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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// DNS resolver client: see RFC 1035.
// A dns resolver is to be run as a seperate goroutine.
// For every reply the resolver answers by sending the
// received packet (with a possible error) back on the channel.
// Basic usage pattern for setting up a resolver:
// res := new(Resolver)
// ch := NewQuerier(res) // start new resolver
// res.Servers = []string{""} // set the nameserver
// m := new(Msg) // prepare a new message
// m.MsgHdr.Recursion_desired = true // header bits
// m.Question = make([]Question, 1) // 1 RR in question sec.
// m.Question[0] = Question{"miek.nl", TypeSOA, ClassINET}
// ch <- DnsMsg{m, nil} // send the query
// in := <-ch // wait for reply
package dns
import (
// When communicating with a resolver, we use this structure
// to send packets to it, for sending Error must be nil.
// A resolver responds with a reply packet and a possible error.
// Sending a nil message instructs to resolver to stop.
type DnsMsg struct {
Dns *Msg
Error os.Error
type Resolver struct {
Servers []string // servers to use
Search []string // suffixes to append to local name
Port string // what port to use
Ndots int // number of dots in name to trigger absolute lookup
Timeout int // seconds before giving up on packet
Attempts int // lost packets before giving up on server
Rotate bool // round robin among servers
Tcp bool // use TCP
Mangle func([]byte) []byte // Mangle the packet
// Start a new resolver as a goroutine, return the communication channel
func NewQuerier(res *Resolver) (ch chan DnsMsg) {
ch = make(chan DnsMsg)
go query(res, ch)
// The query function.
func query(res *Resolver, msg chan DnsMsg) {
// TODO port number, error checking, robustness
var c net.Conn
var err os.Error
var in *Msg
var port string
if len(res.Servers) == 0 {
msg <- DnsMsg{nil, nil}
if res.Port == "" {
port = "53"
} else {
port = res.Port
for {
select {
case out := <-msg: //msg received
if out.Dns == nil {
// nil message, quit the goroutine
msg <- DnsMsg{nil, nil}
var cerr os.Error
// Set an id
//if len(name) >= 256 {
out.Dns.Id = uint16(rand.Int()) ^ uint16(time.Nanoseconds())
sending, ok := out.Dns.Pack()
if !ok {
msg <- DnsMsg{nil, nil} // todo error
for i := 0; i < len(res.Servers); i++ {
server := res.Servers[i] + ":" + port
if res.Tcp == true {
c, cerr = net.Dial("tcp", "", server)
} else {
c, cerr = net.Dial("udp", "", server)
if cerr != nil {
err = cerr
in, err = exchange(c, sending, res)
// Check id in.id != out.id
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
msg <- DnsMsg{nil, err}
} else {
msg <- DnsMsg{in, nil}
// Send a request on the connection and hope for a reply.
// Up to res.Attempts attempts.
func exchange(c net.Conn, m []byte, r *Resolver) (*Msg, os.Error) {
var timeout int64
var attempts int
if r.Mangle != nil {
m = r.Mangle(m)
if r.Timeout == 0 {
timeout = 1
} else {
timeout = int64(r.Timeout)
if r.Attempts == 0 {
attempts = 1
} else {
attempts = r.Attempts
for a:= 0; a < attempts; a++ {
n, err := c.Write(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.SetReadTimeout(timeout * 1e9) // nanoseconds
buf := make([]byte, defaultMsgSize) // More than enough.
n, err = c.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
// More Go foo needed
//if e, ok := err.(Error); ok && e.Timeout() {
// continue
return nil, err
buf = buf[0:n]
in := new(Msg)
if !in.Unpack(buf) {
return in, nil
return nil, nil // todo error