
119 lines
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package main
// Keep a local cache of DNS packets. Match incoming
// qname,qclass,qtype and return the saved packet.
// On a cache miss consult the nameserver
import (
// Keep everything in the cache for 60 seconds
const (
_CLASS = 2 << 16
INSERT = iota
var cache Cache
type item struct {
epoch int64
msg []byte
// Number in the second map denotes the class + type.
func intval(c, t uint16) int {
return int(c)*_CLASS + int(t)
// Mutex entry in the cache, if non-nill take the lock
// Ala Zone in zone.go, but slightly different
type Cache struct {
data map[string]map[int]*item
rw *sync.RWMutex
func NewCache() Cache {
c := new(Cache)
c.data = make(map[string]map[int]*item)
c.rw = new(sync.RWMutex)
return *c
// Add an entry to the cache. The old entry (if any) gets overwritten
func (c Cache) add(q *dns.Msg) {
defer c.rw.Unlock()
qname := q.Question[0].Name
i := intval(q.Question[0].Qclass, q.Question[0].Qtype)
if c.data[qname] == nil {
im := make(map[int]*item)
c.data[qname] = im
buf, _ := q.Pack()
im := c.data[qname]
im[i] = &item{time.Seconds(), buf}
// Lookup an entry in the cache. Returns nil
// when nothing found.
func (c Cache) lookup(q *dns.Msg) []byte {
// Use the question section for looking up
defer c.rw.RUnlock()
i := intval(q.Question[0].Qclass, q.Question[0].Qtype)
if im, ok := c.data[q.Question[0].Name]; ok {
// we have the name
if d, ok := im[i]; ok {
// We even have the entry, check cache time
if time.Seconds() - d.epoch > CACHETTL {
// Too olds means we get a new one
return nil
e := make([]byte, len(d.msg))
copy(e, d.msg)
return e
return nil
func checkcache(m *dns.Msg) (o []byte) {
// Check if we have the packet in Cache
// if so, return it. Otherwise ask the
// server, return that answer and put it
// in the cache.
o = cache.lookup(m)
if o != nil {
// octet 1 and 2 contain the Id, set the one for the current pkt
o[0] = byte(m.MsgHdr.Id >> 8)
o[1] = byte(m.MsgHdr.Id)
println("Cache miss")
var p *dns.Msg
for _, c := range qr {
p, _ = c.Client.Exchange(m, c.Addr)
o, _ = p.Pack()
// Return the configration
func NewFunkenSturm() *FunkenSturm {
f := new(FunkenSturm)
f.Funk = make([]*Funk, 1)
f.Setup = func() bool { cache = NewCache(); return true }
f.Funk[0] = new(Funk)
f.Funk[0].Match = func(m *dns.Msg) (*dns.Msg, bool) { return m, true }
f.Funk[0].Action = checkcache
return f