# TODO * Support for on-the-fly-signing or check how to do it * Test all rdata packing with zero rdata -- allowed for dynamic updates * NSEC3/NSEC support function for generating NXDOMAIN respsonse? * Actually mimic net/ ? Dial. Read/Write ? * Make compare/split labels faster * Ratelimiting? * Have infrastructure to keep track of outbound queries and hold some * Check if \DDD is properly parsed: text/network/etc. ## Nice to have * Speed, we can always go faster. A simple reflect server now hits 75/80K qps * go test; only works correct on my machine * privatekey.Precompute() when signing? ## RRs not implemented These are deprecated, or rarely used (or just a bitch to implement). NSAP NSAP-PTR PX GPOS NIMLOC ATMA A6 KEY SIG NXT