
200 lines
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package dns
// This file is in flux
import (
type SecurityStatus int
const (
SECURE SecurityStatus = iota
// Check if the returned message has a delegation signer record
// Algo:
// The auth section's owner name (should be all equal) - seperate check!
// The ownername of the DS records must match the right side of the qname
func AssertDelegationSigner(m *Msg, trustdb []*RR_DNSKEY) error {
// look for the DS(s)
dss := make([]*RR_DS, 0)
// If there are ddssen, there should also be a SIG (what if not?)
var sig *RR_RRSIG
for _, r := range m.Ns {
if d, ok := r.(*RR_DS); ok {
dss = append(dss, d)
if s, ok := r.(*RR_RRSIG); ok {
if s.TypeCovered == TypeDS {
sig = s
if len(dss) == 0 {
// No DSs found ...
return nil
println("DSs found", len(dss))
if sig == nil {
// No SIG found ...
return nil
println("SIG found")
// Ownername of the DSs should match the qname
if CompareLabels(dss[0].Header().Name, m.Question[0].Name) == 0 {
// No match
// Optionally keep track of these comparison, it should increase
println("Match found between delegation DS and qname")
return nil
// Types of answers (without looking the RFCs)
// len(m.Ns) > 0
// NS records in there? -> delegation (rcode should be rcode.Success)
// - secure delegation -> DS should be there
// - insecure delegation -> Proof of no DS (either NSEC or NSEC3)
// - plain old DNS delegation -> ...
// SOA record in there? -> nxdomain (rcode should be rcode.Nxdomain)
// Lookup does a (secure) DNS lookup. The message m contains
// the question to be asked. Lookup returns last packet seen
// which is either the answer or a packet somewhere in the
// tree where the error occured.
// TODO: check return code - see unbound for what we want
func Lookup(m *Msg) (*Msg, error) {
// This is actually what needs to be done when parsing packets too
a, aaaa := primingZone()
ds := primingTrust()
for i, r := range a {
println(i, r)
for i, r := range aaaa {
println(i, r)
for i, r := range ds {
println(i, r.String())
c := new(Client)
a1 := randomAddress(a)
n, _, _, e := c.ExchangeRtt(m, a1+":53")
if e == nil {
} else {
return nil, e
// n is our reply, deal with it
// Check for DS
// Check for DS absent (NSEC/NSEC3)
if len(n.Ns) > 0 && len(n.Answer) == 0 && n.Rcode == RcodeSuccess { // Referral
// the ns name of the nameservers should match the right most labels. Check the answer
for i, j := range addrFromReferral4(n) {
println(i, j)
return nil, nil
// Parse a referral packet and return two lists (v4 and v6) of
// ip addresses to try next. As the NS records in a referral
// are not signed (the belong to the child), no validation takes
// place at this step.
func parseReferral(m *Msg) ([]*RR_A, []*RR_AAAA) {
return nil, nil
// Parse the builtin root zone and return two lists (v4 and v6) of
// ip addresses to try.
// Glue checking this is -- should be done much nicer/better
func primingZone() (a, aaaa []string) {
nss := make(map[string]bool) // List of ns names
// Walk the records, get each NS for . and look for the addresses
for rr := range ParseZone(strings.NewReader(NamedRoot), "", "named.root") {
if rr.RR.Header().Name == "." && rr.RR.Header().Rrtype == TypeNS {
nss[rr.RR.(*RR_NS).Ns] = true
if rr.RR.Header().Rrtype == TypeA {
for n, _ := range nss {
if rr.RR.Header().Name == n {
a = append(a, rr.RR.(*RR_A).A.String())
if rr.RR.Header().Rrtype == TypeAAAA {
for n, _ := range nss {
if rr.RR.Header().Name == n {
aaaa = append(aaaa, rr.RR.(*RR_AAAA).AAAA.String())
// Randomize
// Validate the root key with the DS records we've gotten offline
func createTrustDB(dss []*RR_DS, a, aaaa []string) *[]RR_DNSKEY {
// Query a root server, get the DNSKEY, toDS() and check
return nil
// Parse the builtin trust anchor and return the DS records
func primingTrust() []*RR_DS {
ta, _ := ReadTrustAnchor(strings.NewReader(RootAnchorXML))
// Don't care about validity just yet
dss := make([]*RR_DS, 0)
for _, t := range ta {
dss = append(dss, t.Anchor)
return dss
func randomAddress(list []string) string {
if len(list) == 0 {
return ""
return list[rand.Intn(len(list))]
// Pull the addresses out of the referral message
// Check the zone
func addrFromReferral4(m *Msg) (addr []string) {
for _, ns := range m.Ns {
if ns.Header().Rrtype != TypeNS {
for _, a := range m.Extra {
if a.Header().Rrtype != TypeA {
if ns.(*RR_NS).Ns == a.Header().Name {
addr = append(addr, a.(*RR_A).A.String())