
518 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// Package storage holds all cached token information for MSAL. This storage can be
// augmented with third-party extensions to provide persistent storage. In that case,
// reads and writes in upper packages will call Marshal() to take the entire in-memory
// representation and write it to storage and Unmarshal() to update the entire in-memory
// storage with what was in the persistent storage. The persistent storage can only be
// accessed in this way because multiple MSAL clients written in multiple languages can
// access the same storage and must adhere to the same method that was defined
// previously.
package storage
import (
// aadInstanceDiscoveryer allows faking in tests.
// It is implemented in production by ops/authority.Client
type aadInstanceDiscoveryer interface {
AADInstanceDiscovery(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryResponse, error)
// TokenResponse mimics a token response that was pulled from the cache.
type TokenResponse struct {
RefreshToken accesstokens.RefreshToken
IDToken IDToken // *Credential
AccessToken AccessToken
Account shared.Account
// Manager is an in-memory cache of access tokens, accounts and meta data. This data is
// updated on read/write calls. Unmarshal() replaces all data stored here with whatever
// was given to it on each call.
type Manager struct {
contract *Contract
contractMu sync.RWMutex
requests aadInstanceDiscoveryer // *oauth.Token
aadCacheMu sync.RWMutex
aadCache map[string]authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata
// New is the constructor for Manager.
func New(requests *oauth.Client) *Manager {
m := &Manager{requests: requests, aadCache: make(map[string]authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata)}
m.contract = NewContract()
return m
func checkAlias(alias string, aliases []string) bool {
for _, v := range aliases {
if alias == v {
return true
return false
func isMatchingScopes(scopesOne []string, scopesTwo string) bool {
newScopesTwo := strings.Split(scopesTwo, scopeSeparator)
scopeCounter := 0
for _, scope := range scopesOne {
for _, otherScope := range newScopesTwo {
if strings.EqualFold(scope, otherScope) {
return scopeCounter == len(scopesOne)
// Read reads a storage token from the cache if it exists.
func (m *Manager) Read(ctx context.Context, authParameters authority.AuthParams) (TokenResponse, error) {
tr := TokenResponse{}
homeAccountID := authParameters.HomeAccountID
realm := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.Tenant
clientID := authParameters.ClientID
scopes := authParameters.Scopes
// fetch metadata if instanceDiscovery is enabled
aliases := []string{authParameters.AuthorityInfo.Host}
if !authParameters.AuthorityInfo.InstanceDiscoveryDisabled {
metadata, err := m.getMetadataEntry(ctx, authParameters.AuthorityInfo)
if err != nil {
return TokenResponse{}, err
aliases = metadata.Aliases
accessToken := m.readAccessToken(homeAccountID, aliases, realm, clientID, scopes)
tr.AccessToken = accessToken
if homeAccountID == "" {
// caller didn't specify a user, so there's no reason to search for an ID or refresh token
return tr, nil
// errors returned by read* methods indicate a cache miss and are therefore non-fatal. We continue populating
// TokenResponse fields so that e.g. lack of an ID token doesn't prevent the caller from receiving a refresh token.
idToken, err := m.readIDToken(homeAccountID, aliases, realm, clientID)
if err == nil {
tr.IDToken = idToken
if appMetadata, err := m.readAppMetaData(aliases, clientID); err == nil {
// we need the family ID to identify the correct refresh token, if any
familyID := appMetadata.FamilyID
refreshToken, err := m.readRefreshToken(homeAccountID, aliases, familyID, clientID)
if err == nil {
tr.RefreshToken = refreshToken
account, err := m.readAccount(homeAccountID, aliases, realm)
if err == nil {
tr.Account = account
return tr, nil
const scopeSeparator = " "
// Write writes a token response to the cache and returns the account information the token is stored with.
func (m *Manager) Write(authParameters authority.AuthParams, tokenResponse accesstokens.TokenResponse) (shared.Account, error) {
authParameters.HomeAccountID = tokenResponse.ClientInfo.HomeAccountID()
homeAccountID := authParameters.HomeAccountID
environment := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.Host
realm := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.Tenant
clientID := authParameters.ClientID
target := strings.Join(tokenResponse.GrantedScopes.Slice, scopeSeparator)
cachedAt := time.Now()
var account shared.Account
if len(tokenResponse.RefreshToken) > 0 {
refreshToken := accesstokens.NewRefreshToken(homeAccountID, environment, clientID, tokenResponse.RefreshToken, tokenResponse.FamilyID)
if err := m.writeRefreshToken(refreshToken); err != nil {
return account, err
if len(tokenResponse.AccessToken) > 0 {
accessToken := NewAccessToken(
// Since we have a valid access token, cache it before moving on.
if err := accessToken.Validate(); err == nil {
if err := m.writeAccessToken(accessToken); err != nil {
return account, err
idTokenJwt := tokenResponse.IDToken
if !idTokenJwt.IsZero() {
idToken := NewIDToken(homeAccountID, environment, realm, clientID, idTokenJwt.RawToken)
if err := m.writeIDToken(idToken); err != nil {
return shared.Account{}, err
localAccountID := idTokenJwt.LocalAccountID()
authorityType := authParameters.AuthorityInfo.AuthorityType
preferredUsername := idTokenJwt.UPN
if idTokenJwt.PreferredUsername != "" {
preferredUsername = idTokenJwt.PreferredUsername
account = shared.NewAccount(
if err := m.writeAccount(account); err != nil {
return shared.Account{}, err
AppMetaData := NewAppMetaData(tokenResponse.FamilyID, clientID, environment)
if err := m.writeAppMetaData(AppMetaData); err != nil {
return shared.Account{}, err
return account, nil
func (m *Manager) getMetadataEntry(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata, error) {
md, err := m.aadMetadataFromCache(ctx, authorityInfo)
if err != nil {
// not in the cache, retrieve it
md, err = m.aadMetadata(ctx, authorityInfo)
return md, err
func (m *Manager) aadMetadataFromCache(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata, error) {
defer m.aadCacheMu.RUnlock()
metadata, ok := m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host]
if ok {
return metadata, nil
return metadata, errors.New("not found")
func (m *Manager) aadMetadata(ctx context.Context, authorityInfo authority.Info) (authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata, error) {
defer m.aadCacheMu.Unlock()
discoveryResponse, err := m.requests.AADInstanceDiscovery(ctx, authorityInfo)
if err != nil {
return authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata{}, err
for _, metadataEntry := range discoveryResponse.Metadata {
for _, aliasedAuthority := range metadataEntry.Aliases {
m.aadCache[aliasedAuthority] = metadataEntry
if _, ok := m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host]; !ok {
m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host] = authority.InstanceDiscoveryMetadata{
PreferredNetwork: authorityInfo.Host,
PreferredCache: authorityInfo.Host,
return m.aadCache[authorityInfo.Host], nil
func (m *Manager) readAccessToken(homeID string, envAliases []string, realm, clientID string, scopes []string) AccessToken {
defer m.contractMu.RUnlock()
// TODO: linear search (over a map no less) is slow for a large number (thousands) of tokens.
// this shows up as the dominating node in a profile. for real-world scenarios this likely isn't
// an issue, however if it does become a problem then we know where to look.
for _, at := range m.contract.AccessTokens {
if at.HomeAccountID == homeID && at.Realm == realm && at.ClientID == clientID {
if checkAlias(at.Environment, envAliases) {
if isMatchingScopes(scopes, at.Scopes) {
return at
return AccessToken{}
func (m *Manager) writeAccessToken(accessToken AccessToken) error {
defer m.contractMu.Unlock()
key := accessToken.Key()
m.contract.AccessTokens[key] = accessToken
return nil
func (m *Manager) readRefreshToken(homeID string, envAliases []string, familyID, clientID string) (accesstokens.RefreshToken, error) {
byFamily := func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool {
return matchFamilyRefreshToken(rt, homeID, envAliases)
byClient := func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool {
return matchClientIDRefreshToken(rt, homeID, envAliases, clientID)
var matchers []func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool
if familyID == "" {
matchers = []func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool{
byClient, byFamily,
} else {
matchers = []func(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken) bool{
byFamily, byClient,
// TODO(keegan): All the tests here pass, but Bogdan says this is
// more complicated. I'm opening an issue for this to have him
// review the tests and suggest tests that would break this so
// we can re-write against good tests. His comments as follow:
// The algorithm is a bit more complex than this, I assume there are some tests covering everything. I would keep the order as is.
// The algorithm is:
// If application is NOT part of the family, search by client_ID
// If app is part of the family or if we DO NOT KNOW if it's part of the family, search by family ID, then by client_id (we will know if an app is part of the family after the first token response).
defer m.contractMu.RUnlock()
for _, matcher := range matchers {
for _, rt := range m.contract.RefreshTokens {
if matcher(rt) {
return rt, nil
return accesstokens.RefreshToken{}, fmt.Errorf("refresh token not found")
func matchFamilyRefreshToken(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken, homeID string, envAliases []string) bool {
return rt.HomeAccountID == homeID && checkAlias(rt.Environment, envAliases) && rt.FamilyID != ""
func matchClientIDRefreshToken(rt accesstokens.RefreshToken, homeID string, envAliases []string, clientID string) bool {
return rt.HomeAccountID == homeID && checkAlias(rt.Environment, envAliases) && rt.ClientID == clientID
func (m *Manager) writeRefreshToken(refreshToken accesstokens.RefreshToken) error {
key := refreshToken.Key()
defer m.contractMu.Unlock()
m.contract.RefreshTokens[key] = refreshToken
return nil
func (m *Manager) readIDToken(homeID string, envAliases []string, realm, clientID string) (IDToken, error) {
defer m.contractMu.RUnlock()
for _, idt := range m.contract.IDTokens {
if idt.HomeAccountID == homeID && idt.Realm == realm && idt.ClientID == clientID {
if checkAlias(idt.Environment, envAliases) {
return idt, nil
return IDToken{}, fmt.Errorf("token not found")
func (m *Manager) writeIDToken(idToken IDToken) error {
key := idToken.Key()
defer m.contractMu.Unlock()
m.contract.IDTokens[key] = idToken
return nil
func (m *Manager) AllAccounts() []shared.Account {
defer m.contractMu.RUnlock()
var accounts []shared.Account
for _, v := range m.contract.Accounts {
accounts = append(accounts, v)
return accounts
func (m *Manager) Account(homeAccountID string) shared.Account {
defer m.contractMu.RUnlock()
for _, v := range m.contract.Accounts {
if v.HomeAccountID == homeAccountID {
return v
return shared.Account{}
func (m *Manager) readAccount(homeAccountID string, envAliases []string, realm string) (shared.Account, error) {
defer m.contractMu.RUnlock()
// You might ask why, if cache.Accounts is a map, we would loop through all of these instead of using a key.
// We only use a map because the storage contract shared between all language implementations says use a map.
// We can't change that. The other is because the keys are made using a specific "env", but here we are allowing
// a match in multiple envs (envAlias). That means we either need to hash each possible keyand do the lookup
// or just statically check. Since the design is to have a storage.Manager per user, the amount of keys stored
// is really low (say 2). Each hash is more expensive than the entire iteration.
for _, acc := range m.contract.Accounts {
if acc.HomeAccountID == homeAccountID && checkAlias(acc.Environment, envAliases) && acc.Realm == realm {
return acc, nil
return shared.Account{}, fmt.Errorf("account not found")
func (m *Manager) writeAccount(account shared.Account) error {
key := account.Key()
defer m.contractMu.Unlock()
m.contract.Accounts[key] = account
return nil
func (m *Manager) readAppMetaData(envAliases []string, clientID string) (AppMetaData, error) {
defer m.contractMu.RUnlock()
for _, app := range m.contract.AppMetaData {
if checkAlias(app.Environment, envAliases) && app.ClientID == clientID {
return app, nil
return AppMetaData{}, fmt.Errorf("not found")
func (m *Manager) writeAppMetaData(AppMetaData AppMetaData) error {
key := AppMetaData.Key()
defer m.contractMu.Unlock()
m.contract.AppMetaData[key] = AppMetaData
return nil
// RemoveAccount removes all the associated ATs, RTs and IDTs from the cache associated with this account.
func (m *Manager) RemoveAccount(account shared.Account, clientID string) {
m.removeRefreshTokens(account.HomeAccountID, account.Environment, clientID)
m.removeAccessTokens(account.HomeAccountID, account.Environment)
m.removeIDTokens(account.HomeAccountID, account.Environment)
m.removeAccounts(account.HomeAccountID, account.Environment)
func (m *Manager) removeRefreshTokens(homeID string, env string, clientID string) {
defer m.contractMu.Unlock()
for key, rt := range m.contract.RefreshTokens {
// Check for RTs associated with the account.
if rt.HomeAccountID == homeID && rt.Environment == env {
// Do RT's app ownership check as a precaution, in case family apps
// and 3rd-party apps share same token cache, although they should not.
if rt.ClientID == clientID || rt.FamilyID != "" {
delete(m.contract.RefreshTokens, key)
func (m *Manager) removeAccessTokens(homeID string, env string) {
defer m.contractMu.Unlock()
for key, at := range m.contract.AccessTokens {
// Remove AT's associated with the account
if at.HomeAccountID == homeID && at.Environment == env {
// # To avoid the complexity of locating sibling family app's AT, we skip AT's app ownership check.
// It means ATs for other apps will also be removed, it is OK because:
// non-family apps are not supposed to share token cache to begin with;
// Even if it happens, we keep other app's RT already, so SSO still works.
delete(m.contract.AccessTokens, key)
func (m *Manager) removeIDTokens(homeID string, env string) {
defer m.contractMu.Unlock()
for key, idt := range m.contract.IDTokens {
// Remove ID tokens associated with the account.
if idt.HomeAccountID == homeID && idt.Environment == env {
delete(m.contract.IDTokens, key)
func (m *Manager) removeAccounts(homeID string, env string) {
defer m.contractMu.Unlock()
for key, acc := range m.contract.Accounts {
// Remove the specified account.
if acc.HomeAccountID == homeID && acc.Environment == env {
delete(m.contract.Accounts, key)
// update updates the internal cache object. This is for use in tests, other uses are not
// supported.
func (m *Manager) update(cache *Contract) {
defer m.contractMu.Unlock()
m.contract = cache
// Marshal implements cache.Marshaler.
func (m *Manager) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
defer m.contractMu.RUnlock()
return json.Marshal(m.contract)
// Unmarshal implements cache.Unmarshaler.
func (m *Manager) Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
defer m.contractMu.Unlock()
contract := NewContract()
err := json.Unmarshal(b, contract)
if err != nil {
return err
m.contract = contract
return nil