o Tsig will probably become an interface which has all configuration stuff, but this will come later. Config which has Tsig function Todo: * Parsing from strings, going with goyacc and .cz lexer? * encoding NSEC3/NSEC bitmaps, DEcoding works * HIP RR (needs list of domain names, need slice stuff for that) * Is subdomain, is glue helper functions for this kind of stuff * Make QuerySimple even simpler?? * Think about who closes who d.Close() and where * Cleanups Issues: * FunkenSturm is kaput. * Check closing of sockets d.Close() * Check the network order, it works now, but this is on Intel?? * Make the testsuite work with public DNS servers * pack/Unpack smaller. EDNS 'n stuff can be folded in * Compression. Take stuff from Jan Mercl Examples: * Test impl of nameserver, with a small zone, 1 KSK and online signing