
223 lines
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// Copyright 2011 Miek Gieben. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package dns
import (
const _CLASS = 2 << 16
// ZRRset is a structure that keeps several items from
// a zone file together.
type ZRRset struct {
RRs RRset // the RRset for this type and name
RRsigs RRset // the RRSIGs belonging to this RRset (if any)
Nxt RR // the NSEC or NSEC3 for this name
Glue bool // when this RRset is glue, set to true
// NewZRRset returns a pointer to a new ZRRset.
func NewZRRset() *ZRRset {
s := new(ZRRset)
s.RRs = NewRRset()
s.RRsigs = NewRRset()
return s
// Zone implements the concept of RFC 1035 master zone files.
// We store the zone contents in a map where the ownername is
// the key. In that map we have another map with integers
// (class * _CLASS + type) that has the ZRRset:
// map[<ownername>] -> map[<int>] -> ZRRset
type Zone struct {
Zone map[string]map[int]*ZRRset // the contents of the zone
Nxt *QnameString // sorted list of owernames in the zone
// NewZone returns a new *Zone
func NewZone() *Zone {
z := new(Zone)
z.Zone = make(map[string]map[int]*ZRRset)
z.Nxt = NewQnameString()
return z
// Pop returns the last pushed ZRRset from z.
// Get the first value
func (z *Zone) Pop() *ZRRset {
if z == nil {
return nil
for _, v := range z.Zone {
for _, v1 := range v {
return v1
return nil
// PopRR returns the last RR pushed from z.
func (z *Zone) PopRR() RR {
if z == nil {
return nil
s := z.Pop()
if s == nil {
return nil
switch {
case len(s.RRs) != 0:
return s.RRs.Pop()
case len(s.RRsigs) != 0:
return s.RRsigs.Pop()
case s.Nxt != nil:
return s.Nxt
panic("not reached")
return nil
// Len returns the number of RRs in z.
func (z *Zone) Len() int {
i := 0
for _, im := range z.Zone {
for _, s := range im {
i += len(s.RRs) + len(s.RRsigs)
if s.Nxt != nil {
return i
func (z *Zone) String() string {
if z == nil {
return "<nil> zone"
s := ""
for _, im := range z.Zone {
for _, s1 := range im {
s += s1.RRs.String()
s += s1.RRsigs.String()
if s1.Nxt != nil {
s += s1.Nxt.String() + "\n"
return s
// PushRR adds a new RR to the zone.
func (z *Zone) PushRR(r RR) {
s, _ := z.LookupRR(r)
if s == nil {
s = NewZRRset()
// Add to the sorted ownernames list
SortInsert(z.Nxt, r.Header().Name)
switch r.Header().Rrtype {
case TypeRRSIG:
case TypeNSEC, TypeNSEC3:
s.Nxt = r
// Push adds a new ZRRset to the zone.
func (z *Zone) Push(s *ZRRset) {
// s can hold RRs, RRsigs or a Nxt
name := ""
i := 0
switch {
case len(s.RRs) != 0:
name = s.RRs[0].Header().Name
i = intval(s.RRs[0].Header().Class, s.RRs[0].Header().Rrtype)
case len(s.RRsigs) != 0:
name = s.RRsigs[0].Header().Name
i = intval(s.RRsigs[0].Header().Class, s.RRsigs[0].(*RR_RRSIG).TypeCovered)
case s.Nxt != nil:
name = s.Nxt.Header().Name
i = intval(s.Nxt.Header().Class, s.Nxt.Header().Rrtype)
if z.Zone[name] == nil {
im := make(map[int]*ZRRset) // intmap
im[i] = s
z.Zone[name] = im
im := z.Zone[name]
im[i] = s
// Lookup the RR in the zone, we are only looking at
// qname, qtype and qclass of the RR
// Considerations for wildcards
// Return NXDomain, Name error, wildcard?
// Casing!
func (z *Zone) LookupRR(r RR) (*ZRRset, os.Error) {
if r.Header().Rrtype == TypeRRSIG {
return z.LookupName(r.Header().Name, r.Header().Class, r.(*RR_RRSIG).TypeCovered)
return z.LookupName(r.Header().Name, r.Header().Class, r.Header().Rrtype)
func (z *Zone) LookupQuestion(q Question) (*ZRRset, os.Error) {
// Impossible to look for an typecovered in a question, because the rdata is
// not there.
return z.LookupName(q.Name, q.Qclass, q.Qtype)
func (z *Zone) LookupName(qname string, qclass, qtype uint16) (*ZRRset, os.Error) {
i := intval(qclass, qtype)
if im, ok := z.Zone[strings.ToLower(qname)]; ok {
// Have an im, intmap
if s, ok := im[i]; ok {
return s, nil
// Wildcard 'n stuff
return nil, ErrName
return nil, nil
// Number in the second map denotes the class + type.
func intval(c, t uint16) int {
return int(c)*_CLASS + int(t)
// SortInsert insert the string s in the already sorted
// vector p. If s is already present it is not inserted again.
func SortInsert(p *QnameString, s string) {
i := sort.Search(len(*p), func(i int) bool { return (*p)[i] >= s })
if i < len(*p) && (*p)[i] == s {
// element already there
p.Insert(i, s)
// Search searches the sorted vector p using binary search. If
// the element s can not be found, the previous element is returned.
func SortSearch(p *QnameString, s string) string {
i := sort.Search(len(*p), func(i int) bool { return (*p)[i] >= s })
// with zones there must always be one before
if (*p)[i] == s {
return s
if i > 0 {
return (*p)[i]