
137 lines
4.1 KiB

package dns
// Parse RRs
// With the thankful help of gdnsd and the Go examples for Ragel
import (
const _RDATAMAX = 7
// Save up tokens, after we've seen the entire rdata
// we can use this.
type token struct {
T []string // text
N []int // number
ti int // text counter
ni int // number counter
func newToken() *token {
to := new(token)
to.T = make([]string, _RDATAMAX)
to.N = make([]int, _RDATAMAX)
to.ni, to.ti = 0, 0
return to
// Only push functions are provided. Reading is done, by directly
// accessing the members (T and N). See types.rl.
func (to *token) pushInt(s string) {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
if err != nil {
panic("Failure to parse to int: " + s)
to.N[to.ni] = i
if to.ni > _RDATAMAX {
panic("Too much rdata (int)")
func (to *token) pushString(s string) {
to.T[to.ti] = s
if to.ti > _RDATAMAX {
panic("Too much rdata (string)")
func (to *token) reset() {
to.ni, to.ti = 0, 0
machine z;
write data;
func Zparse(data string) (r RR, err os.Error) {
cs, p, pe, eof := 0, 0, len(data), len(data)
mark := 0
hdr := new(RR_Header)
tok := newToken()
action mark { mark = p }
action qname { hdr.Name = data[mark:p] }
action qclass { hdr.Class = Str_class[data[mark:p]] }
action defTtl { /* ... */ }
action setTtl { ttl, _ := strconv.Atoi(data[mark:p]); hdr.Ttl = uint32(ttl) }
action number { tok.pushInt(data[mark:p]) }
action text { tok.pushString(data[mark:p]) }
action textblank { tok.pushString(data[mark:p]) }
action qtype {
i := Str_rr[data[mark:p]]
mk, known := rr_mk[int(i)]
if ! known {
// ...
r = mk()
hdr.Rrtype = i
qclass = ('IN'i|'CS'i|'CH'i|'HS'i|'ANY'i|'NONE'i) %qclass;
ttl = digit+ >mark;
bl = [ \t]+ %mark;
qname = [a-zA-Z0-9.\\]+ %qname;
# If I use this in the definitions at the end, things break...
tb = [a-zA-Z0-9.\\ ]+ $1 %0 %textblank;
# t = [a-zA-Z0-9.\\]+ $1 %0 %text;
t = [a-zA-Z0-9.\\/+=]+ $1 %0 %text;
n = [0-9]+ $1 %0 %number;
lhs = qname? bl %defTtl (
(ttl %setTtl bl (qclass bl)?)
| (qclass bl (ttl %setTtl bl)?)
# RDATA definitions
include "types.rl";
# RR definitions
rhs = (
('A'i %qtype bl t) %rdata_a
| ('NS'i %qtype bl t) %rdata_ns
| ('CNAME'i %qtype bl t) %rdata_cname
| ('SOA'i %qtype bl t bl t bl n bl n bl n bl n bl n) %rdata_soa
| ('MX'i %qtype bl n bl t) %rdata_mx
| ('DS'i %qtype bl n bl n bl n bl t) %rdata_ds
| ('DNSKEY'i %qtype bl n bl n bl n bl t) %rdata_dnskey
| ('RRSIG'i %qtype bl n bl n bl n bl n bl n bl n bl n bl t bl t) %rdata_rrsig
rr = lhs rhs;
main := rr+;
write init;
write exec;
if cs < z_first_final {
// No clue what I'm doing what so ever
if p == pe {
//return nil, os.ErrorString("unexpected eof")
return nil, nil
} else {
//return nil, os.ErrorString(fmt.Sprintf("error at position %d", p))
return nil, nil
return r ,nil