
139 lines
3.0 KiB

* A name server which sends back the IP address of its client, the
* recursive resolver. When queried for type TXT, it sends back the text
* form of the address. When queried for type A (resp. AAAA), it sends
* back the IPv4 (resp. v6) address.
* Similar services: whoami.ultradns.net, whoami.akamai.net. Also (but it
* is not their normal goal): rs.dns-oarc.net, porttest.dns-oarc.net,
* amiopen.openresolvers.org.
* Original version from:
* Stephane Bortzmeyer <stephane+grong@bortzmeyer.org>
* Adapted to Go DNS (i.e. completely rewritten)
* Miek Gieben <miek@miek.nl>
package main
import (
var (
printf *bool
compress *bool
const dom = "whoami.miek.nl."
func handleReflect(w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg) {
var (
v4 bool
rr dns.RR
str string
a net.IP
// TC must be done here
m := new(dns.Msg)
m.Compress = *compress
if ip, ok := w.RemoteAddr().(*net.UDPAddr); ok {
str = "Port: " + strconv.Itoa(ip.Port) + " (udp)"
a = ip.IP
v4 = a.To4() != nil
if ip, ok := w.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr); ok {
str = "Port: " + strconv.Itoa(ip.Port) + " (tcp)"
a = ip.IP
v4 = a.To4() != nil
if v4 {
rr = new(dns.RR_A)
rr.(*dns.RR_A).Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: dom, Rrtype: dns.TypeA, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 0}
rr.(*dns.RR_A).A = a.To4()
} else {
rr = new(dns.RR_AAAA)
rr.(*dns.RR_AAAA).Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: dom, Rrtype: dns.TypeAAAA, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 0}
rr.(*dns.RR_AAAA).AAAA = a
t := new(dns.RR_TXT)
t.Hdr = dns.RR_Header{Name: dom, Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT, Class: dns.ClassINET, Ttl: 0}
t.Txt = []string{str}
switch r.Question[0].Qtype {
case dns.TypeTXT:
m.Answer = append(m.Answer, t)
m.Extra = append(m.Extra, rr)
case dns.TypeAAAA, dns.TypeA:
m.Answer = append(m.Answer, rr)
m.Extra = append(m.Extra, t)
b, ok := m.Pack()
if *printf {
fmt.Printf("%v\n", m.String())
if !ok {
log.Print("Packing failed")
m.SetRcode(r, dns.RcodeServerFailure)
m.Extra = nil
m.Answer = nil
b, _ = m.Pack()
// The reply is smaller then 512 bytes, so it will always "fit"
func serve(net string) {
err := dns.ListenAndServe(":8053", net, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to setup the "+net+" server: %s\n", err.Error())
func main() {
cpuprofile := flag.String("cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
printf = flag.Bool("print", false, "print replies")
compress = flag.Bool("compress", false, "compress replies")
flag.Usage = func() {
if *cpuprofile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
if err != nil {
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
dns.HandleFunc(".", handleReflect)
go serve("tcp")
go serve("udp")
sig := make(chan os.Signal)
for {
select {
case <-sig:
fmt.Printf("Signal received, stopping\n")
break forever