv4, IPv6 or name. + --box-client-id string Box App Client Id. + --box-client-secret string Box App Client Secret + --box-commit-retries int Max number of times to try committing a multipart file. (default 100) + --box-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix Cutoff for switching to multipart upload (>= 50MB). (default 50M) + --buffer-size int In memory buffer size when reading files for each --transfer. (default 16M) + --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. + --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) + --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) + --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. + --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") + --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) + --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server + --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user + --cache-plex-url string The URL of the Plex server + --cache-plex-username string The username of the Plex user + --cache-read-retries int How many times to retry a read from a cache storage. (default 10) + --cache-remote string Remote to cache. + --cache-rps int Limits the number of requests per second to the source FS (-1 to disable) (default -1) + --cache-tmp-upload-path string Directory to keep temporary files until they are uploaded. + --cache-tmp-wait-time Duration How long should files be stored in local cache before being uploaded (default 15s) + --cache-workers int How many workers should run in parallel to download chunks. (default 4) + --cache-writes Cache file data on writes through the FS + --checkers int Number of checkers to run in parallel. (default 8) + -c, --checksum Skip based on checksum & size, not mod-time & size + --config string Config file. (default "/home/ncw/.rclone.conf") + --contimeout duration Connect timeout (default 1m0s) + -L, --copy-links Follow symlinks and copy the pointed to item. + --cpuprofile string Write cpu profile to file + --crypt-directory-name-encryption Option to either encrypt directory names or leave them intact. (default true) + --crypt-filename-encryption string How to encrypt the filenames. (default "standard") + --crypt-password string Password or pass phrase for encryption. + --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. + --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. + --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring + --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer + --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync + --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. + --drive-acknowledge-abuse Set to allow files which return cannotDownloadAbusiveFile to be downloaded. + --drive-allow-import-name-change Allow the filetype to change when uploading Google docs (e.g. file.doc to file.docx). This will confuse sync and reupload every time. + --drive-alternate-export Use alternate export URLs for google documents export., + --drive-auth-owner-only Only consider files owned by the authenticated user. + --drive-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. Must a power of 2 >= 256k. (default 8M) + --drive-client-id string Google Application Client Id + --drive-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret + --drive-export-formats string Comma separated list of preferred formats for downloading Google docs. (default "docx,xlsx,pptx,svg") + --drive-formats string Deprecated: see export_formats + --drive-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a service account. + --drive-import-formats string Comma separated list of preferred formats for uploading Google docs. + --drive-keep-revision-forever Keep new head revision of each file forever. + --drive-list-chunk int Size of listing chunk 100-1000. 0 to disable. (default 1000) + --drive-root-folder-id string ID of the root folder + --drive-scope string Scope that rclone should use when requesting access from drive. + --drive-service-account-credentials string Service Account Credentials JSON blob + --drive-service-account-file string Service Account Credentials JSON file path + --drive-shared-with-me Only show files that are shared with me. + --drive-skip-gdocs Skip google documents in all listings. + --drive-team-drive string ID of the Team Drive + --drive-trashed-only Only show files that are in the trash. + --drive-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix Cutoff for switching to chunked upload (default 8M) + --drive-use-created-date Use file created date instead of modified date., + --drive-use-trash Send files to the trash instead of deleting permanently. (default true) + --drive-v2-download-min-size SizeSuffix If Object's are greater, use drive v2 API to download. (default off) + --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) + --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id + --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. + -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes + --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles + --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info + --dump-headers Dump HTTP bodies - may contain sensitive info + --exclude stringArray Exclude files matching pattern + --exclude-from stringArray Read exclude patterns from file + --exclude-if-present string Exclude directories if filename is present + --fast-list Use recursive list if available. Uses more memory but fewer transactions. + --files-from stringArray Read list of source-file names from file + -f, --filter stringArray Add a file-filtering rule + --filter-from stringArray Read filtering patterns from a file + --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to + --ftp-pass string FTP password + --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER + --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. + --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id + --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret + --gcs-location string Location for the newly created buckets. + --gcs-object-acl string Access Control List for new objects. + --gcs-project-number string Project number. + --gcs-service-account-file string Service Account Credentials JSON file path + --gcs-storage-class string The storage class to use when storing objects in Google Cloud Storage. + --http-url string URL of http host to connect to + --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) + --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id + --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) + --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. + --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors + --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination + --ignore-size Ignore size when skipping use mod-time or checksum. + -I, --ignore-times Don't skip files that match size and time - transfer all files + --immutable Do not modify files. Fail if existing files have been modified. + --include stringArray Include files matching pattern + --include-from stringArray Read include patterns from file + --jottacloud-hard-delete Delete files permanently rather than putting them into the trash. + --jottacloud-md5-memory-limit SizeSuffix Files bigger than this will be cached on disk to calculate the MD5 if required. (default 10M) + --jottacloud-mountpoint string The mountpoint to use. + --jottacloud-pass string Password. + --jottacloud-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. + --jottacloud-user string User Name + --local-no-check-updated Don't check to see if the files change during upload + --local-no-unicode-normalization Don't apply unicode normalization to paths and filenames (Deprecated) + --local-nounc string Disable UNC (long path names) conversion on Windows + --log-file string Log everything to this file + --log-format string Comma separated list of log format options (default "date,time") + --log-level string Log level DEBUG|INFO|NOTICE|ERROR (default "NOTICE") + --low-level-retries int Number of low level retries to do. (default 10) + --max-age duration Only transfer files younger than this in s or suffix ms|s|m|h|d|w|M|y (default off) + --max-backlog int Maximum number of objects in sync or check backlog. (default 10000) + --max-delete int When synchronizing, limit the number of deletes (default -1) + --max-depth int If set limits the recursion depth to this. (default -1) + --max-size int Only transfer files smaller than this in k or suffix b|k|M|G (default off) + --max-transfer int Maximum size of data to transfer. (default off) + --mega-debug Output more debug from Mega. + --mega-hard-delete Delete files permanently rather than putting them into the trash. + --mega-pass string Password. + --mega-user string User name + --memprofile string Write memory profile to file + --min-age duration Only transfer files older than this in s or suffix ms|s|m|h|d|w|M|y (default off) + --min-size int Only transfer files bigger than this in k or suffix b|k|M|G (default off) + --modify-window duration Max time diff to be considered the same (default 1ns) + --no-check-certificate Do not verify the server SSL certificate. Insecure. + --no-gzip-encoding Don't set Accept-Encoding: gzip. + --no-traverse Obsolete - does nothing. + --no-update-modtime Don't update destination mod-time if files identical. + -x, --one-file-system Don't cross filesystem boundaries (unix/macOS only). + --onedrive-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to upload files with - must be multiple of 320k. (default 10M) + --onedrive-client-id string Microsoft App Client Id + --onedrive-client-secret string Microsoft App Client Secret + --onedrive-drive-id string The ID of the drive to use + --onedrive-drive-type string The type of the drive ( personal | business | documentLibrary ) + --onedrive-expose-onenote-files Set to make OneNote files show up in directory listings. + --opendrive-password string Password. + --opendrive-username string Username + --pcloud-client-id string Pcloud App Client Id + --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret + -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. + --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. + --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. + --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) + --qingstor-zone string Zone to connect to. + -q, --quiet Print as little stuff as possible + --rc Enable the remote control server. + --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") + --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) + --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. + --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done + --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key + --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. + --rc-pass string Password for authentication. + --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. + --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) + --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) + --rc-user string User name for authentication. + --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) + --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) + --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. + --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) + --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata + --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. + --s3-env-auth Get AWS credentials from runtime (environment variables or EC2/ECS meta data if no env vars). + --s3-force-path-style If true use path style access if false use virtual hosted style. (default true) + --s3-location-constraint string Location constraint - must be set to match the Region. + --s3-provider string Choose your S3 provider. + --s3-region string Region to connect to. + --s3-secret-access-key string AWS Secret Access Key (password) + --s3-server-side-encryption string The server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3. + --s3-session-token string An AWS session token + --s3-sse-kms-key-id string If using KMS ID you must provide the ARN of Key. + --s3-storage-class string The storage class to use when storing new objects in S3. + --s3-upload-concurrency int Concurrency for multipart uploads. (default 2) + --s3-v2-auth If true use v2 authentication. + --sftp-ask-password Allow asking for SFTP password when needed. + --sftp-disable-hashcheck Disable the execution of SSH commands to determine if remote file hashing is available. + --sftp-host string SSH host to connect to + --sftp-key-file string Path to unencrypted PEM-encoded private key file, leave blank to use ssh-agent. + --sftp-pass string SSH password, leave blank to use ssh-agent. + --sftp-path-override string Override path used by SSH connection. + --sftp-port string SSH port, leave blank to use default (22) + --sftp-set-modtime Set the modified time on the remote if set. (default true) + --sftp-use-insecure-cipher Enable the use of the aes128-cbc cipher. This cipher is insecure and may allow plaintext data to be recovered by an attacker. + --sftp-user string SSH username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --size-only Skip based on size only, not mod-time or checksum + --skip-links Don't warn about skipped symlinks. + --stats duration Interval between printing stats, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) (default 1m0s) + --stats-file-name-length int Max file name length in stats. 0 for no limit (default 40) + --stats-log-level string Log level to show --stats output DEBUG|INFO|NOTICE|ERROR (default "INFO") + --stats-one-line Make the stats fit on one line. + --stats-unit string Show data rate in stats as either 'bits' or 'bytes'/s (default "bytes") + --streaming-upload-cutoff int Cutoff for switching to chunked upload if file size is unknown. Upload starts after reaching cutoff or when file ends. (default 100k) + --suffix string Suffix for use with --backup-dir. + --swift-auth string Authentication URL for server (OS_AUTH_URL). + --swift-auth-token string Auth Token from alternate authentication - optional (OS_AUTH_TOKEN) + --swift-auth-version int AuthVersion - optional - set to (1,2,3) if your auth URL has no version (ST_AUTH_VERSION) + --swift-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) + --swift-domain string User domain - optional (v3 auth) (OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME) + --swift-endpoint-type string Endpoint type to choose from the service catalogue (OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE) (default "public") + --swift-env-auth Get swift credentials from environment variables in standard OpenStack form. + --swift-key string API key or password (OS_PASSWORD). + --swift-region string Region name - optional (OS_REGION_NAME) + --swift-storage-policy string The storage policy to use when creating a new container + --swift-storage-url string Storage URL - optional (OS_STORAGE_URL) + --swift-tenant string Tenant name - optional for v1 auth, this or tenant_id required otherwise (OS_TENANT_NAME or OS_PROJECT_NAME) + --swift-tenant-domain string Tenant domain - optional (v3 auth) (OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME) + --swift-tenant-id string Tenant ID - optional for v1 auth, this or tenant required otherwise (OS_TENANT_ID) + --swift-user string User name to log in (OS_USERNAME). + --swift-user-id string User ID to log in - optional - most swift systems use user and leave this blank (v3 auth) (OS_USER_ID). + --syslog Use Syslog for logging + --syslog-facility string Facility for syslog, eg KERN,USER,... (default "DAEMON") + --timeout duration IO idle timeout (default 5m0s) + --tpslimit float Limit HTTP transactions per second to this. + --tpslimit-burst int Max burst of transactions for --tpslimit. (default 1) + --track-renames When synchronizing, track file renames and do a server side move if possible + --transfers int Number of file transfers to run in parallel. (default 4) + --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. + -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. + --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") + -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) + --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) + --webdav-pass string Password. + --webdav-url string URL of http host to connect to + --webdav-user string User name + --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using + --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id + --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. +``` + +### SEE ALSO + +* [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. + +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_rmdir.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_rmdir.md index e87b68056..0c13ce03f 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_rmdir.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_rmdir.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone rmdir" slug: rclone_rmdir url: /commands/rclone_rmdir/ @@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ rclone rmdir remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ rclone rmdir remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ rclone rmdir remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ rclone rmdir remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ rclone rmdir remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ rclone rmdir remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -215,18 +217,21 @@ rclone rmdir remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -287,7 +292,7 @@ rclone rmdir remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -296,10 +301,11 @@ rclone rmdir remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_rmdirs.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_rmdirs.md index 1912373f3..88ea09fd9 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_rmdirs.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_rmdirs.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone rmdirs" slug: rclone_rmdirs url: /commands/rclone_rmdirs/ @@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ rclone rmdirs remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ rclone rmdirs remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ rclone rmdirs remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ rclone rmdirs remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ rclone rmdirs remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -213,7 +215,7 @@ rclone rmdirs remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -223,18 +225,21 @@ rclone rmdirs remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -295,7 +300,7 @@ rclone rmdirs remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -304,10 +309,11 @@ rclone rmdirs remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve.md index 1c4850cf7..632dc6c35 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone serve" slug: rclone_serve url: /commands/rclone_serve/ @@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ rclone serve [opts] [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ rclone serve [opts] [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ rclone serve [opts] [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ rclone serve [opts] [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ rclone serve [opts] [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -209,7 +211,7 @@ rclone serve [opts] [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -219,18 +221,21 @@ rclone serve [opts] [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -291,7 +296,7 @@ rclone serve [opts] [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -300,6 +305,7 @@ rclone serve [opts] [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO @@ -310,4 +316,4 @@ rclone serve [opts] [flags] * [rclone serve restic](/commands/rclone_serve_restic/) - Serve the remote for restic's REST API. * [rclone serve webdav](/commands/rclone_serve_webdav/) - Serve remote:path over webdav. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_ftp.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_ftp.md index c72401e65..e8f762f0d 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_ftp.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_ftp.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone serve ftp" slug: rclone_serve_ftp url: /commands/rclone_serve_ftp/ @@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ rclone serve ftp remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ rclone serve ftp remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ rclone serve ftp remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -304,7 +305,7 @@ rclone serve ftp remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -317,6 +318,7 @@ rclone serve ftp remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -369,7 +371,7 @@ rclone serve ftp remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -379,18 +381,21 @@ rclone serve ftp remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -451,7 +456,7 @@ rclone serve ftp remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -460,10 +465,11 @@ rclone serve ftp remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone serve](/commands/rclone_serve/) - Serve a remote over a protocol. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_http.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_http.md index 7aab35187..644bfb17c 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_http.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_http.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone serve http" slug: rclone_serve_http url: /commands/rclone_serve_http/ @@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ rclone serve http remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -305,8 +305,8 @@ rclone serve http remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -338,6 +338,7 @@ rclone serve http remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -352,7 +353,7 @@ rclone serve http remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -365,6 +366,7 @@ rclone serve http remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -417,7 +419,7 @@ rclone serve http remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -427,18 +429,21 @@ rclone serve http remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -499,7 +504,7 @@ rclone serve http remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -508,10 +513,11 @@ rclone serve http remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone serve](/commands/rclone_serve/) - Serve a remote over a protocol. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_restic.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_restic.md index 89a558737..bb4967cb0 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_restic.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_restic.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone serve restic" slug: rclone_serve_restic url: /commands/rclone_serve_restic/ @@ -196,13 +196,13 @@ rclone serve restic remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ rclone serve restic remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ rclone serve restic remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ rclone serve restic remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -287,6 +288,7 @@ rclone serve restic remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -339,7 +341,7 @@ rclone serve restic remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -349,18 +351,21 @@ rclone serve restic remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -421,7 +426,7 @@ rclone serve restic remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -430,10 +435,11 @@ rclone serve restic remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone serve](/commands/rclone_serve/) - Serve a remote over a protocol. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_webdav.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_webdav.md index c51267cbc..f839579c0 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_webdav.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_serve_webdav.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone serve webdav" slug: rclone_serve_webdav url: /commands/rclone_serve_webdav/ @@ -283,13 +283,13 @@ rclone serve webdav remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -314,8 +314,8 @@ rclone serve webdav remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ rclone serve webdav remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -361,7 +362,7 @@ rclone serve webdav remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -374,6 +375,7 @@ rclone serve webdav remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -426,7 +428,7 @@ rclone serve webdav remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -436,18 +438,21 @@ rclone serve webdav remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -508,7 +513,7 @@ rclone serve webdav remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -517,10 +522,11 @@ rclone serve webdav remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone serve](/commands/rclone_serve/) - Serve a remote over a protocol. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_settier.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_settier.md index c2eca534d..43621aa22 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_settier.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_settier.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone settier" slug: rclone_settier url: /commands/rclone_settier/ @@ -82,13 +82,13 @@ rclone settier tier remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ rclone settier tier remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ rclone settier tier remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ rclone settier tier remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ rclone settier tier remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -225,7 +227,7 @@ rclone settier tier remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -235,18 +237,21 @@ rclone settier tier remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -307,7 +312,7 @@ rclone settier tier remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -316,10 +321,11 @@ rclone settier tier remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_sha1sum.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_sha1sum.md index 659744dfc..71977512d 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_sha1sum.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_sha1sum.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone sha1sum" slug: rclone_sha1sum url: /commands/rclone_sha1sum/ @@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ rclone sha1sum remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ rclone sha1sum remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ rclone sha1sum remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ rclone sha1sum remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -154,6 +155,7 @@ rclone sha1sum remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ rclone sha1sum remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -216,18 +218,21 @@ rclone sha1sum remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ rclone sha1sum remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -297,10 +302,11 @@ rclone sha1sum remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_size.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_size.md index 833a19404..2963861db 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_size.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_size.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone size" slug: rclone_size url: /commands/rclone_size/ @@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ rclone size remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ rclone size remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ rclone size remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ rclone size remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -152,6 +153,7 @@ rclone size remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ rclone size remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -214,18 +216,21 @@ rclone size remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -286,7 +291,7 @@ rclone size remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -295,10 +300,11 @@ rclone size remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_sync.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_sync.md index a4a8e4206..ae863a24a 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_sync.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_sync.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone sync" slug: rclone_sync url: /commands/rclone_sync/ @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ extended explanation in the `copy` command above if unsure. If dest:path doesn't exist, it is created and the source:path contents go there. +**Note**: Use the `-P`/`--progress` flag to view real-time transfer statistics + ``` rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] @@ -79,13 +81,13 @@ rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -110,8 +112,8 @@ rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -143,6 +145,7 @@ rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -157,7 +160,7 @@ rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -170,6 +173,7 @@ rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -222,7 +226,7 @@ rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -232,18 +236,21 @@ rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -304,7 +311,7 @@ rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -313,10 +320,11 @@ rclone sync source:path dest:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_touch.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_touch.md index 21ee0a7ab..dde27f007 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_touch.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_touch.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone touch" slug: rclone_touch url: /commands/rclone_touch/ @@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ rclone touch remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ rclone touch remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ rclone touch remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ rclone touch remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ rclone touch remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -205,7 +207,7 @@ rclone touch remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -215,18 +217,21 @@ rclone touch remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -287,7 +292,7 @@ rclone touch remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -296,10 +301,11 @@ rclone touch remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_tree.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_tree.md index 635f105bd..2873634ad 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_tree.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_tree.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone tree" slug: rclone_tree url: /commands/rclone_tree/ @@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ rclone tree remote:path [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ rclone tree remote:path [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ rclone tree remote:path [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ rclone tree remote:path [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ rclone tree remote:path [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ rclone tree remote:path [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -256,18 +258,21 @@ rclone tree remote:path [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -328,7 +333,7 @@ rclone tree remote:path [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -337,10 +342,11 @@ rclone tree remote:path [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/commands/rclone_version.md b/docs/content/commands/rclone_version.md index ea4653629..714755a21 100644 --- a/docs/content/commands/rclone_version.md +++ b/docs/content/commands/rclone_version.md @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ --- -date: 2018-10-15T11:00:47+01:00 +date: 2018-11-24T13:43:29Z title: "rclone version" slug: rclone_version url: /commands/rclone_version/ @@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ rclone version [flags] --bwlimit BwTimetable Bandwidth limit in kBytes/s, or use suffix b|k|M|G or a full timetable. --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage. (default 1m0s) --cache-chunk-no-memory Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming. - --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-chunk-path string Directory to cache chunk files. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix The size of a chunk (partial file data). (default 5M) --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk. (default 10G) - --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") + --cache-db-path string Directory to store file structure metadata DB. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend") --cache-db-purge Clear all the cached data for this remote on start. --cache-db-wait-time Duration How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s) - --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "/home/ncw/.cache/rclone") + --cache-dir string Directory rclone will use for caching. (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone") --cache-info-age Duration How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times etc). (default 6h0m0s) --cache-plex-insecure string Skip all certificate verifications when connecting to the Plex server --cache-plex-password string The password of the Plex user @@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ rclone version [flags] --crypt-password2 string Password or pass phrase for salt. Optional but recommended. --crypt-remote string Remote to encrypt/decrypt. --crypt-show-mapping For all files listed show how the names encrypt. - --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transfering (default) - --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transfering + --delete-after When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default) + --delete-before When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring --delete-during When synchronizing, delete files during transfer --delete-excluded Delete files on dest excluded from sync --disable string Disable a comma separated list of features. Use help to see a list. @@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ rclone version [flags] --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix Upload chunk size. (< 150M). (default 48M) --dropbox-client-id string Dropbox App Client Id --dropbox-client-secret string Dropbox App Client Secret + --dropbox-impersonate string Impersonate this user when using a business account. -n, --dry-run Do a trial run with no permanent changes --dump string List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles --dump-bodies Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info @@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ rclone version [flags] --ftp-host string FTP host to connect to --ftp-pass string FTP password --ftp-port string FTP port, leave blank to use default (21) - --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, ncw + --ftp-user string FTP username, leave blank for current username, $USER --gcs-bucket-acl string Access Control List for new buckets. --gcs-client-id string Google Application Client Id --gcs-client-secret string Google Application Client Secret @@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ rclone version [flags] --hubic-chunk-size SizeSuffix Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container. (default 5G) --hubic-client-id string Hubic Client Id --hubic-client-secret string Hubic Client Secret + --ignore-case Ignore case in filters (case insensitive) --ignore-checksum Skip post copy check of checksums. --ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors --ignore-existing Skip all files that exist on destination @@ -231,7 +233,7 @@ rclone version [flags] --pcloud-client-secret string Pcloud App Client Secret -P, --progress Show progress during transfer. --qingstor-access-key-id string QingStor Access Key ID - --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connnection retries. (default 3) + --qingstor-connection-retries int Number of connection retries. (default 3) --qingstor-endpoint string Enter a endpoint URL to connection QingStor API. --qingstor-env-auth Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank. --qingstor-secret-access-key string QingStor Secret Access Key (password) @@ -241,18 +243,21 @@ rclone version [flags] --rc-addr string IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to. (default "localhost:5572") --rc-cert string SSL PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate) --rc-client-ca string Client certificate authority to verify clients with + --rc-files string Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. --rc-htpasswd string htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done --rc-key string SSL PEM Private key --rc-max-header-bytes int Maximum size of request header (default 4096) + --rc-no-auth Don't require auth for certain methods. --rc-pass string Password for authentication. --rc-realm string realm for authentication (default "rclone") + --rc-serve Enable the serving of remote objects. --rc-server-read-timeout duration Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-server-write-timeout duration Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) --rc-user string User name for authentication. --retries int Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3) --retries-sleep duration Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g 500ms, 60s, 5m. (0 to disable) --s3-access-key-id string AWS Access Key ID. - --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. + --s3-acl string Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix Chunk size to use for uploading. (default 5M) --s3-disable-checksum Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata --s3-endpoint string Endpoint for S3 API. @@ -313,7 +318,7 @@ rclone version [flags] --union-remotes string List of space separated remotes. -u, --update Skip files that are newer on the destination. --use-server-modtime Use server modified time instead of object metadata - --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.44") + --user-agent string Set the user-agent to a specified string. The default is rclone/ version (default "rclone/v1.45") -v, --verbose count Print lots more stuff (repeat for more) --webdav-bearer-token string Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon) --webdav-pass string Password. @@ -322,10 +327,11 @@ rclone version [flags] --webdav-vendor string Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using --yandex-client-id string Yandex Client Id --yandex-client-secret string Yandex Client Secret + --yandex-unlink Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. ``` ### SEE ALSO * [rclone](/commands/rclone/) - Show help for rclone commands, flags and backends. -###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 15-Oct-2018 +###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 24-Nov-2018 diff --git a/docs/content/dropbox.md b/docs/content/dropbox.md index 2e51307ea..8b4caff96 100644 --- a/docs/content/dropbox.md +++ b/docs/content/dropbox.md @@ -168,6 +168,15 @@ memory. It can be set smaller if you are tight on memory. - Type: SizeSuffix - Default: 48M +#### --dropbox-impersonate + +Impersonate this user when using a business account. + +- Config: impersonate +- Env Var: RCLONE_DROPBOX_IMPERSONATE +- Type: string +- Default: "" + ### Limitations ### diff --git a/docs/content/qingstor.md b/docs/content/qingstor.md index 46e0f247f..b46a4d957 100644 --- a/docs/content/qingstor.md +++ b/docs/content/qingstor.md @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ Here are the advanced options specific to qingstor (QingCloud Object Storage). #### --qingstor-connection-retries -Number of connnection retries. +Number of connection retries. - Config: connection_retries - Env Var: RCLONE_QINGSTOR_CONNECTION_RETRIES diff --git a/docs/content/s3.md b/docs/content/s3.md index cfb640390..4ffec06a3 100644 --- a/docs/content/s3.md +++ b/docs/content/s3.md @@ -612,7 +612,9 @@ Required when using an S3 clone. - "sgp1.digitaloceanspaces.com" - Digital Ocean Spaces Singapore 1 - "s3.wasabisys.com" - - Wasabi Object Storage + - Wasabi US East endpoint + - "s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com" + - Wasabi US West endpoint #### --s3-location-constraint @@ -740,9 +742,13 @@ Leave blank if not sure. Used when creating buckets only. #### --s3-acl -Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. +Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. + For more info visit https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl +Note that this ACL is applied when server side copying objects as S3 +doesn't copy the ACL from the source but rather writes a fresh one. + - Config: acl - Env Var: RCLONE_S3_ACL - Type: string diff --git a/docs/content/yandex.md b/docs/content/yandex.md index 6f179b614..cdc5f4ae6 100644 --- a/docs/content/yandex.md +++ b/docs/content/yandex.md @@ -152,4 +152,18 @@ Leave blank normally. - Type: string - Default: "" +### Advanced Options + +Here are the advanced options specific to yandex (Yandex Disk). + +#### --yandex-unlink + +Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than creating. +Default is false, meaning link command will create or retrieve public link. + +- Config: unlink +- Env Var: RCLONE_YANDEX_UNLINK +- Type: bool +- Default: false + diff --git a/docs/layouts/partials/version.html b/docs/layouts/partials/version.html index 93e7ae287..b62d7bb3b 100644 --- a/docs/layouts/partials/version.html +++ b/docs/layouts/partials/version.html @@ -1 +1 @@ -v1.44 \ No newline at end of file +v1.45 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fs/version.go b/fs/version.go index a46f80ff2..57fe454ca 100644 --- a/fs/version.go +++ b/fs/version.go @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ package fs // Version of rclone -var Version = "v1.44-DEV" +var Version = "v1.45" diff --git a/rclone.1 b/rclone.1 index df4c0f2d3..a57e92a52 100644 --- a/rclone.1 +++ b/rclone.1 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ .\"t .\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" -.TH "rclone" "1" "Oct 15, 2018" "User Manual" "" +.TH "rclone" "1" "Nov 24, 2018" "User Manual" "" .hy .SH Rclone .PP @@ -473,6 +473,9 @@ had written a trailing / \- meaning "copy the contents of this directory". This applies to all commands and whether you are talking about the source or destination. +.PP +\f[B]Note\f[]: Use the \f[C]\-P\f[]/\f[C]\-\-progress\f[] flag to view +real\-time transfer statistics .IP .nf \f[C] @@ -511,6 +514,9 @@ See extended explanation in the \f[C]copy\f[] command above if unsure. .PP If dest:path doesn\[aq]t exist, it is created and the source:path contents go there. +.PP +\f[B]Note\f[]: Use the \f[C]\-P\f[]/\f[C]\-\-progress\f[] flag to view +real\-time transfer statistics .IP .nf \f[C] @@ -548,6 +554,9 @@ If you want to delete empty source directories after move, use the .PP \f[B]Important\f[]: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the \-\-dry\-run flag. +.PP +\f[B]Note\f[]: Use the \f[C]\-P\f[]/\f[C]\-\-progress\f[] flag to view +real\-time transfer statistics. .IP .nf \f[C] @@ -567,10 +576,15 @@ rclone\ move\ source:path\ dest:path\ [flags] Remove the contents of path. .SS Synopsis .PP -Remove the contents of path. +Remove the files in path. Unlike \f[C]purge\f[] it obeys include/exclude filters so can be used to selectively delete files. .PP +\f[C]rclone\ delete\f[] only deletes objects but leaves the directory +structure alone. +If you want to delete a directory and all of its contents use +\f[C]rclone\ purge\f[] +.PP Eg delete all files bigger than 100MBytes .PP Check what would be deleted first (use either) @@ -1588,6 +1602,9 @@ if\ src\ is\ directory This doesn\[aq]t transfer unchanged files, testing by size and modification time or MD5SUM. It doesn\[aq]t delete files from the destination. +.PP +\f[B]Note\f[]: Use the \f[C]\-P\f[]/\f[C]\-\-progress\f[] flag to view +real\-time transfer statistics .IP .nf \f[C] @@ -2320,7 +2337,7 @@ The rclone sync/copy commands cope with this with lots of retries. However rclone mount can\[aq]t use retries in the same way without making local copies of the uploads. Look at the file caching (#file-caching) for solutions to make mount -mount more reliable. +more reliable. .SS Attribute caching .PP You can use the flag \-\-attr\-timeout to set the time the kernel caches @@ -2628,6 +2645,9 @@ src will be deleted on successful transfer. .PP \f[B]Important\f[]: Since this can cause data loss, test first with the \-\-dry\-run flag. +.PP +\f[B]Note\f[]: Use the \f[C]\-P\f[]/\f[C]\-\-progress\f[] flag to view +real\-time transfer statistics. .IP .nf \f[C] @@ -2666,6 +2686,7 @@ Here are the keys \- press \[aq]?\[aq] to toggle the help on and off \ c\ toggle\ counts \ g\ toggle\ graph \ n,s,C\ sort\ by\ name,size,count +\ d\ delete\ file/directory \ ^L\ refresh\ screen \ ?\ to\ toggle\ help\ on\ and\ off \ q/ESC/c\-C\ to\ quit @@ -2674,8 +2695,11 @@ Here are the keys \- press \[aq]?\[aq] to toggle the help on and off .PP This an homage to the ncdu tool (https://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu) but for rclone remotes. -It is missing lots of features at the moment, most importantly deleting -files, but is useful as it stands. +It is missing lots of features at the moment but is useful as it stands. +.PP +Note that it might take some time to delete big files/folders. +The UI won\[aq]t respond in the meantime since the deletion is done +synchronously. .IP .nf \f[C] @@ -2714,12 +2738,24 @@ Run a command against a running rclone. .SS Synopsis .PP This runs a command against a running rclone. -By default it will use that specified in the \-\-rc\-addr command. +Use the \-\-url flag to specify an non default URL to connect on. +This can be either a ":port" which is taken to mean +"http://localhost:port" or a "host:port" which is taken to mean +"http://host:port" +.PP +A username and password can be passed in with \-\-user and \-\-pass. +.PP +Note that \-\-rc\-addr, \-\-rc\-user, \-\-rc\-pass will be read also for +\-\-url, \-\-user, \-\-pass. .PP Arguments should be passed in as parameter=value. .PP The result will be returned as a JSON object by default. .PP +The \-\-json parameter can be used to pass in a JSON blob as an input +instead of key=value arguments. +This is the only way of passing in more complicated values. +.PP Use "rclone rc" to see a list of all possible commands. .IP .nf @@ -2731,9 +2767,12 @@ rclone\ rc\ commands\ parameter\ [flags] .IP .nf \f[C] -\ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ rc -\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-output\ \ \ \ If\ set\ don\[aq]t\ output\ the\ JSON\ result. -\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-url\ string\ \ \ URL\ to\ connect\ to\ rclone\ remote\ control.\ (default\ "http://localhost:5572/") +\ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ help\ for\ rc +\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-json\ string\ \ \ Input\ JSON\ \-\ use\ instead\ of\ key=value\ args. +\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-no\-output\ \ \ \ \ If\ set\ don\[aq]t\ output\ the\ JSON\ result. +\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-pass\ string\ \ \ Password\ to\ use\ to\ connect\ to\ rclone\ remote\ control. +\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-url\ string\ \ \ \ URL\ to\ connect\ to\ rclone\ remote\ control.\ (default\ "http://localhost:5572/") +\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-user\ string\ \ \ Username\ to\ use\ to\ rclone\ remote\ control. \f[] .fi .SS rclone rcat @@ -2784,6 +2823,34 @@ rclone\ rcat\ remote:path\ [flags] \ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ rcat \f[] .fi +.SS rclone rcd +.PP +Run rclone listening to remote control commands only. +.SS Synopsis +.PP +This runs rclone so that it only listents to remote control commands. +.PP +This is useful if you are controlling rclone via the rc API. +.PP +If you pass in a path to a directory, rclone will serve that directory +for GET requests on the URL passed in. +It will also open the URL in the browser when rclone is run. +.PP +See the rc documentation (https://rclone.org/rc/) for more info on the +rc flags. +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +rclone\ rcd\ *\ [flags] +\f[] +.fi +.SS Options +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +\ \ \-h,\ \-\-help\ \ \ help\ for\ rcd +\f[] +.fi .SS rclone rmdirs .PP Remove empty directories under the path. @@ -5409,6 +5476,27 @@ Special characters can be escaped with a \f[C]\\\f[] before them. \f[] .fi .PP +Patterns are case sensitive unless the \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[] flag is +used. +.PP +Without \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[] (default) +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +potato\ \-\ matches\ "potato" +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ doesn\[aq]t\ match\ "POTATO" +\f[] +.fi +.PP +With \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[] +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +potato\ \-\ matches\ "potato" +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\ matches\ "POTATO" +\f[] +.fi +.PP Note also that rclone filter globs can only be used in one of the filter command line flags, not in the specification of the remote, so \f[C]rclone\ copy\ "remote:dir*.jpg"\ /path/to/dir\f[] won\[aq]t work \- @@ -5659,6 +5747,10 @@ This reads a list of file names from the file passed in and The \f[B]filtering rules are ignored\f[] completely if you use this option. .PP +Rclone will not scan any directories if you use \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] +it will just look at the files specified. +Rclone will not error if any of the files are missing from the source. +.PP This option can be repeated to read from more than one file. These are read in the order that they are placed on the command line. .PP @@ -5850,6 +5942,16 @@ using this flag. This dumps the defined filters to the output as regular expressions. .PP Useful for debugging. +.SS \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[] \- make searches case insensitive +.PP +Normally filter patterns are case sensitive. +If this flag is supplied then filter patterns become case insensitive. +.PP +Normally a \f[C]\-\-include\ "file.txt"\f[] will not match a file called +\f[C]FILE.txt\f[]. +However if you use the \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[] flag then +\f[C]\-\-include\ "file.txt"\f[] this will match a file called +\f[C]FILE.txt\f[]. .SS Quoting shell metacharacters .PP The examples above may not work verbatim in your shell as they have @@ -5902,6 +6004,9 @@ Currently only one filename is supported, i.e. If rclone is run with the \f[C]\-\-rc\f[] flag then it starts an http server which can be used to remote control rclone. .PP +If you just want to run a remote control then see the rcd +command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_rcd/). +.PP \f[B]NB\f[] this is experimental and everything here is subject to change! .SS Supported parameters @@ -5942,6 +6047,43 @@ Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s) .SS \-\-rc\-server\-write\-timeout=DURATION .PP Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s) +.SS \-\-rc\-serve +.PP +Enable the serving of remote objects via the HTTP interface. +This means objects will be accessible at by +default, so you can browse to or +* to see a listing of the remotes. +Objects may be requested from remotes using this syntax +[remote:path]/path/to/object +.PP +Default Off. +.SS \-\-rc\-files /path/to/directory +.PP +Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server. +.PP +If this is set then rclone will serve the files in that directory. +It will also open the root in the web browser if specified. +This is for implementing browser based GUIs for rclone functions. +.PP +If \f[C]\-\-rc\-user\f[] or \f[C]\-\-rc\-pass\f[] is set then the URL +that is opened will have the authorization in the URL in the +\f[C]http://user:pass\@localhost/\f[] style. +.PP +Default Off. +.SS \-\-rc\-no\-auth +.PP +By default rclone will require authorisation to have been set up on the +rc interface in order to use any methods which access any rclone +remotes. +Eg \f[C]operations/list\f[] is denied as it involved creating a remote +as is \f[C]sync/copy\f[]. +.PP +If this is set then no authorisation will be required on the server to +use these methods. +The alternative is to use \f[C]\-\-rc\-user\f[] and +\f[C]\-\-rc\-pass\f[] and use these credentials in the request. +.PP +Default Off. .SS Accessing the remote control via the rclone rc command .PP Rclone itself implements the remote control protocol in its @@ -5961,6 +6103,102 @@ $\ rclone\ rc\ rc/noop\ param1=one\ param2=two .PP Run \f[C]rclone\ rc\f[] on its own to see the help for the installed remote control commands. +.PP +\f[C]rclone\ rc\f[] also supports a \f[C]\-\-json\f[] flag which can be +used to send more complicated input parameters. +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +$\ rclone\ rc\ \-\-json\ \[aq]{\ "p1":\ [1,"2",null,4],\ "p2":\ {\ "a":1,\ "b":2\ }\ }\[aq]\ rc/noop +{ +\ \ \ \ "p1":\ [ +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1, +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "2", +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ null, +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4 +\ \ \ \ ], +\ \ \ \ "p2":\ { +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "a":\ 1, +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "b":\ 2 +\ \ \ \ } +} +\f[] +.fi +.SS Special parameters +.PP +The rc interface supports some special parameters which apply to +\f[B]all\f[] commands. +These start with \f[C]_\f[] to show they are different. +.SS Running asynchronous jobs with _async = true +.PP +If \f[C]_async\f[] has a true value when supplied to an rc call then it +will return immediately with a job id and the task will be run in the +background. +The \f[C]job/status\f[] call can be used to get information of the +background job. +The job can be queried for up to 1 minute after it has finished. +.PP +It is recommended that potentially long running jobs, eg +\f[C]sync/sync\f[], \f[C]sync/copy\f[], \f[C]sync/move\f[], +\f[C]operations/purge\f[] are run with the \f[C]_async\f[] flag to avoid +any potential problems with the HTTP request and response timing out. +.PP +Starting a job with the \f[C]_async\f[] flag: +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +$\ rclone\ rc\ \-\-json\ \[aq]{\ "p1":\ [1,"2",null,4],\ "p2":\ {\ "a":1,\ "b":2\ },\ "_async":\ true\ }\[aq]\ rc/noop +{ +\ \ \ \ "jobid":\ 2 +} +\f[] +.fi +.PP +Query the status to see if the job has finished. +For more information on the meaning of these return parameters see the +\f[C]job/status\f[] call. +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +$\ rclone\ rc\ \-\-json\ \[aq]{\ "jobid":2\ }\[aq]\ job/status +{ +\ \ \ \ "duration":\ 0.000124163, +\ \ \ \ "endTime":\ "2018\-10\-27T11:38:07.911245881+01:00", +\ \ \ \ "error":\ "", +\ \ \ \ "finished":\ true, +\ \ \ \ "id":\ 2, +\ \ \ \ "output":\ { +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "_async":\ true, +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "p1":\ [ +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1, +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "2", +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ null, +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4 +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ], +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "p2":\ { +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "a":\ 1, +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "b":\ 2 +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ } +\ \ \ \ }, +\ \ \ \ "startTime":\ "2018\-10\-27T11:38:07.911121728+01:00", +\ \ \ \ "success":\ true +} +\f[] +.fi +.PP +\f[C]job/list\f[] can be used to show the running or recently completed +jobs +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +$\ rclone\ rc\ job/list +{ +\ \ \ \ "jobids":\ [ +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 2 +\ \ \ \ ] +} +\f[] +.fi .SS Supported commands .SS cache/expire: Purge a remote from cache .PP @@ -6011,6 +6249,95 @@ used on top of the cache. .SS cache/stats: Get cache stats .PP Show statistics for the cache remote. +.SS config/create: create the config for a remote. +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +name \- name of remote +.IP \[bu] 2 +type \- type of new remote +.IP \[bu] 2 +type \- type of the new remote +.PP +See the config create +command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_create/) command for +more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS config/delete: Delete a remote in the config file. +.PP +Parameters: \- name \- name of remote to delete +.PP +See the config delete +command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_delete/) command for +more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS config/dump: Dumps the config file. +.PP +Returns a JSON object: \- key: value +.PP +Where keys are remote names and values are the config parameters. +.PP +See the config dump +command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_dump/) command for +more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS config/get: Get a remote in the config file. +.PP +Parameters: \- name \- name of remote to get +.PP +See the config dump +command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_dump/) command for +more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS config/listremotes: Lists the remotes in the config file. +.PP +Returns \- remotes \- array of remote names +.PP +See the listremotes +command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_listremotes/) command for +more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS config/password: password the config for a remote. +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +name \- name of remote +.IP \[bu] 2 +type \- type of new remote +.PP +See the config password +command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_password/) command +for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS config/providers: Shows how providers are configured in the config +file. +.PP +Returns a JSON object: \- providers \- array of objects +.PP +See the config providers +command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_providers/) command +for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS config/update: update the config for a remote. +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +name \- name of remote +.IP \[bu] 2 +type \- type of new remote +.PP +See the config update +command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_config_update/) command for +more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. .SS core/bwlimit: Set the bandwidth limit. .PP This sets the bandwidth limit to that passed in. @@ -6046,6 +6373,12 @@ HeapSys: This is the amount of memory rclone has obtained from the OS Sys: this is the total amount of memory requested from the OS .IP \[bu] 2 It is virtual memory so may include unused memory +.SS core/obscure: Obscures a string passed in. +.PP +Pass a clear string and rclone will obscure it for the config file: \- +clear \- string +.PP +Returns \- obscured \- string .SS core/pid: Return PID of current process .PP This returns PID of current process. @@ -6096,6 +6429,248 @@ Returns the following values: Values for "transferring", "checking" and "lastError" are only assigned if data is available. The value for "eta" is null if an eta cannot be determined. +.SS core/version: Shows the current version of rclone and the go +runtime. +.PP +This shows the current version of go and the go runtime \- version \- +rclone version, eg "v1.44" \- decomposed \- version number as [major, +minor, patch, subpatch] \- note patch and subpatch will be 999 for a git +compiled version \- isGit \- boolean \- true if this was compiled from +the git version \- os \- OS in use as according to Go \- arch \- cpu +architecture in use according to Go \- goVersion \- version of Go +runtime in use +.SS job/list: Lists the IDs of the running jobs +.PP +Parameters \- None +.PP +Results \- jobids \- array of integer job ids +.SS job/status: Reads the status of the job ID +.PP +Parameters \- jobid \- id of the job (integer) +.PP +Results \- finished \- boolean \- duration \- time in seconds that the +job ran for \- endTime \- time the job finished (eg +"2018\-10\-26T18:50:20.528746884+01:00") \- error \- error from the job +or empty string for no error \- finished \- boolean whether the job has +finished or not \- id \- as passed in above \- startTime \- time the job +started (eg "2018\-10\-26T18:50:20.528336039+01:00") \- success \- +boolean \- true for success false otherwise \- output \- output of the +job as would have been returned if called synchronously +.SS operations/about: Return the space used on the remote +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +fs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" +.IP \[bu] 2 +remote \- a path within that remote eg "dir" +.PP +The result is as returned from rclone about \-\-json +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/cleanup: Remove trashed files in the remote or path +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +fs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" +.PP +See the cleanup command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_cleanup/) +command for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/copyfile: Copy a file from source remote to destination +remote +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +srcFs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" for the source +.IP \[bu] 2 +srcRemote \- a path within that remote eg "file.txt" for the source +.IP \[bu] 2 +dstFs \- a remote name string eg "drive2:" for the destination +.IP \[bu] 2 +dstRemote \- a path within that remote eg "file2.txt" for the +destination +.PP +This returns \- jobid \- ID of async job to query with job/status +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/copyurl: Copy the URL to the object +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +fs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" +.IP \[bu] 2 +remote \- a path within that remote eg "dir" +.IP \[bu] 2 +url \- string, URL to read from +.PP +See the copyurl command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_copyurl/) +command for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/delete: Remove files in the path +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +fs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" +.PP +See the delete command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_delete/) +command for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/deletefile: Remove the single file pointed to +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +fs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" +.IP \[bu] 2 +remote \- a path within that remote eg "dir" +.PP +See the deletefile +command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_deletefile/) command for +more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/list: List the given remote and path in JSON format +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +fs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" +.IP \[bu] 2 +remote \- a path within that remote eg "dir" +.IP \[bu] 2 +opt \- a dictionary of options to control the listing (optional) +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +recurse \- If set recurse directories +.IP \[bu] 2 +noModTime \- If set return modification time +.IP \[bu] 2 +showEncrypted \- If set show decrypted names +.IP \[bu] 2 +showOrigIDs \- If set show the IDs for each item if known +.IP \[bu] 2 +showHash \- If set return a dictionary of hashes +.RE +.PP +The result is +.IP \[bu] 2 +list +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +This is an array of objects as described in the lsjson command +.RE +.PP +See the lsjson command for more information on the above and examples. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/mkdir: Make a destination directory or container +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +fs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" +.IP \[bu] 2 +remote \- a path within that remote eg "dir" +.PP +See the mkdir command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_mkdir/) +command for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/movefile: Move a file from source remote to destination +remote +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +srcFs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" for the source +.IP \[bu] 2 +srcRemote \- a path within that remote eg "file.txt" for the source +.IP \[bu] 2 +dstFs \- a remote name string eg "drive2:" for the destination +.IP \[bu] 2 +dstRemote \- a path within that remote eg "file2.txt" for the +destination +.PP +This returns \- jobid \- ID of async job to query with job/status +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/purge: Remove a directory or container and all of its +contents +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +fs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" +.IP \[bu] 2 +remote \- a path within that remote eg "dir" +.PP +See the purge command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_purge/) +command for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/rmdir: Remove an empty directory or container +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +fs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" +.IP \[bu] 2 +remote \- a path within that remote eg "dir" +.PP +See the rmdir command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_rmdir/) +command for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/rmdirs: Remove all the empty directories in the path +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +fs \- a remote name string eg "drive:" +.IP \[bu] 2 +remote \- a path within that remote eg "dir" +.IP \[bu] 2 +leaveRoot \- boolean, set to true not to delete the root +.PP +See the rmdirs command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_rmdirs/) +command for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS operations/size: Count the number of bytes and files in remote +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +fs \- a remote name string eg "drive:path/to/dir" +.PP +Returns +.IP \[bu] 2 +count \- number of files +.IP \[bu] 2 +bytes \- number of bytes in those files +.PP +See the size command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_size/) command +for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS options/blocks: List all the option blocks +.PP +Returns \- options \- a list of the options block names +.SS options/get: Get all the options +.PP +Returns an object where keys are option block names and values are an +object with the current option values in. +.PP +This shows the internal names of the option within rclone which should +map to the external options very easily with a few exceptions. +.SS options/set: Set an option +.PP +Parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +option block name containing an object with +.IP \[bu] 2 +key: value +.PP +Repeated as often as required. +.PP +Only supply the options you wish to change. +If an option is unknown it will be silently ignored. +Not all options will have an effect when changed like this. .SS rc/error: This returns an error .PP This returns an error with the input as part of its error string. @@ -6110,6 +6685,58 @@ This echoes the input parameters to the output parameters for testing purposes. It can be used to check that rclone is still alive and to check that parameter passing is working properly. +.SS rc/noopauth: Echo the input to the output parameters requiring auth +.PP +This echoes the input parameters to the output parameters for testing +purposes. +It can be used to check that rclone is still alive and to check that +parameter passing is working properly. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS sync/copy: copy a directory from source remote to destination remote +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +srcFs \- a remote name string eg "drive:src" for the source +.IP \[bu] 2 +dstFs \- a remote name string eg "drive:dst" for the destination +.PP +This returns \- jobid \- ID of async job to query with job/status +.PP +See the copy command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_copy/) command +for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS sync/move: move a directory from source remote to destination remote +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +srcFs \- a remote name string eg "drive:src" for the source +.IP \[bu] 2 +dstFs \- a remote name string eg "drive:dst" for the destination +.IP \[bu] 2 +deleteEmptySrcDirs \- delete empty src directories if set +.PP +This returns \- jobid \- ID of async job to query with job/status +.PP +See the move command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_move/) command +for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. +.SS sync/sync: sync a directory from source remote to destination remote +.PP +This takes the following parameters +.IP \[bu] 2 +srcFs \- a remote name string eg "drive:src" for the source +.IP \[bu] 2 +dstFs \- a remote name string eg "drive:dst" for the destination +.PP +This returns \- jobid \- ID of async job to query with job/status +.PP +See the sync command (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_sync/) command +for more information on the above. +.PP +Authentication is required for this call. .SS vfs/forget: Forget files or directories in the directory cache. .PP This forgets the paths in the directory cache causing them to be @@ -6200,9 +6827,29 @@ There are examples of these below using \f[C]curl\f[]. .PP The response will be a JSON blob in the body of the response. This is formatted to be reasonably human readable. +.SS Error returns .PP -If an error occurs then there will be an HTTP error status (usually 400) -and the body of the response will contain a JSON encoded error object. +If an error occurs then there will be an HTTP error status (eg 500) and +the body of the response will contain a JSON encoded error object, eg +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +{ +\ \ \ \ "error":\ "Expecting\ string\ value\ for\ key\ \\"remote\\"\ (was\ float64)", +\ \ \ \ "input":\ { +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "fs":\ "/tmp", +\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "remote":\ 3 +\ \ \ \ }, +\ \ \ \ "status":\ 400 +\ \ \ \ "path":\ "operations/rmdir", +} +\f[] +.fi +.PP +The keys in the error response are \- error \- error string \- input \- +the input parameters to the call \- status \- the HTTP status code \- +path \- the path of the call +.SS CORS .PP The sever implements basic CORS support and allows all origins for that. The response to a preflight OPTIONS request will echo the requested @@ -6211,7 +6858,7 @@ The response to a preflight OPTIONS request will echo the requested .IP .nf \f[C] -curl\ \-X\ POST\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?potato=1&sausage=2\[aq] +curl\ \-X\ POST\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?potato=1&sausage=2\[aq] \f[] .fi .PP @@ -6230,7 +6877,7 @@ Here is what an error response looks like: .IP .nf \f[C] -curl\ \-X\ POST\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/error/?potato=1&sausage=2\[aq] +curl\ \-X\ POST\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/error?potato=1&sausage=2\[aq] \f[] .fi .IP @@ -6251,7 +6898,7 @@ Note that curl doesn\[aq]t return errors to the shell unless you use the .IP .nf \f[C] -$\ curl\ \-f\ \-X\ POST\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/error/?potato=1&sausage=2\[aq] +$\ curl\ \-f\ \-X\ POST\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/error?potato=1&sausage=2\[aq] curl:\ (22)\ The\ requested\ URL\ returned\ error:\ 400\ Bad\ Request $\ echo\ $? 22 @@ -6261,7 +6908,7 @@ $\ echo\ $? .IP .nf \f[C] -curl\ \-\-data\ "potato=1"\ \-\-data\ "sausage=2"\ http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/ +curl\ \-\-data\ "potato=1"\ \-\-data\ "sausage=2"\ http://localhost:5572/rc/noop \f[] .fi .PP @@ -6281,7 +6928,7 @@ parameters taking precedence. .IP .nf \f[C] -curl\ \-\-data\ "potato=1"\ \-\-data\ "sausage=2"\ "http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?rutabaga=3&sausage=4" +curl\ \-\-data\ "potato=1"\ \-\-data\ "sausage=2"\ "http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?rutabaga=3&sausage=4" \f[] .fi .PP @@ -6300,7 +6947,7 @@ Response .IP .nf \f[C] -curl\ \-H\ "Content\-Type:\ application/json"\ \-X\ POST\ \-d\ \[aq]{"potato":2,"sausage":1}\[aq]\ http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/ +curl\ \-H\ "Content\-Type:\ application/json"\ \-X\ POST\ \-d\ \[aq]{"potato":2,"sausage":1}\[aq]\ http://localhost:5572/rc/noop \f[] .fi .PP @@ -6320,7 +6967,7 @@ The JSON blob takes precedence. .IP .nf \f[C] -curl\ \-H\ "Content\-Type:\ application/json"\ \-X\ POST\ \-d\ \[aq]{"potato":2,"sausage":1}\[aq]\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/noop/?rutabaga=3&potato=4\[aq] +curl\ \-H\ "Content\-Type:\ application/json"\ \-X\ POST\ \-d\ \[aq]{"potato":2,"sausage":1}\[aq]\ \[aq]http://localhost:5572/rc/noop?rutabaga=3&potato=4\[aq] \f[] .fi .IP @@ -6339,8 +6986,9 @@ If you use the \f[C]\-\-rc\f[] flag this will also enable the use of the go profiling tools on the same port. .PP To use these, first install go (https://golang.org/doc/install). +.SS Debugging memory use .PP -Then (for example) to profile rclone\[aq]s memory use you can run: +To profile rclone\[aq]s memory use you can run: .IP .nf \f[C] @@ -6372,11 +7020,33 @@ Showing\ nodes\ accounting\ for\ 1537.03kB,\ 100%\ of\ 1537.03kB\ total \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0\ \ \ \ \ 0%\ \ \ 100%\ \ 1024.03kB\ 66.62%\ \ runtime.main \f[] .fi +.SS Debugging go routine leaks .PP -Possible profiles to look at: +Memory leaks are most often caused by go routine leaks keeping memory +alive which should have been garbage collected. +.PP +See all active go routines using +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +curl\ http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 +\f[] +.fi +.PP +Or go to http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1 in your +browser. +.SS Other profiles to look at +.PP +You can see a summary of profiles available at +http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/ +.PP +Here is how to use some of them: .IP \[bu] 2 Memory: \f[C]go\ tool\ pprof\ http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/heap\f[] .IP \[bu] 2 +Go routines: +\f[C]curl\ http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/goroutine?debug=1\f[] +.IP \[bu] 2 30\-second CPU profile: \f[C]go\ tool\ pprof\ http://localhost:5572/debug/pprof/profile\f[] .IP \[bu] 2 @@ -7243,9 +7913,13 @@ Yandex Disk T}@T{ Yes T}@T{ -No +Yes T}@T{ -No +Yes +T}@T{ +Yes +T}@T{ +Yes T}@T{ No T}@T{ @@ -7254,10 +7928,6 @@ T}@T{ Yes T}@T{ Yes -T}@T{ -No #2178 (https://github.com/ncw/rclone/issues/2178) -T}@T{ -No T} T{ The local filesystem @@ -8832,7 +9502,13 @@ Digital Ocean Spaces Singapore 1 "s3.wasabisys.com" .RS 2 .IP \[bu] 2 -Wasabi Object Storage +Wasabi US East endpoint +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +"s3.us\-west\-1.wasabisys.com" +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Wasabi US West endpoint .RE .RE .SS \-\-s3\-location\-constraint @@ -9158,9 +9834,13 @@ Type: string Default: "" .SS \-\-s3\-acl .PP -Canned ACL used when creating buckets and/or storing objects in S3. +Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects. +.PP For more info visit https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl\-overview.html#canned\-acl +.PP +Note that this ACL is applied when server side copying objects as S3 +doesn\[aq]t copy the ACL from the source but rather writes a fresh one. .IP \[bu] 2 Config: acl .IP \[bu] 2 @@ -12429,6 +13109,17 @@ Env Var: RCLONE_DROPBOX_CHUNK_SIZE Type: SizeSuffix .IP \[bu] 2 Default: 48M +.SS \-\-dropbox\-impersonate +.PP +Impersonate this user when using a business account. +.IP \[bu] 2 +Config: impersonate +.IP \[bu] 2 +Env Var: RCLONE_DROPBOX_IMPERSONATE +.IP \[bu] 2 +Type: string +.IP \[bu] 2 +Default: "" .SS Limitations .PP Note that Dropbox is case insensitive so you can\[aq]t have a file @@ -15144,6 +15835,10 @@ y/e/d>\ y \f[] .fi .PP +\f[B]NOTE:\f[] The encryption keys need to have been already generated +after a regular login via the browser, otherwise attempting to use the +credentials in \f[C]rclone\f[] will fail. +.PP Once configured you can then use \f[C]rclone\f[] like this, .PP List directories in top level of your Mega @@ -15855,6 +16550,11 @@ For example if a file has a \f[C]?\f[] in it will be mapped to \f[C]?\f[] instead. .PP The largest allowed file size is 10GiB (10,737,418,240 bytes). +.PP +OneDrive seems to be OK with at least 50,000 files in a folder, but at +100,000 rclone will get errors listing the directory like +\f[C]couldn't\ list\ files:\ UnknownError:\f[]. +See #2707 (https://github.com/ncw/rclone/issues/2707) for more info. .SS Versioning issue .PP Every change in OneDrive causes the service to create a new version. @@ -16346,7 +17046,7 @@ Here are the advanced options specific to qingstor (QingCloud Object Storage). .SS \-\-qingstor\-connection\-retries .PP -Number of connnection retries. +Number of connection retries. .IP \[bu] 2 Config: connection_retries .IP \[bu] 2 @@ -18184,11 +18884,6 @@ excess files in the path. rclone\ sync\ /home/local/directory\ remote:directory \f[] .fi -.SS \-\-fast\-list -.PP -This remote supports \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] which allows you to use -fewer transactions in exchange for more memory. -See the rclone docs (/docs/#fast-list) for more details. .SS Modified time .PP Modified times are supported and are stored accurate to 1 ns in custom @@ -18203,6 +18898,11 @@ If you wish to empty your trash you can use the \f[C]rclone\ cleanup\ remote:\f[] command which will permanently delete all your trashed files. This command does not take any path arguments. +.SS Quota information +.PP +To view your current quota you can use the +\f[C]rclone\ about\ remote:\f[] command which will display your usage +limit (quota) and the current usage. .SS Standard Options .PP Here are the standard options specific to yandex (Yandex Disk). @@ -18228,6 +18928,23 @@ Env Var: RCLONE_YANDEX_CLIENT_SECRET Type: string .IP \[bu] 2 Default: "" +.SS Advanced Options +.PP +Here are the advanced options specific to yandex (Yandex Disk). +.SS \-\-yandex\-unlink +.PP +Remove existing public link to file/folder with link command rather than +creating. +Default is false, meaning link command will create or retrieve public +link. +.IP \[bu] 2 +Config: unlink +.IP \[bu] 2 +Env Var: RCLONE_YANDEX_UNLINK +.IP \[bu] 2 +Type: bool +.IP \[bu] 2 +Default: false .SS Local Filesystem .PP Local paths are specified as normal filesystem paths, eg @@ -18506,6 +19223,197 @@ Type: bool .IP \[bu] 2 Default: false .SH Changelog +.SS v1.45 \- 2018\-11\-24 +.IP \[bu] 2 +New backends +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +The Yandex backend was re\-written \- see below for details (Sebastian +Bünger) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +New commands +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +rcd: New command just to serve the remote control API (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +New Features +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +The remote control API (rc) was greatly expanded to allow full control +over rclone (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +sensitive operations require authorization or the +\f[C]\-\-rc\-no\-auth\f[] flag +.IP \[bu] 2 +config/* operations to configure rclone +.IP \[bu] 2 +options/* for reading/setting command line flags +.IP \[bu] 2 +operations/* for all low level operations, eg copy file, list directory +.IP \[bu] 2 +sync/* for sync, copy and move +.IP \[bu] 2 +\f[C]\-\-rc\-files\f[] flag to serve files on the rc http server +.IP \[bu] 2 +this is for building web native GUIs for rclone +.IP \[bu] 2 +Optionally serving objects on the rc http server +.IP \[bu] 2 +Ensure rclone fails to start up if the \f[C]\-\-rc\f[] port is in use +already +.IP \[bu] 2 +See the rc docs (https://rclone.org/rc/) for more info +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +sync/copy/move +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Make \f[C]\-\-files\-from\f[] only read the objects specified and +don\[aq]t scan directories (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +This is a huge speed improvement for destinations with lots of files +.RE +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +filter: Add \f[C]\-\-ignore\-case\f[] flag (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +ncdu: Add remove function (\[aq]d\[aq] key) (Henning Surmeier) +.IP \[bu] 2 +rc command +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Add \f[C]\-\-json\f[] flag for structured JSON input (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Add \f[C]\-\-user\f[] and \f[C]\-\-pass\f[] flags and interpret +\f[C]\-\-rc\-user\f[], \f[C]\-\-rc\-pass\f[], \f[C]\-\-rc\-addr\f[] +(Nick Craig\-Wood) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +build +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Require go1.8 or later for compilation (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Enable softfloat on MIPS arch (Scott Edlund) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Integration test framework revamped with a better report and better +retries (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.RE +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +Bug Fixes +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +cmd: Make \-\-progress update the stats correctly at the end (Nick +Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +config: Create config directory on save if it is missing (Nick +Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +dedupe: Check for existing filename before renaming a dupe file (ssaqua) +.IP \[bu] 2 +move: Don\[aq]t create directories with \-\-dry\-run (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +operations: Fix Purge and Rmdirs when dir is not the root (Nick +Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +serve http/webdav/restic: Ensure rclone exits if the port is in use +(Nick Craig\-Wood) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +Mount +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Make \f[C]\-\-volname\f[] work for Windows and macOS (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +Azure Blob +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Avoid context deadline exceeded error by setting a large TryTimeout +value (brused27) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Fix erroneous Rmdir error "directory not empty" (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Wait for up to 60s to create a just deleted container (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +Dropbox +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Add dropbox impersonate support (Jake Coggiano) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +Jottacloud +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Fix bug in \f[C]\-\-fast\-list\f[] handing of empty folders (albertony) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +Opendrive +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Fix transfer of files with \f[C]+\f[] and \f[C]&\f[] in (Nick +Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Fix retries of upload chunks (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +S3 +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Set ACL for server side copies to that provided by the user (Nick +Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Fix role_arn, credential_source, ... +(Erik Swanson) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Add config info for Wasabi\[aq]s US\-West endpoint (Henry Ptasinski) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +SFTP +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Ensure file hash checking is really disabled (Jon Fautley) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +Swift +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Add pacer for retries to make swift more reliable (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +WebDAV +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Add Content\-Type to PUT requests (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Fix config parsing so \f[C]\-\-webdav\-user\f[] and +\f[C]\-\-webdav\-pass\f[] flags work (Nick Craig\-Wood) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Add RFC3339 date format (Ralf Hemberger) +.RE +.IP \[bu] 2 +Yandex +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +The yandex backend was re\-written (Sebastian Bünger) +.RS 2 +.IP \[bu] 2 +This implements low level retries (Sebastian Bünger) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Copy, Move, DirMove, PublicLink and About optional interfaces (Sebastian +Bünger) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Improved general error handling (Sebastian Bünger) +.IP \[bu] 2 +Removed ListR for now due to inconsistent behaviour (Sebastian Bünger) +.RE +.RE .SS v1.44 \- 2018\-10\-15 .IP \[bu] 2 New commands @@ -22207,20 +23115,51 @@ just requires writing the algorithm to do it. .SS Can I use rclone with an HTTP proxy? .PP Yes. -rclone will use the environment variables \f[C]HTTP_PROXY\f[], -\f[C]HTTPS_PROXY\f[] and \f[C]NO_PROXY\f[], similar to cURL and other -programs. +rclone will follow the standard environment variables for proxies, +similar to cURL and other programs. .PP -\f[C]HTTPS_PROXY\f[] takes precedence over \f[C]HTTP_PROXY\f[] for https -requests. +In general the variables are called \f[C]http_proxy\f[] (for services +reached over \f[C]http\f[]) and \f[C]https_proxy\f[] (for services +reached over \f[C]https\f[]). +Most public services will be using \f[C]https\f[], but you may wish to +set both. .PP -The environment values may be either a complete URL or a "host[:port]", -in which case the "http" scheme is assumed. +If you ever use \f[C]FTP\f[] then you would need to set +\f[C]ftp_proxy\f[]. +.PP +The content of the variable is \f[C]protocol://server:port\f[]. +The protocol value is the one used to talk to the proxy server, itself, +and is commonly either \f[C]http\f[] or \f[C]socks5\f[]. +.PP +Slightly annoyingly, there is no \f[I]standard\f[] for the name; some +applications may use \f[C]http_proxy\f[] but another one +\f[C]HTTP_PROXY\f[]. +The \f[C]Go\f[] libraries used by \f[C]rclone\f[] will try both +variations, but you may wish to set all possibilities. +So, on Linux, you may end up with code similar to +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +export\ http_proxy=http://proxyserver:12345 +export\ https_proxy=$http_proxy +export\ HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy +export\ HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy +\f[] +.fi .PP The \f[C]NO_PROXY\f[] allows you to disable the proxy for specific hosts. Hosts must be comma separated, and can contain domains or parts. For instance "foo.com" also matches "bar.foo.com". +.PP +e.g. +.IP +.nf +\f[C] +export\ no_proxy=localhost,,my.host.name +export\ NO_PROXY=$no_proxy +\f[] +.fi .SS Rclone gives x509: failed to load system roots and no roots provided error .PP @@ -22448,7 +23387,7 @@ Danny Tsai .IP \[bu] 2 Yoni Jah .IP \[bu] 2 -Stephen Harris +Stephen Harris .IP \[bu] 2 Ihor Dvoretskyi .IP \[bu] 2 @@ -22739,6 +23678,24 @@ David Haguenauer teresy .IP \[bu] 2 buergi +.IP \[bu] 2 +Florian Gamboeck +.IP \[bu] 2 +Ralf Hemberger <10364191+rhemberger@users.noreply.github.com> +.IP \[bu] 2 +Scott Edlund +.IP \[bu] 2 +Erik Swanson +.IP \[bu] 2 +Jake Coggiano +.IP \[bu] 2 +brused27 +.IP \[bu] 2 +Peter Kaminski +.IP \[bu] 2 +Henry Ptasinski +.IP \[bu] 2 +Alexander .SH Contact the rclone project .SS Forum .PP