
266 lines
6.1 KiB

package dns
import (
func TestCompareDomainName(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
s1, s2 string
expected int
{"www.miek.nl.", "miek.nl.", 2},
{"miek.nl.", "www.bla.nl.", 1},
{"www.bla.nl.", "nl.www.bla.", 0},
{"www.miek.nl.", "nl.", 1},
{"www.miek.nl.", "miek.nl.", 2},
{"www.miek.nl.", ".", 0},
{".", ".", 0},
{"test.com.", "TEST.COM.", 2},
{"a.b.c.d.e.f.", "a.b.c.d.e.", 0},
{"a.b.c.d.e.", "a.b.c.d.e.", 5},
for _, x := range tests {
if i := CompareDomainName(x.s1, x.s2); i != x.expected {
t.Errorf("%s with %s should be %d got: %d", x.s1, x.s2, x.expected, i)
func TestSplit(t *testing.T) {
splitter := map[string]int{
"www.miek.nl.": 3,
"www.miek.nl": 3,
"www..miek.nl": 4,
`www\.miek.nl.`: 2,
`www\\.miek.nl.`: 3,
`\\.miek.nl.`: 3,
`\\\.miek.nl.`: 2,
`\\\\.miek.nl.`: 3,
`www.miek\\\\.nl.`: 3,
`www.miek\\\.nl.`: 2,
".": 0,
"nl.": 1,
"nl": 1,
"com.": 1,
".com.": 2,
for s, i := range splitter {
if x := len(Split(s)); x != i {
t.Errorf("labels should be %d, got %d: %s %v", i, x, s, Split(s))
func TestSplit2(t *testing.T) {
splitter := map[string][]int{
"www.miek.nl.": {0, 4, 9},
"www.miek.nl": {0, 4, 9},
"nl": {0},
for s, i := range splitter {
x := Split(s)
switch len(i) {
case 1:
if x[0] != i[0] {
t.Errorf("labels should be %v, got %v: %s", i, x, s)
if x[0] != i[0] || x[1] != i[1] || x[2] != i[2] {
t.Errorf("labels should be %v, got %v: %s", i, x, s)
func TestPrevLabel(t *testing.T) {
type prev struct {
prever := map[prev]int{
{"www.miek.nl.", 0}: 12,
{"www.miek.nl.", 1}: 9,
{"www.miek.nl.", 2}: 4,
{"www.miek.nl", 0}: 11,
{"www.miek.nl", 1}: 9,
{"www.miek.nl", 2}: 4,
{"www.miek.nl.", 5}: 0,
{"www.miek.nl", 5}: 0,
{"www.miek.nl.", 3}: 0,
{"www.miek.nl", 3}: 0,
{"a.b.c.", 1}: 4,
{"a.b.c", 1}: 4,
// make sure we are safe when the label begins with a possibly escaped '.'
for i := 1; i < 8; i++ {
s := strings.Repeat(`\`, i) + "."
prever[prev{s, 0}] = i + 1
for s, i := range prever {
x, ok := PrevLabel(s.string, s.int)
if i != x {
t.Errorf("label should be %d, got %d, %t: preving %d, %s", i, x, ok, s.int, s.string)
func TestCountLabel(t *testing.T) {
splitter := map[string]int{
"www.miek.nl.": 3,
"www.miek.nl": 3,
"nl": 1,
".": 0,
for s, i := range splitter {
x := CountLabel(s)
if x != i {
t.Errorf("CountLabel should have %d, got %d", i, x)
func TestSplitDomainName(t *testing.T) {
labels := map[string][]string{
"miek.nl": {"miek", "nl"},
".": nil,
"www.miek.nl.": {"www", "miek", "nl"},
"www.miek.nl": {"www", "miek", "nl"},
"www..miek.nl": {"www", "", "miek", "nl"},
`www\.miek.nl`: {`www\.miek`, "nl"},
`www\\.miek.nl`: {`www\\`, "miek", "nl"},
".www.miek.nl.": {"", "www", "miek", "nl"},
for domain, splits := range labels {
parts := SplitDomainName(domain)
if len(parts) != len(splits) {
t.Errorf("SplitDomainName returned %v for %s, expected %v", parts, domain, splits)
continue domainLoop
for i := range parts {
if parts[i] != splits[i] {
t.Errorf("SplitDomainName returned %v for %s, expected %v", parts, domain, splits)
continue domainLoop
func TestIsDomainName(t *testing.T) {
type ret struct {
ok bool
lab int
names := map[string]*ret{
"..": {false, 1},
"@.": {true, 1},
"www.example.com": {true, 3},
"www.e%ample.com": {true, 3},
"www.example.com.": {true, 3},
"mi\\k.nl.": {true, 2},
"mi\\k.nl": {true, 2},
longestDomain: {true, 4},
longestUnprintableDomain: {true, 4},
for d, ok := range names {
l, k := IsDomainName(d)
if ok.ok != k || ok.lab != l {
t.Errorf(" got %v %d for %s ", k, l, d)
t.Errorf("have %v %d for %s ", ok.ok, ok.lab, d)
func TestIsFqdnEscaped(t *testing.T) {
for s, expect := range map[string]bool{
".": true,
"\\.": false,
"\\\\.": true,
"\\\\\\.": false,
"\\\\\\\\.": true,
"a.": true,
"a\\.": false,
"a\\\\.": true,
"a\\\\\\.": false,
"ab.": true,
"ab\\.": false,
"ab\\\\.": true,
"ab\\\\\\.": false,
"..": true,
".\\.": false,
".\\\\.": true,
".\\\\\\.": false,
"example.org.": true,
"example.org\\.": false,
"example.org\\\\.": true,
"example.org\\\\\\.": false,
"example\\.org.": true,
"example\\\\.org.": true,
"example\\\\\\.org.": true,
"\\example.org.": true,
"\\\\example.org.": true,
"\\\\\\example.org.": true,
} {
if got := IsFqdn(s); got != expect {
t.Errorf("IsFqdn(%q) = %t, expected %t", s, got, expect)
func TestEqual(t *testing.T) {
type testcase struct {
a, b string
match bool
tests := []testcase{
{"a", "a", true},
{"a", "A", true},
{"A", "a", true},
{"A", "b", false},
{"www.example.com.", "www.exAmpLe.com.", true},
{"www.example.com.", "www.exAmpLe.org.", false},
for _, x := range tests {
eq := equal(x.a, x.b)
if eq != x.match {
t.Errorf("%+v: want: %t got: %t", x, x.match, eq)
func BenchmarkSplitLabels(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkLenLabels(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkCompareDomainName(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
CompareDomainName("www.example.com.", "aa.example.com.")
func BenchmarkIsSubDomain(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
IsSubDomain("www.example.com.", "aa.example.com.")
IsSubDomain("example.com.", "aa.example.com.")
IsSubDomain("miek.nl.", "aa.example.com.")