
385 lines
8.6 KiB

// Package main provides ...
package main
import (
// probe creates a packet and sends it to the nameserver. It
// returns a fingerprint.
func probe(c *dns.Client, addr string, f *fingerprint) *fingerprint {
m := f.msg()
r, err := c.Exchange(m, addr)
if err != nil {
return errorToFingerprint(err)
return toFingerprint(r)
// This leads to strings like: "miek.nl.,IN,A,QUERY,NOERROR,qr,aa,tc,RD,ad,cd,z,1,0,0,1,DO,4096,NSID"
type fingerprint struct {
Query dns.Question // Question to ask or Question of the reply
Error error
Opcode int
Rcode int
Response bool
Authoritative bool
Truncated bool
RecursionDesired bool
RecursionAvailable bool
AuthenticatedData bool
CheckingDisabled bool
Zero bool
Question int
Answer int
Ns int
Extra int
Do bool
UDPSize int
Nsid bool
// String creates a (short) string representation of a dns message.
// If a bit is set we uppercase the name 'AD' otherwise it's lowercase 'ad'.
// This leads to strings like: ".,IN,NS,QUERY,NOERROR,qr,aa,tc,RD,ad,cd,z,1,0,0,1,DO,4096,NSID"
func (f *fingerprint) String() (s string) {
if f == nil {
return "<nil>"
// Use the same order as in Perl's fpdns. But use much more flags.
// The Question.
if len(f.Query.Name) == 0 {
s = "."
} else {
s = f.Query.Name
if _, ok := dns.Class_str[f.Query.Qclass]; ok {
s += "," + dns.Class_str[f.Query.Qclass]
} else {
s += "," + "CLASS" + strconv.Itoa(int(f.Query.Qclass))
if _, ok := dns.Rr_str[f.Query.Qtype]; ok {
s += "," + dns.Rr_str[f.Query.Qtype]
} else {
s += "," + "TYPE" + strconv.Itoa(int(f.Query.Qtype))
if op, ok := dns.Opcode_str[f.Opcode]; ok {
s += "," + op
} else { // number
s += "," + valueOfInt(f.Opcode)
if op, ok := dns.Rcode_str[f.Rcode]; ok {
s += "," + op
} else { // number
s += "," + valueOfInt(f.Rcode)
s += valueOfBool(f.Response, ",qr")
s += valueOfBool(f.Authoritative, ",aa")
s += valueOfBool(f.Truncated, ",tc")
s += valueOfBool(f.RecursionDesired, ",rd")
s += valueOfBool(f.RecursionAvailable, ",ra")
s += valueOfBool(f.AuthenticatedData, ",ad")
s += valueOfBool(f.CheckingDisabled, ",cd")
s += valueOfBool(f.Zero, ",z")
s += "," + valueOfInt(f.Question)
s += "," + valueOfInt(f.Answer)
s += "," + valueOfInt(f.Ns)
s += "," + valueOfInt(f.Extra)
s += valueOfBool(f.Do, ",do")
s += "," + valueOfInt(f.UDPSize)
s += valueOfBool(f.Nsid, ",nsid")
return s
// Return a new fingerprint, set from string
func newFingerprint(s string) *fingerprint {
f := new(fingerprint)
return f
// SetString sets the strings str to the fingerprint *f.
func (f *fingerprint) setString(str string) {
for i, s := range strings.Split(str, ",") {
switch i {
case 0: // question section domain name
f.Query.Name = s
case 1: // Qclass
f.Query.Qclass = 0
if c, ok := dns.Str_class[s]; ok {
f.Query.Qclass = c
case 2: // Qtype
f.Query.Qtype = 0
if c, ok := dns.Str_rr[s]; ok {
f.Query.Qtype = c
case 3:
if op, ok := dns.Str_opcode[s]; ok {
f.Opcode = op
} else { // number
f.Opcode = valueOfString(s)
case 4:
if op, ok := dns.Str_rcode[s]; ok {
f.Rcode = op
} else { // number
f.Rcode = valueOfString(s)
case 5:
f.Response = s == strings.ToUpper("qr")
case 6:
f.Authoritative = s == strings.ToUpper("aa")
case 7:
f.Truncated = s == strings.ToUpper("tc")
case 8:
f.RecursionDesired = s == strings.ToUpper("rd")
case 9:
f.RecursionAvailable = s == strings.ToUpper("ra")
case 10:
f.AuthenticatedData = s == strings.ToUpper("ad")
case 11:
f.CheckingDisabled = s == strings.ToUpper("cd")
case 12:
f.Zero = s == strings.ToUpper("z")
case 13:
f.Question = valueOfString(s)
case 14:
f.Answer = valueOfString(s)
case 15:
f.Ns = valueOfString(s)
case 16:
f.Extra = valueOfString(s)
case 17:
f.Do = s == strings.ToUpper("do")
case 18:
f.UDPSize = valueOfString(s)
case 19:
f.Nsid = s == strings.ToUpper("nsid")
panic("unhandled fingerprint field")
func (f *fingerprint) ok() bool {
return f.Error == nil
func (f *fingerprint) error() string {
if f.Error == nil {
panic("error is nil")
return f.Error.Error()
func errorToFingerprint(e error) *fingerprint {
f := new(fingerprint)
f.Error = e
return f
// Convert a Msg to a fingerprint
func toFingerprint(m *dns.Msg) *fingerprint {
if m == nil {
return nil
h := m.MsgHdr
f := new(fingerprint)
if len(m.Question) > 0 {
if len(m.Question[0].Name) == 0 {
f.Query.Name = "."
} else {
f.Query.Name = m.Question[0].Name
f.Query.Qtype = m.Question[0].Qtype
f.Query.Qclass = m.Question[0].Qclass
} else {
// Default, nil values
f.Query.Name = "."
f.Query.Qtype = 0
f.Query.Qclass = 0
f.Opcode = h.Opcode
f.Rcode = h.Rcode
f.Response = h.Response
f.Authoritative = h.Authoritative
f.Truncated = h.Truncated
f.RecursionDesired = h.RecursionDesired
f.RecursionAvailable = h.RecursionAvailable
f.AuthenticatedData = h.AuthenticatedData
f.CheckingDisabled = h.CheckingDisabled
f.Zero = h.Zero
f.Question = len(m.Question)
f.Answer = len(m.Answer)
f.Ns = len(m.Ns)
f.Extra = len(m.Extra)
f.Do = false
f.UDPSize = 0
for _, r := range m.Extra {
if r.Header().Rrtype == dns.TypeOPT {
// version is always 0 - and I cannot set it anyway
f.Do = r.(*dns.RR_OPT).Do()
f.UDPSize = int(r.(*dns.RR_OPT).UDPSize())
if len(r.(*dns.RR_OPT).Option) == 1 {
// Only support NSID atm
f.Nsid = r.(*dns.RR_OPT).Option[0].Code == dns.OptionCodeNSID
return f
// Create a dns message from a fingerprint string and
// a DNS question. The order of a string is always the same.
// .,IN,NS,QUERY,NOERROR,qr,aa,tc,RD,ad,ad,z,1,0,0,1,DO,4096,nsid
func (f *fingerprint) msg() *dns.Msg {
m := new(dns.Msg)
m.MsgHdr.Id = dns.Id()
m.Question = make([]dns.Question, 1)
m.Question[0] = dns.Question{f.Query.Name, f.Query.Qtype, f.Query.Qclass}
m.MsgHdr.Opcode = f.Opcode
m.MsgHdr.Rcode = f.Rcode
m.MsgHdr.Response = f.Response
m.MsgHdr.Authoritative = f.Authoritative
m.MsgHdr.Truncated = f.Truncated
m.MsgHdr.RecursionDesired = f.RecursionDesired
m.MsgHdr.AuthenticatedData = f.AuthenticatedData
m.MsgHdr.CheckingDisabled = f.CheckingDisabled
m.MsgHdr.Zero = f.Zero
if f.Do {
// Add an OPT section.
m.SetEdns0(0, true)
// We have added an OPT RR, set the size.
if f.Nsid {
return m
// Compare two fingerprints, it returns the number of differences.
func (f *fingerprint) compare(f1 *fingerprint) (diff int) {
if f.Query.Name != f1.Query.Name {
if f.Query.Qtype != f1.Query.Qtype {
if f.Query.Qclass != f1.Query.Qclass {
if f.Opcode != f1.Opcode {
if f.Rcode != f1.Rcode {
if f.Response != f1.Response {
if f.Authoritative != f1.Authoritative {
if f.Truncated != f1.Truncated {
if f.RecursionDesired != f1.RecursionDesired {
if f.RecursionAvailable != f1.RecursionAvailable {
if f.AuthenticatedData != f1.AuthenticatedData {
if f.CheckingDisabled != f1.CheckingDisabled {
if f.Zero != f1.Zero {
if f.Question != f1.Question {
if f.Answer != f1.Answer {
if f.Ns != f1.Ns {
if f.Extra != f1.Extra {
if f.Do != f1.Do {
if f.UDPSize != f1.UDPSize {
if f.Nsid != f1.Nsid {
// Read the finger prints from the file. Lines starting with
// # are comments. Each line should contain one fingerprint in string format.
func fingerPrintFromFile(f string) ([]*fingerprint, error) {
r, e := os.Open(f)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
b := bufio.NewReader(r)
l, p, e := b.ReadLine()
i := 1
prints := make([]*fingerprint, 0)
for e == nil {
if p {
return nil, nil
// Comments and empty lines are ignored
if l[0] != '#' && l[0] != '\n' {
prints = append(prints, newFingerprint(string(l)))
l, p, e = b.ReadLine()
return prints, nil
func valueOfBool(b bool, w string) string {
if b {
return strings.ToUpper(w)
return strings.ToLower(w)
func valueOfInt(i int) string {
return strconv.Itoa(i)
func valueOfString(s string) int {
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)
return i