
144 lines
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package dns
import "strings"
// Dedup removes identical RRs from rrs. It preserves the original ordering.
// The lowest TTL of any duplicates is used in the remaining one.
// TODO(miek): This function will be extended to also look for CNAMEs and DNAMEs.
// if found, it will prune rrs from the "other data" that can exist. Example:
// if it finds a: a.miek.nl. CNAME foo, all other RRs with the ownername a.miek.nl.
// will be removed. When a DNAME is found all RRs with an ownername below that of
// the DNAME will be removed.
func Dedup(rrs []RR) []RR {
m := make(map[string]RR)
keys := make([]string, 0, len(rrs))
// Save possible cname and dname domainnames. Currently a slice, don't
// expect millions here..
cname := []string{}
dname := []string{}
for _, r := range rrs {
key, end := normalizedString(r)
keys = append(keys, key)
if _, ok := m[key]; ok {
// Shortest TTL wins.
if m[key].Header().Ttl > r.Header().Ttl {
m[key].Header().Ttl = r.Header().Ttl
if r.Header().Rrtype == TypeCNAME {
// we do end+3 here, so we capture the full domain name *and*
// the class field which mnemonic is always two chars.
cname = append(cname, key[:end+3])
if r.Header().Rrtype == TypeDNAME {
dname = append(dname, key[:end+3])
m[key] = r
// If the length of the result map equals the amount of RRs we got,
// it means they were all different. We can then just return the original rrset.
// We can only do this when we haven't found a CNAME or DNAME.
if len(m) == len(rrs) && len(cname) == 0 && len(dname) == 0 {
return rrs
ret := make([]RR, 0, len(rrs))
for i, r := range rrs {
// If keys[i] lives in the map, we should copy it and remove
// it from the map.
if _, ok := m[keys[i]]; ok {
if needsDeletion(r, keys[i], cname, dname) {
// It the RR is masked by an CNAME or DNAME, we only
// delete it from the map, but don't copy it.
delete(m, keys[i])
delete(m, keys[i])
ret = append(ret, r)
if len(m) == 0 {
return ret
// normalizedString returns a normalized string from r. The TTL
// is removed and the domain name is lowercased. The returned integer
// is the index where the domain name ends + 1.
func normalizedString(r RR) (string, int) {
// A string Go DNS makes has: domainname<TAB>TTL<TAB>...
b := []byte(r.String())
// find the first non-escaped tab, then another, so we capture
// where the TTL lives.
esc := false
ttlStart, ttlEnd := 0, 0
for i, c := range b {
if c == '\\' {
esc = true
if esc {
esc = false
if c == '\t' {
if ttlStart == 0 {
ttlStart = i
if ttlEnd == 0 {
ttlEnd = i
if c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' {
b[i] = c + 32
// remove TTL.
copy(b[ttlStart:], b[ttlEnd:])
cut := ttlEnd - ttlStart
// ttlStart + 3 puts us on the start of the rdata
return string(b[:len(b)-cut]), ttlStart
// needsDeletion checks if the RR is masked by either a CNAME or a DNAME.
// If so it return true.
func needsDeletion(r RR, s string, cname, dname []string) bool {
// For CNAME we can do strings.HasPrefix with s.
// For DNAME we can do strings.Contains with s.
// Either signals a removal of this RR.
for _, c := range cname {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, c) {
if r.Header().Rrtype == TypeCNAME {
// don't delete yourself
return true
for _, d := range dname {
if strings.Contains(s, d) {
if r.Header().Rrtype == TypeDNAME && strings.HasPrefix(s, d) {
// don't delete yourself
return true
return false