package dns import ( "bytes" "crypto/rsa" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "math/rand" "net" "reflect" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "testing" "testing/quick" ) func TestDotInName(t *testing.T) { buf := make([]byte, 20) PackDomainName("aa\\", buf, 0, nil, false) // index 3 must be a real dot if buf[3] != '.' { t.Error("dot should be a real dot") } if buf[6] != 2 { t.Error("this must have the value 2") } dom, _, _ := UnpackDomainName(buf, 0) // printing it should yield the backspace again if dom != "aa\\" { t.Error("dot should have been escaped: ", dom) } } func TestDotLastInLabel(t *testing.T) { sample := "aa\\" buf := make([]byte, 20) _, err := PackDomainName(sample, buf, 0, nil, false) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error packing domain: %v", err) } dom, _, _ := UnpackDomainName(buf, 0) if dom != sample { t.Fatalf("unpacked domain `%s' doesn't match packed domain", dom) } } func TestTooLongDomainName(t *testing.T) { l := "aaabbbcccdddeeefffggghhhiiijjjkkklllmmmnnnooopppqqqrrrsssttt." dom := l + l + l + l + l + l + l _, err := NewRR(dom + " IN A") if err == nil { t.Error("should be too long") } _, err = NewRR(" IN A") if err == nil { t.Error("should fail") } } func TestDomainName(t *testing.T) { tests := []string{"r\\", "www\\", "www.*", "www.*", } dbuff := make([]byte, 40) for _, ts := range tests { if _, err := PackDomainName(ts, dbuff, 0, nil, false); err != nil { t.Error("not a valid domain name") continue } n, _, err := UnpackDomainName(dbuff, 0) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to unpack packed domain name") continue } if ts != n { t.Errorf("must be equal: in: %s, out: %s", ts, n) } } } func TestDomainNameAndTXTEscapes(t *testing.T) { tests := []byte{'.', '(', ')', ';', ' ', '@', '"', '\\', 9, 13, 10, 0, 255} for _, b := range tests { rrbytes := []byte{ 1, b, 0, // owner byte(TypeTXT >> 8), byte(TypeTXT), byte(ClassINET >> 8), byte(ClassINET), 0, 0, 0, 1, // TTL 0, 2, 1, b, // Data } rr1, _, err := UnpackRR(rrbytes, 0) if err != nil { panic(err) } s := rr1.String() rr2, err := NewRR(s) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error parsing unpacked RR's string: %v", err) } repacked := make([]byte, len(rrbytes)) if _, err := PackRR(rr2, repacked, 0, nil, false); err != nil { t.Errorf("error packing parsed RR: %v", err) } if !bytes.Equal(repacked, rrbytes) { t.Error("packed bytes don't match original bytes") } } } func TestTXTEscapeParsing(t *testing.T) { test := [][]string{ {`";"`, `";"`}, {`\;`, `";"`}, {`"\t"`, `"t"`}, {`"\r"`, `"r"`}, {`"\ "`, `" "`}, {`"\;"`, `";"`}, {`"\;\""`, `";\""`}, {`"\(a\)"`, `"(a)"`}, {`"\(a)"`, `"(a)"`}, {`"(a\)"`, `"(a)"`}, {`"(a)"`, `"(a)"`}, {`"\048"`, `"0"`}, {`"\` + "\t" + `"`, `"\009"`}, {`"\` + "\n" + `"`, `"\010"`}, {`"\` + "\r" + `"`, `"\013"`}, {`"\` + "\x11" + `"`, `"\017"`}, {`"\'"`, `"'"`}, } for _, s := range test { rr, err := NewRR(fmt.Sprintf(" IN TXT %v", s[0])) if err != nil { t.Errorf("could not parse %v TXT: %s", s[0], err) continue } txt := sprintTxt(rr.(*TXT).Txt) if txt != s[1] { t.Errorf("mismatch after parsing `%v` TXT record: `%v` != `%v`", s[0], txt, s[1]) } } } func GenerateDomain(r *rand.Rand, size int) []byte { dnLen := size % 70 // artificially limit size so there's less to interpret if a failure occurs var dn []byte done := false for i := 0; i < dnLen && !done; { max := dnLen - i if max > 63 { max = 63 } lLen := max if lLen != 0 { lLen = int(r.Int31()) % max } done = lLen == 0 if done { continue } l := make([]byte, lLen+1) l[0] = byte(lLen) for j := 0; j < lLen; j++ { l[j+1] = byte(rand.Int31()) } dn = append(dn, l...) i += 1 + lLen } return append(dn, 0) } func TestDomainQuick(t *testing.T) { r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(0)) f := func(l int) bool { db := GenerateDomain(r, l) ds, _, err := UnpackDomainName(db, 0) if err != nil { panic(err) } buf := make([]byte, 255) off, err := PackDomainName(ds, buf, 0, nil, false) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error packing domain: %v", err) t.Errorf(" bytes: %v", db) t.Errorf("string: %v", ds) return false } if !bytes.Equal(db, buf[:off]) { t.Errorf("repacked domain doesn't match original:") t.Errorf("src bytes: %v", db) t.Errorf(" string: %v", ds) t.Errorf("out bytes: %v", buf[:off]) return false } return true } if err := quick.Check(f, nil); err != nil { t.Error(err) } } func GenerateTXT(r *rand.Rand, size int) []byte { rdLen := size % 300 // artificially limit size so there's less to interpret if a failure occurs var rd []byte for i := 0; i < rdLen; { max := rdLen - 1 if max > 255 { max = 255 } sLen := max if max != 0 { sLen = int(r.Int31()) % max } s := make([]byte, sLen+1) s[0] = byte(sLen) for j := 0; j < sLen; j++ { s[j+1] = byte(rand.Int31()) } rd = append(rd, s...) i += 1 + sLen } return rd } // Ok, 2 things. 1) this test breaks with the new functionality of splitting up larger txt // chunks into 255 byte pieces. 2) I don't like the random nature of this thing, because I can't // place the quotes where they need to be. // So either add some code the places the quotes in just the right spots, make this non random // or do something else. // Disabled for now. (miek) func testTXTRRQuick(t *testing.T) { s := rand.NewSource(0) r := rand.New(s) typeAndClass := []byte{ byte(TypeTXT >> 8), byte(TypeTXT), byte(ClassINET >> 8), byte(ClassINET), 0, 0, 0, 1, // TTL } f := func(l int) bool { owner := GenerateDomain(r, l) rdata := GenerateTXT(r, l) rrbytes := make([]byte, 0, len(owner)+2+2+4+2+len(rdata)) rrbytes = append(rrbytes, owner...) rrbytes = append(rrbytes, typeAndClass...) rrbytes = append(rrbytes, byte(len(rdata)>>8), byte(len(rdata))) rrbytes = append(rrbytes, rdata...) rr, _, err := UnpackRR(rrbytes, 0) if err != nil { panic(err) } buf := make([]byte, len(rrbytes)*3) off, err := PackRR(rr, buf, 0, nil, false) if err != nil { t.Errorf("pack Error: %v\nRR: %v", err, rr) return false } buf = buf[:off] if !bytes.Equal(buf, rrbytes) { t.Errorf("packed bytes don't match original bytes") t.Errorf("src bytes: %v", rrbytes) t.Errorf(" struct: %v", rr) t.Errorf("out bytes: %v", buf) return false } if len(rdata) == 0 { // stringifying won't produce any data to parse return true } rrString := rr.String() rr2, err := NewRR(rrString) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error parsing own output: %v", err) t.Errorf("struct: %v", rr) t.Errorf("string: %v", rrString) return false } if rr2.String() != rrString { t.Errorf("parsed rr.String() doesn't match original string") t.Errorf("original: %v", rrString) t.Errorf(" parsed: %v", rr2.String()) return false } buf = make([]byte, len(rrbytes)*3) off, err = PackRR(rr2, buf, 0, nil, false) if err != nil { t.Errorf("error packing parsed rr: %v", err) t.Errorf("unpacked Struct: %v", rr) t.Errorf(" string: %v", rrString) t.Errorf(" parsed Struct: %v", rr2) return false } buf = buf[:off] if !bytes.Equal(buf, rrbytes) { t.Errorf("parsed packed bytes don't match original bytes") t.Errorf(" source bytes: %v", rrbytes) t.Errorf("unpacked struct: %v", rr) t.Errorf(" string: %v", rrString) t.Errorf(" parsed struct: %v", rr2) t.Errorf(" repacked bytes: %v", buf) return false } return true } c := &quick.Config{MaxCountScale: 10} if err := quick.Check(f, c); err != nil { t.Error(err) } } func TestParseDirectiveMisc(t *testing.T) { tests := map[string]string{ "$ORIGIN\na IN NS b": "\t3600\tIN\tNS\", "$TTL 2H\ IN NS b.": "\t7200\tIN\tNS\tb.", " 1D IN NS b.": "\t86400\tIN\tNS\tb.", `name. IN SOA ( 203362132 ; serial 5m ; refresh (5 minutes) 5m ; retry (5 minutes) 2w ; expire (2 weeks) 300 ; minimum (5 minutes) )`: "name.\t3600\tIN\tSOA\ 203362132 300 300 1209600 300", ". 3600000 IN NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.": ".\t3600000\tIN\tNS\tONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.", "ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET. 3600000 IN A": "ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.\t3600000\tIN\tA\t192.168.1.1", } for i, o := range tests { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestNSEC(t *testing.T) { nsectests := map[string]string{ "nl. IN NSEC3PARAM 1 0 5 30923C44C6CBBB8F": "nl.\t3600\tIN\tNSEC3PARAM\t1 0 5 30923C44C6CBBB8F", " IN NSEC3 1 1 5 30923C44C6CBBB8F P90DG1KE8QEAN0B01613LHQDG0SOJ0TA NS SOA TXT RRSIG DNSKEY NSEC3PARAM": "\t3600\tIN\tNSEC3\t1 1 5 30923C44C6CBBB8F P90DG1KE8QEAN0B01613LHQDG0SOJ0TA NS SOA TXT RRSIG DNSKEY NSEC3PARAM", " IN NSEC A RRSIG NSEC": "\t3600\tIN\tNSEC\ A RRSIG NSEC", " IN NSEC A RRSIG NSEC TYPE65534": "\t3600\tIN\tNSEC\ A RRSIG NSEC TYPE65534", " IN NSEC A RRSIG NSec Type65534": "\t3600\tIN\tNSEC\ A RRSIG NSEC TYPE65534", "44ohaq2njb0idnvolt9ggthvsk1e1uv8.skydns.test. NSEC3 1 0 0 - 44OHAQ2NJB0IDNVOLT9GGTHVSK1E1UVA": "44ohaq2njb0idnvolt9ggthvsk1e1uv8.skydns.test.\t3600\tIN\tNSEC3\t1 0 0 - 44OHAQ2NJB0IDNVOLT9GGTHVSK1E1UVA", } for i, o := range nsectests { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } rr, err := NewRR("nl. IN NSEC3PARAM 1 0 5 30923C44C6CBBB8F") if err != nil { t.Fatal("failed to parse RR: ", err) } if nsec3param, ok := rr.(*NSEC3PARAM); ok { if nsec3param.SaltLength != 8 { t.Fatalf("nsec3param saltlen %d != 8", nsec3param.SaltLength) } } else { t.Fatal("not nsec3 param: ", err) } } func TestParseLOC(t *testing.T) { lt := map[string]string{ " LOC 51 30 12.748 N 00 07 39.611 W 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m": "\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t51 30 12.748 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m", " LOC 51 0 0.0 N 00 07 39.611 W 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m": "\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t51 00 0.000 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m 0.00m 0.00m 0.00m", " LOC 51 30 12.748 N 00 07 39.611 W 0.00m": "\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t51 30 12.748 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m 1m 10000m 10m", // Exercise boundary cases " LOC 90 0 0.0 N 180 0 0.0 W 42849672.95 90000000.00m 90000000.00m 90000000.00m": "\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t90 00 0.000 N 180 00 0.000 W 42849672.95m 90000000m 90000000m 90000000m", " LOC 89 59 59.999 N 179 59 59.999 W -100000 90000000.00m 90000000.00m 90000000m": "\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t89 59 59.999 N 179 59 59.999 W -100000m 90000000m 90000000m 90000000m", // use float64 to have enough precision. " LOC 42 21 43.952 N 71 5 6.344 W -24m 1m 200m 10m": "\t3600\tIN\tLOC\t42 21 43.952 N 71 05 6.344 W -24m 1m 200m 10m", } for i, o := range lt { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } // Invalid cases (out of range values) lt = map[string]string{ // Pair of (invalid) RDATA and the bad field name // One of the subfields is out of range. "91 0 0.0 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m": "Latitude", "89 60 0.0 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m": "Latitude", "89 00 60.0 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m": "Latitude", "1 00 -1 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m": "Latitude", "0 0 0.0 N 181 00 0.0 W 0m": "Longitude", "0 0 0.0 N 179 60 0.0 W 0m": "Longitude", "0 0 0.0 N 179 00 60.0 W 0m": "Longitude", "0 0 0.0 N 1 00 -1 W 0m": "Longitude", // Each subfield is valid, but resulting latitude would be out of range. "90 01 00.0 N 00 07 39.611 W 0m": "Latitude", "0 0 0.0 N 180 01 0.0 W 0m": "Longitude", } for rdata, field := range lt { _, err := NewRR(fmt.Sprintf(" LOC %s", rdata)) if err == nil || !strings.Contains(err.Error(), field) { t.Errorf("expected error to contain %q, but got %v", field, err) } } } // this tests a subroutine for the LOC RR parser. It's complicated enough to test separately. func TestStringToCm(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { // Test description: the input token and the expected return values from stringToCm. token string e uint8 m uint8 ok bool }{ {"100", 4, 1, true}, {"0100", 4, 1, true}, // leading 0 (allowed) {"100.99", 4, 1, true}, {"90000000", 9, 9, true}, {"90000000.00", 9, 9, true}, {"0", 0, 0, true}, {"0.00", 0, 0, true}, {"0.01", 0, 1, true}, {".01", 0, 1, true}, // empty 'meter' part (allowed) {"0.1", 1, 1, true}, // out of range (too large) {"90000001", 0, 0, false}, {"90000000.01", 0, 0, false}, // more than 2 digits in 'cmeter' part {"0.000", 0, 0, false}, {"0.001", 0, 0, false}, {"0.999", 0, 0, false}, // with plus or minus sign (disallowed) {"-100", 0, 0, false}, {"+100", 0, 0, false}, {"0.-10", 0, 0, false}, {"0.+10", 0, 0, false}, {"0a.00", 0, 0, false}, // invalid string for 'meter' part {".1x", 0, 0, false}, // invalid string for 'cmeter' part {".", 0, 0, false}, // empty 'cmeter' part (disallowed) {"1.", 0, 0, false}, // ditto {"m", 0, 0, false}, // only the "m" suffix } for _, tc := range tests { tc := tc t.Run(tc.token, func(t *testing.T) { // In all cases the expected result is the same with or without the 'm' suffix. // So we test both cases using the same test code. for _, sfx := range []string{"", "m"} { token := tc.token + sfx e, m, ok := stringToCm(token) if ok != tc.ok { t.Fatal("unexpected validation result") } if m != tc.m { t.Fatalf("Expected %d, got %d", tc.m, m) } if e != tc.e { t.Fatalf("Expected %d, got %d", tc.e, e) } } }) } } func TestParseDS(t *testing.T) { dt := map[string]string{ " 3600 IN DS 40692 12 3 22261A8B0E0D799183E35E24E2AD6BB58533CBA7E3B14D659E9CA09B 2071398F": "\t3600\tIN\tDS\t40692 12 3 22261A8B0E0D799183E35E24E2AD6BB58533CBA7E3B14D659E9CA09B2071398F", } for i, o := range dt { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestQuotes(t *testing.T) { tests := map[string]string{ ` IN TXT "a bc"`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"a bc\"", ` IN TXT "a bc"`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"a\\010 bc\"", ` IN TXT ""`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"\"", ` IN TXT "a"`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"a\"", ` IN TXT "aa"`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aa\"", ` IN TXT "aaa" ;`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aaa\"", ` IN TXT "abc" "DEF"`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"abc\" \"DEF\"", ` IN TXT "abc" ( "DEF" )`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"abc\" \"DEF\"", ` IN TXT aaa ;`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aaa\"", ` IN TXT aaa aaa;`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aaa\" \"aaa\"", ` IN TXT aaa aaa`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aaa\" \"aaa\"", ` IN TXT aaa`: "\t3600\tIN\tTXT\t\"aaa\"", " NAPTR 100 50 \"s\" \"z3950+I2L+I2C\" \"\"": "\t3600\tIN\tNAPTR\t100 50 \"s\" \"z3950+I2L+I2C\" \"\"", " NAPTR 100 50 \"s\" \"rcds+I2C\" \"\"": "\t3600\tIN\tNAPTR\t100 50 \"s\" \"rcds+I2C\" \"\"", " NAPTR 100 50 \"s\" \"http+I2L+I2C+I2R\" \"\"": "\t3600\tIN\tNAPTR\t100 50 \"s\" \"http+I2L+I2C+I2R\" \"\"", " NAPTR 100 10 \"\" \"\" \"/urn:cid:.+@([^\\.]+\\.)(.*)$/\\2/i\" .": "\t3600\tIN\tNAPTR\t100 10 \"\" \"\" \"/urn:cid:.+@([^\\.]+\\.)(.*)$/\\2/i\" .", } for i, o := range tests { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is\n`%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestParseClass(t *testing.T) { tests := map[string]string{ " IN A": " 3600 IN A", " CS A": " 3600 CS A", " CH A": " 3600 CH A", // ClassANY can not occur in zone files // " ANY A": " 3600 ANY A", " NONE A": " 3600 NONE A", " CLASS255 A": " 3600 CLASS255 A", } for i, o := range tests { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is\n`%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestBrace(t *testing.T) { tests := map[string]string{ "( 3600 IN A": "\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.1.1", " (3600) IN MX (10)": "\t3600\tIN\tMX\t10", ` IN ( 3600 A`: "\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.0.1", "( (A) (": "\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.2.1", " A": "\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.3.1", "_ssh._tcp.local. 60 IN (PTR) stora._ssh._tcp.local.": "_ssh._tcp.local.\t60\tIN\tPTR\tstora._ssh._tcp.local.", " NS": "\t3600\tIN\tNS\", `( ( (IN) (AAAA) (::1) )`: "\t3600\tIN\tAAAA\t::1", `( ( (IN) (AAAA) (::1))`: "\t3600\tIN\tAAAA\t::1", " IN AAAA ::2": "\t3600\tIN\tAAAA\t::2", `((m)(i)ek.(n)l.) (SOA) (soa.) (soa.) ( 2009032802 ; serial 21600 ; refresh (6 hours) 7(2)00 ; retry (2 hours) 604()800 ; expire (1 week) 3600 ; minimum (1 hour) )`: "\t3600\tIN\tSOA\tsoa. soa. 2009032802 21600 7200 604800 3600", "miek\\.nl. IN A": "miek\\.nl.\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.0.10", " IN A": "\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.0.11", " A": "\t3600\tIN\tA\t127.0.0.12", ` 86400 IN SOA ( 2009032802 ; serial 21600 ; refresh (6 hours) 7200 ; retry (2 hours) 604800 ; expire (1 week) 3600 ; minimum (1 hour) )`: "\t86400\tIN\tSOA\ 2009032802 21600 7200 604800 3600", } for i, o := range tests { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to parse RR: %v\n\t%s", err, i) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestParseFailure(t *testing.T) { tests := []string{" IN A 327.0.0.1", " IN AAAA ::x", " IN MX a0", " aap IN MX", " 200 IN mxx 10", " inn MX 10", // " IN CNAME ", // actually valid nowadays, zero size rdata " IN CNAME ..", " PA MX 10", " ) IN MX 10", } for _, s := range tests { _, err := NewRR(s) if err == nil { t.Errorf("should have triggered an error: \"%s\"", s) } } } func TestOmittedTTL(t *testing.T) { zone := ` $ORIGIN 42 IN SOA 1 86400 60 86400 3600 ; TTL=42 SOA NS 2 ; TTL=42 absolute owner name @ MD 3 ; TTL=42 current-origin owner name MF 4 ; TTL=42 leading-space implied owner name 43 TYPE65280 \# 1 05 ; TTL=43 implied owner name explicit TTL MB 6 ; TTL=43 leading-tab implied owner name $TTL 1337 88 MG 7 ; TTL=88 explicit TTL MR 8 ; TTL=1337 after first $TTL $TTL 314 1 TXT 9 ; TTL=1 implied owner name explicit TTL DNAME 10 ; TTL=314 after second $TTL ` reCaseFromComment := regexp.MustCompile(`TTL=(\d+)\s+(.*)`) z := NewZoneParser(strings.NewReader(zone), "", "") var i int for rr, ok := z.Next(); ok; rr, ok = z.Next() { i++ expected := reCaseFromComment.FindStringSubmatch(z.Comment()) if len(expected) != 3 { t.Errorf("regexp didn't match for record %d", i) continue } expectedTTL, _ := strconv.ParseUint(expected[1], 10, 32) ttl := rr.Header().Ttl if ttl != uint32(expectedTTL) { t.Errorf("%s: expected TTL %d, got %d", expected[2], expectedTTL, ttl) } } if err := z.Err(); err != nil { t.Error(err) } if i != 10 { t.Errorf("expected %d records, got %d", 5, i) } } func TestRelativeNameErrors(t *testing.T) { var badZones = []struct { label string zoneContents string expectedErr string }{ { "relative owner name without origin", " 3600 IN SOA 1 86400 60 86400 3600", "bad owner name", }, { "relative owner name in RDATA", " 3600 IN SOA ns hostmaster 1 86400 60 86400 3600", "bad SOA Ns", }, { "origin reference without origin", "@ 3600 IN SOA 1 86400 60 86400 3600", "bad owner name", }, { "relative owner name in $INCLUDE", "$INCLUDE file.db", "bad origin name", }, { "relative owner name in $ORIGIN", "$ORIGIN", "bad origin name", }, } for _, errorCase := range badZones { z := NewZoneParser(strings.NewReader(errorCase.zoneContents), "", "") z.Next() if err := z.Err(); err == nil { t.Errorf("%s: expected error, got nil", errorCase.label) } else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), errorCase.expectedErr) { t.Errorf("%s: expected error `%s`, got `%s`", errorCase.label, errorCase.expectedErr, err) } } } func TestHIP(t *testing.T) { h := ` IN HIP ( 2 200100107B1A74DF365639CC39F1D578 AwEAAbdxyhNuSutc5EMzxTs9LBPCIkOFH8cIvM4p 9+LrV4e19WzK00+CI6zBCQTdtWsuxKbWIy87UOoJTwkUs7lBu+Upr1gsNrut79ryra+bSRGQ b1slImA8YVJyuIDsj7kwzG7jnERNqnWxZ48AWkskmdHaVDP4BcelrTI3rMXdXF5D )` rr, err := NewRR(h) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to parse RR: %v", err) } msg := new(Msg) msg.Answer = []RR{rr, rr} bytes, err := msg.Pack() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to pack msg: %v", err) } if err := msg.Unpack(bytes); err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to unpack msg: %v", err) } if len(msg.Answer) != 2 { t.Fatalf("2 answers expected: %v", msg) } for i, rr := range msg.Answer { rr := rr.(*HIP) if l := len(rr.RendezvousServers); l != 2 { t.Fatalf("2 servers expected, only %d in record %d:\n%v", l, i, msg) } for j, s := range []string{"", ""} { if rr.RendezvousServers[j] != s { t.Fatalf("expected server %d of record %d to be %s:\n%v", j, i, s, msg) } } } } // Test with no known RR on the line func TestLineNumberError2(t *testing.T) { tests := map[string]string{ " 1000 SO 1 4294967294 4294967293 4294967295 100": "dns: expecting RR type or class, not this...: \"SO\" at line: 1:21", " 1000 IN TALINK": "dns: bad TALINK NextName: \"\" at line: 1:57", " 1000 IN TALINK ( )": "dns: bad TALINK NextName: \"\" at line: 1:60", ` 1000 IN TALINK ( )`: "dns: bad TALINK NextName: \"\" at line: 2:18", // This is a bug, it should report an error on line 1, but the new is already processed. ` 1000 IN TALINK ( )`: "dns: bad TALINK NextName: \"\" at line: 2:1"} for in, errStr := range tests { _, err := NewRR(in) if err == nil { t.Error("err is nil") } else { if err.Error() != errStr { t.Errorf("%s: error should be %s is %v", in, errStr, err) } } } } // Test if the calculations are correct func TestRfc1982(t *testing.T) { // If the current time and the timestamp are more than 68 years apart // it means the date has wrapped. 0 is 1970 // fall in the current 68 year span strtests := []string{"20120525134203", "19700101000000", "20380119031408"} for _, v := range strtests { if x, _ := StringToTime(v); v != TimeToString(x) { t.Errorf("1982 arithmetic string failure %s (%s:%d)", v, TimeToString(x), x) } } inttests := map[uint32]string{0: "19700101000000", 1 << 31: "20380119031408", 1<<32 - 1: "21060207062815", } for i, v := range inttests { if TimeToString(i) != v { t.Errorf("1982 arithmetic int failure %d:%s (%s)", i, v, TimeToString(i)) } } // Future tests, these dates get parsed to a date within the current 136 year span future := map[string]string{"22680119031408": "20631123173144", "19010101121212": "20370206184028", "19210101121212": "20570206184028", "19500101121212": "20860206184028", "19700101000000": "19700101000000", "19690101000000": "21050207062816", "29210101121212": "21040522212236", } for from, to := range future { x, _ := StringToTime(from) y := TimeToString(x) if y != to { t.Errorf("1982 arithmetic future failure %s:%s (%s)", from, to, y) } } } func TestEmpty(t *testing.T) { z := NewZoneParser(strings.NewReader(""), "", "") for _, ok := z.Next(); ok; _, ok = z.Next() { t.Errorf("should be empty") } if err := z.Err(); err != nil { t.Error("got an error when it shouldn't") } } func TestLowercaseTokens(t *testing.T) { var testrecords = []string{ " 300 IN a", " 300 in A", " 300 in a", " 300 a", " 300 A", " IN a", " in A", " in a", " a", " A", " a", "$ORIGIN\n a", "$Origin\n a", "$origin\n a", " Class1 Type1", } for _, testrr := range testrecords { _, err := NewRR(testrr) if err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to parse %#v, got %v", testrr, err) } } } func TestSRVPacking(t *testing.T) { msg := Msg{} things := []string{"", "", "", } for i, n := range things { h, p, err := net.SplitHostPort(n) if err != nil { continue } port, _ := strconv.ParseUint(p, 10, 16) rr := &SRV{ Hdr: RR_Header{Name: "somename.", Rrtype: TypeSRV, Class: ClassINET, Ttl: 5}, Priority: uint16(i), Weight: 5, Port: uint16(port), Target: h + ".", } msg.Answer = append(msg.Answer, rr) } _, err := msg.Pack() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("couldn't pack %v: %v", msg, err) } } func TestParseBackslash(t *testing.T) { if _, err := NewRR("nul\\ 600 IN A"); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not create RR with \\000 in it") } if _, err := NewRR(`nul\ 600 IN TXT "Hello\123"`); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not create RR with \\000 in it") } if _, err := NewRR(`m\ @\ IN 3600 A`); err != nil { t.Errorf("could not create RR with \\ and \\@ in it") } } func TestILNP(t *testing.T) { tests := []string{ "\t3600\tIN\tNID\t10 0014:4fff:ff20:ee64", "\t3600\tIN\tNID\t20 0015:5fff:ff21:ee65", "\t3600\tIN\tNID\t10 0016:6fff:ff22:ee66", "\t3600\tIN\tL32\t10", "\t3600\tIN\tL32\t20", "\t3600\tIN\tL32\t10", "\t3600\tIN\tL64\t10 2001:0DB8:1140:1000", "\t3600\tIN\tL64\t20 2001:0DB8:2140:2000", "\t3600\tIN\tL64\t10 2001:0DB8:4140:4000", "\t3600\tIN\tLP\t10", "\t3600\tIN\tLP\t10", "\t3600\tIN\tLP\t20", } for _, t1 := range tests { r, err := NewRR(t1) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("an error occurred: %v", err) } else { if t1 != r.String() { t.Fatalf("strings should be equal %s %s", t1, r.String()) } } } } func TestGposEidNimloc(t *testing.T) { dt := map[string]string{ "444433332222111199990123000000ff. NSAP-PTR": "444433332222111199990123000000ff.\t3600\tIN\tNSAP-PTR\", "lillee. IN GPOS -32.6882 116.8652 10.0": "lillee.\t3600\tIN\tGPOS\t-32.6882 116.8652 10.0", "hinault. IN GPOS -22.6882 116.8652 250.0": "hinault.\t3600\tIN\tGPOS\t-22.6882 116.8652 250.0", "VENERA. IN NIMLOC 75234159EAC457800920": "VENERA.\t3600\tIN\tNIMLOC\t75234159EAC457800920", "VAXA. IN EID 3141592653589793": "VAXA.\t3600\tIN\tEID\t3141592653589793", } for i, o := range dt { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestPX(t *testing.T) { dt := map[string]string{ "* IN PX 10 PRMD-net2.ADMD-p400.C-it.": "*\t3600\tIN\tPX\t10 PRMD-net2.ADMD-p400.C-it.", " IN PX 10 O-ab.PRMD-net2.ADMDb.C-it.": "\t3600\tIN\tPX\t10 O-ab.PRMD-net2.ADMDb.C-it.", } for i, o := range dt { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestComment(t *testing.T) { // Comments we must see comments := map[string]bool{ "; this is comment 1": true, "; this is comment 2": true, "; this is comment 4": true, "; this is comment 6": true, "; this is comment 7": true, "; this is comment 8": true, } zone := ` foo. IN A ; this is comment 1 foo. IN A ( ; this is comment 2 ) ; this is comment 3 foo. IN A foo. IN A ( ); this is comment 4 foo. IN A ; this is comment 5 foo. IN A foo. IN DNSKEY 256 3 5 AwEAAb+8l ; this is comment 6 foo. IN NSEC TXT RRSIG NSEC; this is comment 7 foo. IN TXT "THIS IS TEXT MAN"; this is comment 8 ` z := NewZoneParser(strings.NewReader(zone), ".", "") for _, ok := z.Next(); ok; _, ok = z.Next() { if z.Comment() != "" { if _, okC := comments[z.Comment()]; !okC { t.Errorf("wrong comment %q", z.Comment()) } } } if err := z.Err(); err != nil { t.Error("got an error when it shouldn't") } } func TestZoneParserComments(t *testing.T) { for i, test := range []struct { zone string comments []string }{ { `name. IN SOA ( 203362132 ; serial 5m ; refresh (5 minutes) 5m ; retry (5 minutes) 2w ; expire (2 weeks) 300 ; minimum (5 minutes) ) ; y . 3600000 IN NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET. ; x`, []string{"; serial ; refresh (5 minutes) ; retry (5 minutes) ; expire (2 weeks) ; minimum (5 minutes) ; y", "; x"}, }, { `name. IN SOA ( 203362132 ; serial 5m ; refresh (5 minutes) 5m ; retry (5 minutes) 2w ; expire (2 weeks) 300 ; minimum (5 minutes) ) ; y . 3600000 IN NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.`, []string{"; serial ; refresh (5 minutes) ; retry (5 minutes) ; expire (2 weeks) ; minimum (5 minutes) ; y", ""}, }, { `name. IN SOA ( 203362132 ; serial 5m ; refresh (5 minutes) 5m ; retry (5 minutes) 2w ; expire (2 weeks) 300 ; minimum (5 minutes) ) . 3600000 IN NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.`, []string{"; serial ; refresh (5 minutes) ; retry (5 minutes) ; expire (2 weeks) ; minimum (5 minutes)", ""}, }, { `name. IN SOA ( 203362132 ; serial 5m ; refresh (5 minutes) 5m ; retry (5 minutes) 2w ; expire (2 weeks) 300 ; minimum (5 minutes) ) . 3600000 IN NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET. ; x`, []string{"; serial ; refresh (5 minutes) ; retry (5 minutes) ; expire (2 weeks) ; minimum (5 minutes)", "; x"}, }, { `name. IN SOA ( 203362132 ; serial 5m ; refresh (5 minutes) 5m ; retry (5 minutes) 2w ; expire (2 weeks) 300 ; minimum (5 minutes) )`, []string{"; serial ; refresh (5 minutes) ; retry (5 minutes) ; expire (2 weeks) ; minimum (5 minutes)"}, }, { `. 3600000 IN NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET. ; x`, []string{"; x"}, }, { `. 3600000 IN NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET.`, []string{""}, }, { `. 3600000 IN NS ONE.MY-ROOTS.NET. ;;x`, []string{";;x"}, }, } { r := strings.NewReader( var j int z := NewZoneParser(r, "", "") for rr, ok := z.Next(); ok; rr, ok = z.Next() { if j >= len(test.comments) { t.Fatalf("too many records for zone %d at %d record, expected %d", i, j+1, len(test.comments)) } if z.Comment() != test.comments[j] { t.Errorf("invalid comment for record %d:%d %v", i, j, rr) t.Logf("expected %q", test.comments[j]) t.Logf("got %q", z.Comment()) } j++ } if err := z.Err(); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if j != len(test.comments) { t.Errorf("too few records for zone %d, got %d, expected %d", i, j, len(test.comments)) } } } func TestEUIxx(t *testing.T) { tests := map[string]string{ "host.example. IN EUI48 00-00-5e-90-01-2a": "host.example.\t3600\tIN\tEUI48\t00-00-5e-90-01-2a", "host.example. IN EUI64 00-00-5e-ef-00-00-00-2a": "host.example.\t3600\tIN\tEUI64\t00-00-5e-ef-00-00-00-2a", } for i, o := range tests { r, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to parse %s: %v", i, err) } if r.String() != o { t.Errorf("want %s, got %s", o, r.String()) } } } func TestUserRR(t *testing.T) { tests := map[string]string{ "host.example. IN UID 1234": "host.example.\t3600\tIN\tUID\t1234", "host.example. IN GID 1234556": "host.example.\t3600\tIN\tGID\t1234556", "host.example. IN UINFO \"Miek Gieben\"": "host.example.\t3600\tIN\tUINFO\t\"Miek Gieben\"", } for i, o := range tests { r, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to parse %s: %v", i, err) } if r.String() != o { t.Errorf("want %s, got %s", o, r.String()) } } } func TestTXT(t *testing.T) { // Test single entry TXT record rr, err := NewRR(`_raop._tcp.local. 60 IN TXT "single value"`) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse single value TXT record", err) } else if rr, ok := rr.(*TXT); !ok { t.Error("wrong type, record should be of type TXT") } else { if len(rr.Txt) != 1 { t.Error("bad size of TXT value:", len(rr.Txt)) } else if rr.Txt[0] != "single value" { t.Error("bad single value") } if rr.String() != `_raop._tcp.local. 60 IN TXT "single value"` { t.Error("bad representation of TXT record:", rr.String()) } if Len(rr) != 28+1+12 { t.Error("bad size of serialized record:", Len(rr)) } } // Test multi entries TXT record rr, err = NewRR(`_raop._tcp.local. 60 IN TXT "a=1" "b=2" "c=3" "d=4"`) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse multi-values TXT record", err) } else if rr, ok := rr.(*TXT); !ok { t.Error("wrong type, record should be of type TXT") } else { if len(rr.Txt) != 4 { t.Error("bad size of TXT multi-value:", len(rr.Txt)) } else if rr.Txt[0] != "a=1" || rr.Txt[1] != "b=2" || rr.Txt[2] != "c=3" || rr.Txt[3] != "d=4" { t.Error("bad values in TXT records") } if rr.String() != `_raop._tcp.local. 60 IN TXT "a=1" "b=2" "c=3" "d=4"` { t.Error("bad representation of TXT multi value record:", rr.String()) } if Len(rr) != 28+1+3+1+3+1+3+1+3 { t.Error("bad size of serialized multi value record:", Len(rr)) } } // Test empty-string in TXT record rr, err = NewRR(`_raop._tcp.local. 60 IN TXT ""`) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse empty-string TXT record", err) } else if rr, ok := rr.(*TXT); !ok { t.Error("wrong type, record should be of type TXT") } else { if len(rr.Txt) != 1 { t.Error("bad size of TXT empty-string value:", len(rr.Txt)) } else if rr.Txt[0] != "" { t.Error("bad value for empty-string TXT record") } if rr.String() != `_raop._tcp.local. 60 IN TXT ""` { t.Error("bad representation of empty-string TXT record:", rr.String()) } if Len(rr) != 28+1 { t.Error("bad size of serialized record:", Len(rr)) } } // Test TXT record with chunk larger than 255 bytes, they should be split up, by the parser s := "" for i := 0; i < 255; i++ { s += "a" } s += "b" rr, err = NewRR(`test.local. 60 IN TXT "` + s + `"`) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse empty-string TXT record", err) } if rr.(*TXT).Txt[1] != "b" { t.Errorf("Txt should have two chunk, last one my be 'b', but is %s", rr.(*TXT).Txt[1]) } } func TestTypeXXXX(t *testing.T) { _, err := NewRR(" IN TYPE1234 \\# 4 aabbccdd") if err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to parse TYPE1234 RR: %v", err) } _, err = NewRR(" IN TYPE655341 \\# 8 aabbccddaabbccdd") if err == nil { t.Errorf("this should not work, for TYPE655341") } _, err = NewRR(" IN TYPE1 \\# 4 0a000001") if err != nil { t.Errorf("failed to parse TYPE1 RR: %v", err) } } func TestPTR(t *testing.T) { _, err := NewRR(" 900 IN PTR ilouse03146p0\\(") if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse ", err) } } func TestDigit(t *testing.T) { tests := map[string]byte{ "miek\\ 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 0, "miek\\ 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 1, "miek\\ 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 254, "miek\\ 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 255, "miek\\ 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 0, "miek\\ 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 1, "miek\\ 100 IN TXT \"A\"": 4, } for s, i := range tests { r, err := NewRR(s) buf := make([]byte, 40) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to parse %v", err) } PackRR(r, buf, 0, nil, false) if buf[5] != i { t.Fatalf("5 pos must be %d, is %d", i, buf[5]) } r1, _, _ := UnpackRR(buf, 0) if r1.Header().Ttl != 100 { t.Fatalf("TTL should %d, is %d", 100, r1.Header().Ttl) } } } func TestParseRRSIGTimestamp(t *testing.T) { tests := map[string]bool{ ` IN RRSIG SOA 8 2 43200 20140210031301 20140111031301 12051 MVZUyrYwq0iZhMFDDnVXD2BvuNiUJjSYlJAgzyAE6CF875BMvvZa+Sb0 RlSCL7WODQSQHhCx/fegHhVVF+Iz8N8kOLrmXD1+jO3Bm6Prl5UhcsPx WTBsg/kmxbp8sR1kvH4oZJtVfakG3iDerrxNaf0sQwhZzyfJQAqpC7pcBoc=`: true, ` IN RRSIG SOA 8 2 43200 315565800 4102477800 12051 MVZUyrYwq0iZhMFDDnVXD2BvuNiUJjSYlJAgzyAE6CF875BMvvZa+Sb0 RlSCL7WODQSQHhCx/fegHhVVF+Iz8N8kOLrmXD1+jO3Bm6Prl5UhcsPx WTBsg/kmxbp8sR1kvH4oZJtVfakG3iDerrxNaf0sQwhZzyfJQAqpC7pcBoc=`: true, } for r := range tests { _, err := NewRR(r) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } } } func TestTxtEqual(t *testing.T) { rr1 := new(TXT) rr1.Hdr = RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: TypeTXT, Class: ClassINET, Ttl: 0} rr1.Txt = []string{"a\"a", "\"", "b"} rr2, _ := NewRR(rr1.String()) if rr1.String() != rr2.String() { // This is not an error, but keep this test. t.Errorf("these two TXT records should match:\n%s\n%s", rr1.String(), rr2.String()) } } func TestTxtLong(t *testing.T) { rr1 := new(TXT) rr1.Hdr = RR_Header{Name: ".", Rrtype: TypeTXT, Class: ClassINET, Ttl: 0} // Make a long txt record, this breaks when sending the packet, // but not earlier. rr1.Txt = []string{"start-"} for i := 0; i < 200; i++ { rr1.Txt[0] += "start-" } str := rr1.String() if len(str) < len(rr1.Txt[0]) { t.Error("string conversion should work") } } // Basically, don't crash. func TestMalformedPackets(t *testing.T) { var packets = []string{ "0021641c0000000100000000000078787878787878787878787303636f6d0000100001", } // com = 63 6f 6d for _, packet := range packets { data, _ := hex.DecodeString(packet) var msg Msg msg.Unpack(data) } } type algorithm struct { name uint8 bits int } func TestNewPrivateKey(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skipping test in short mode.") } algorithms := []algorithm{ {ECDSAP256SHA256, 256}, {ECDSAP384SHA384, 384}, {RSASHA1, 512}, {RSASHA256, 512}, {ED25519, 256}, } for _, algo := range algorithms { key := new(DNSKEY) key.Hdr.Rrtype = TypeDNSKEY key.Hdr.Name = "" key.Hdr.Class = ClassINET key.Hdr.Ttl = 14400 key.Flags = 256 key.Protocol = 3 key.Algorithm = privkey, err := key.Generate(algo.bits) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } newPrivKey, err := key.NewPrivateKey(key.PrivateKeyString(privkey)) if err != nil { t.Error(key.String()) t.Error(key.PrivateKeyString(privkey)) t.Fatal(err) } switch newPrivKey := newPrivKey.(type) { case *rsa.PrivateKey: newPrivKey.Precompute() } if !reflect.DeepEqual(privkey, newPrivKey) { t.Errorf("[%v] Private keys differ:\n%#v\n%#v", AlgorithmToString[], privkey, newPrivKey) } } } // special input test func TestNewRRSpecial(t *testing.T) { var ( rr RR err error expect string ) rr, err = NewRR("; comment") expect = "" if err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err) } if rr != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect) } rr, err = NewRR("") expect = "" if err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err) } if rr != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect) } rr, err = NewRR("$ORIGIN foo.") expect = "" if err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err) } if rr != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect) } rr, err = NewRR(" ") expect = "" if err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err) } if rr != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect) } rr, err = NewRR("\n") expect = "" if err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err) } if rr != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect) } rr, err = NewRR("foo. A\nbar. A") expect = "foo.\t3600\tIN\tA\t1.1.1.1" if err != nil { t.Errorf("unexpected err: %v", err) } if rr == nil || rr.String() != expect { t.Errorf("unexpected result: [%s] != [%s]", rr, expect) } } func TestPrintfVerbsRdata(t *testing.T) { x, _ := NewRR(" IN MX 20") if Field(x, 1) != "20" { t.Errorf("should be 20") } if Field(x, 2) != "" { t.Errorf("should be") } x, _ = NewRR(" IN A") if Field(x, 1) != "" { t.Errorf("should be") } x, _ = NewRR(" IN AAAA ::1") if Field(x, 1) != "::1" { t.Errorf("should be ::1") } x, _ = NewRR(" IN NSEC A NS SOA MX AAAA") if Field(x, 1) != "" { t.Errorf("should be") } if Field(x, 2) != "A NS SOA MX AAAA" { t.Errorf("should be A NS SOA MX AAAA") } x, _ = NewRR(" IN TXT \"first\" \"second\"") if Field(x, 1) != "first second" { t.Errorf("should be first second") } if Field(x, 0) != "" { t.Errorf("should be empty") } } func TestParseTokenOverflow(t *testing.T) { _, err := NewRR(" IN TLSA 0 0 0 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") if err == nil { t.Fatalf("token overflow should return an error") } } func TestParseTLSA(t *testing.T) { lt := []string{ "\t3600\tIN\tTLSA\t1 1 1 c22be239f483c08957bc106219cc2d3ac1a308dfbbdd0a365f17b9351234cf00", "\t3600\tIN\tTLSA\t2 1 2 4e85f45179e9cd6e0e68e2eb5be2e85ec9b92d91c609caf3ef0315213e3f92ece92c38397a607214de95c7fadc0ad0f1c604a469a0387959745032c0d51492f3", "\t3600\tIN\tTLSA\t3 0 2 69ec8d2277360b215d0cd956b0e2747108dff34b27d461a41c800629e38ee6c2d1230cc9e8e36711330adc6766e6ff7c5fbb37f106f248337c1a20ad682888d2", } for _, o := range lt { rr, err := NewRR(o) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", o, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestParseSMIMEA(t *testing.T) { lt := map[string]string{ "\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t1 1 2 bd80f334566928fc18f58df7e4928c1886f48f71ca3fd41cd9b1854aca7c2180aaacad2819612ed68e7bd3701cc39be7f2529b017c0bc6a53e8fb3f0c7d48070": "\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t1 1 2 bd80f334566928fc18f58df7e4928c1886f48f71ca3fd41cd9b1854aca7c2180aaacad2819612ed68e7bd3701cc39be7f2529b017c0bc6a53e8fb3f0c7d48070", "\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t0 0 1 cdcf0fc66b182928c5217ddd42c826983f5a4b94160ee6c1c9be62d38199f710": "\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t0 0 1 cdcf0fc66b182928c5217ddd42c826983f5a4b94160ee6c1c9be62d38199f710", "\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t3 0 2 499a1eda2af8828b552cdb9d80c3744a25872fddd73f3898d8e4afa3549595d2dd4340126e759566fe8c26b251fa0c887ba4869f011a65f7e79967c2eb729f5b": "\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t3 0 2 499a1eda2af8828b552cdb9d80c3744a25872fddd73f3898d8e4afa3549595d2dd4340126e759566fe8c26b251fa0c887ba4869f011a65f7e79967c2eb729f5b", "\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t3 0 2 499a1eda2af8828b552cdb9d80c3744a25872fddd73f3898d8e4afa3549595d2dd4340126e759566fe8 c26b251fa0c887ba4869f01 1a65f7e79967c2eb729f5b": "\t3600\tIN\tSMIMEA\t3 0 2 499a1eda2af8828b552cdb9d80c3744a25872fddd73f3898d8e4afa3549595d2dd4340126e759566fe8c26b251fa0c887ba4869f011a65f7e79967c2eb729f5b", } for i, o := range lt { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", o, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestParseSSHFP(t *testing.T) { lt := []string{ "\t300\tSSHFP\t1 2 (\n" + "\t\t\t\t\tBC6533CDC95A79078A39A56EA7635984ED655318ADA9\n" + "\t\t\t\t\tB6159E30723665DA95BB )", "\t300\tSSHFP\t1 2 ( BC6533CDC 95A79078A39A56EA7635984ED655318AD A9B6159E3072366 5DA95BB )", } result := "\t300\tIN\tSSHFP\t1 2 BC6533CDC95A79078A39A56EA7635984ED655318ADA9B6159E30723665DA95BB" for _, o := range lt { rr, err := NewRR(o) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != result { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n\n`%s', but is \n`%s'", o, result, rr.String()) } } } func TestParseHINFO(t *testing.T) { dt := map[string]string{ " HINFO A B": " 3600 IN HINFO \"A\" \"B\"", " HINFO \"A\" \"B\"": " 3600 IN HINFO \"A\" \"B\"", " HINFO A B C D E F": " 3600 IN HINFO \"A\" \"B C D E F\"", " HINFO AB": " 3600 IN HINFO \"AB\" \"\"", // " HINFO PC-Intel-700mhz \"Redhat Linux 7.1\"": " 3600 IN HINFO \"PC-Intel-700mhz\" \"Redhat Linux 7.1\"", // This one is recommended in Pro Bind book // but effectively, even Bind would replace it to correctly formed text when you AXFR // TODO: remove this set of comments or figure support for quoted/unquoted combinations in endingToTxtSlice function } for i, o := range dt { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestParseCAA(t *testing.T) { lt := map[string]string{ " CAA 0 issue \"\"": "\t3600\tIN\tCAA\t0 issue \"\"", " CAA 0 issuewild \"; stuff\"": "\t3600\tIN\tCAA\t0 issuewild \"; stuff\"", " CAA 128 tbs \"critical\"": "\t3600\tIN\tCAA\t128 tbs \"critical\"", " CAA 2 auth \"0>09\\006\\010+\\006\\001\\004\\001\\214y\\002\\003\\001\\006\\009`\\134H\\001e\\003\\004\\002\\001\\004 y\\209\\012\\221r\\220\\156Q\\218\\150\\150{\\166\\245:\\231\\182%\\157:\\133\\179}\\1923r\\238\\151\\255\\128q\\145\\002\\001\\000\"": "\t3600\tIN\tCAA\t2 auth \"0>09\\006\\010+\\006\\001\\004\\001\\214y\\002\\003\\001\\006\\009`\\134H\\001e\\003\\004\\002\\001\\004 y\\209\\012\\221r\\220\\156Q\\218\\150\\150{\\166\\245:\\231\\182%\\157:\\133\\179}\\1923r\\238\\151\\255\\128q\\145\\002\\001\\000\"", " TYPE257 0 issue \"\"": "\t3600\tIN\tCAA\t0 issue \"\"", } for i, o := range lt { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestPackCAA(t *testing.T) { m := new(Msg) record := new(CAA) record.Hdr = RR_Header{Name: "", Rrtype: TypeCAA, Class: ClassINET, Ttl: 0} record.Tag = "issue" record.Value = "" record.Flag = 1 m.Answer = append(m.Answer, record) bytes, err := m.Pack() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to pack msg: %v", err) } if err := m.Unpack(bytes); err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to unpack msg: %v", err) } if len(m.Answer) != 1 { t.Fatalf("incorrect number of answers unpacked") } rr := m.Answer[0].(*CAA) if rr.Tag != "issue" { t.Fatalf("invalid tag for unpacked answer") } else if rr.Value != "" { t.Fatalf("invalid value for unpacked answer") } else if rr.Flag != 1 { t.Fatalf("invalid flag for unpacked answer") } } func TestParseURI(t *testing.T) { lt := map[string]string{ "_http._tcp. IN URI 10 1 \"\"": "_http._tcp.\t3600\tIN\tURI\t10 1 \"\"", "_http._tcp. IN URI 10 1 \"\"": "_http._tcp.\t3600\tIN\tURI\t10 1 \"\"", } for i, o := range lt { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestParseAVC(t *testing.T) { avcs := map[string]string{ ` IN AVC "app-name:WOLFGANG|app-class:OAM|business=yes"`: ` 3600 IN AVC "app-name:WOLFGANG|app-class:OAM|business=yes"`, } for avc, o := range avcs { rr, err := NewRR(avc) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", avc, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestParseCSYNC(t *testing.T) { syncs := map[string]string{ ` 3600 IN CSYNC 66 3 A NS AAAA`: ` 3600 IN CSYNC 66 3 A NS AAAA`, } for s, o := range syncs { rr, err := NewRR(s) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", s, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestParseSVCB(t *testing.T) { svcbs := map[string]string{ ` 3600 IN SVCB 0`: ` 3600 IN SVCB 0`, ` 3600 IN SVCB 65000 alpn=h2 ipv4hint=`: ` 3600 IN SVCB 65000 alpn="h2" ipv4hint=""`, ` 3600 IN SVCB 65000 key65000=4\ 3 key65001="\" " key65002 key65003= key65004="" key65005== key65006==\"\" key65007=\254 key65008=\032`: ` 3600 IN SVCB 65000 key65000="4\ 3" key65001="\"\ " key65002="" key65003="" key65004="" key65005="=" key65006="=\"\"" key65007="\254" key65008="\ "`, } for s, o := range svcbs { rr, err := NewRR(s) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", s, o, rr.String()) } } } func TestParseBadSVCB(t *testing.T) { header := ` 3600 IN HTTPS ` evils := []string{ `0 . no-default-alpn`, // aliasform `65536 . no-default-alpn`, // bad priority `1 ..`, // bad domain `1 . no-default-alpn=1`, // value illegal `1 . key`, // invalid key `1 . key=`, // invalid key `1 . =`, // invalid key `1 . ==`, // invalid key `1 . =a`, // invalid key `1 . ""`, // invalid key `1 . ""=`, // invalid key `1 . "a"`, // invalid key `1 . "a"=`, // invalid key `1 . key1=`, // we know that key `1 . key65535`, // key reserved `1 . key065534`, // key can't be padded `1 . key65534="f`, // unterminated value `1 . key65534="`, // unterminated value `1 . key65534=\2`, // invalid numeric escape `1 . key65534=\24`, // invalid numeric escape `1 . key65534=\256`, // invalid numeric escape `1 . key65534=\`, // invalid numeric escape `1 . key65534=""alpn`, // zQuote ending needs whitespace `1 . key65534="a"alpn`, // zQuote ending needs whitespace `1 . ipv6hint=`, // not ipv6 `1 . ipv6hint=1:1:1:1`, // not ipv6 `1 . ipv6hint=a`, // not ipv6 `1 . ipv4hint=`, // not ipv4 `1 . ipv4hint=::fc`, // not ipv4 `1 . ipv4hint=..11`, // not ipv4 `1 . ipv4hint=a`, // not ipv4 `1 . port=`, // empty port `1 . echconfig=YUd`, // bad base64 } for _, o := range evils { _, err := NewRR(header + o) if err == nil { t.Error("failed to reject invalid RR: ", header+o) continue } } } func TestParseBadNAPTR(t *testing.T) { // Should look like: 3600 IN NAPTR 10 100 "S" "SIP+D2U" "" naptr := ` 3600 IN NAPTR 10 100 S SIP+D2U` _, err := NewRR(naptr) // parse fails, we should not have leaked a goroutine. if err == nil { t.Fatalf("parsing NAPTR should have failed: %s", naptr) } if err := goroutineLeaked(); err != nil { t.Errorf("leaked goroutines: %s", err) } } func TestUnbalancedParens(t *testing.T) { sig := ` 3600 IN RRSIG MX 15 2 3600 ( 1440021600 1438207200 3613 ( oL9krJun7xfBOIWcGHi7mag5/hdZrKWw15jPGrHpjQeRAvTdszaPD+QLs3f x8A4M3e23mRZ9VrbpMngwcrqNAg== )` _, err := NewRR(sig) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("failed to detect extra opening brace") } } func TestBad(t *testing.T) { tests := []string{ `" TYPE257 9 1E12\x00\x105"`, `" TYPE256 9 5"`, `" TYPE257 0\"00000000000000400000000000000000000\x00\x10000000000000000000000000000000000 9 l\x16\x01\x005266"`, } for i := range tests { s, err := strconv.Unquote(tests[i]) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to unquote: %q: %s", tests[i], err) } if _, err = NewRR(s); err == nil { t.Errorf("correctly parsed %q", s) } } } func TestNULLRecord(t *testing.T) { // packet captured from iodine packet := `8116840000010001000000000569627a6c700474657374046d69656b026e6c00000a0001c00c000a0001000000000005497f000001` data, _ := hex.DecodeString(packet) msg := new(Msg) err := msg.Unpack(data) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Failed to unpack NULL record") } if _, ok := msg.Answer[0].(*NULL); !ok { t.Fatalf("Expected packet to contain NULL record") } } func TestParseAPL(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string in string expect string }{ { "v4", ". APL 1:", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t1:", }, { "v6", ". APL 2:2001:db8::/32", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:2001:db8::/32", }, { "null v6", ". APL 2:::/0", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:::/0", }, { "null v4", ". APL 1:", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t1:", }, { "full v6", ". APL 2:::/0", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:::/0", }, { "full v4", ". APL 1:", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t1:", }, { "full v6", ". APL 2:2001:0db8:d2b4:b6ba:50db:49cc:a8d1:5bb1/128", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:2001:db8:d2b4:b6ba:50db:49cc:a8d1:5bb1/128", }, { "v4in6", ". APL 2:::ffff:", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:::ffff:", }, { "v4in6 v6 syntax", ". APL 2:::ffff:c000:0200/120", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t2:::ffff:", }, { "negate", ". APL !1:", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t!1:", }, { "multiple", ". APL 1: !1: 2:2001:db8::/32 !2:2001:db8:1::0/48", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t1: !1: 2:2001:db8::/32 !2:2001:db8:1::/48", }, { "no address", ". APL", ".\t3600\tIN\tAPL\t", }, } for _, tc := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { rr, err := NewRR( if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to parse RR: %s", err) } got := rr.String() if got != tc.expect { t.Errorf("expected %q, got %q", tc.expect, got) } }) } } func TestParseAPLErrors(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string in string }{ { "unexpected", `. APL ""`, }, { "unrecognized family", ". APL 3:", }, { "malformed family", ". APL foo:", }, { "malformed address", ". APL 1:192.0.2/16", }, { "extra bits", ". APL 2:2001:db8::/0", }, { "address mismatch v2", ". APL 1:2001:db8::/64", }, { "address mismatch v6", ". APL 2:", }, { "no prefix", ". APL 1:", }, { "no family", ". APL", }, } for _, tc := range tests { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { _, err := NewRR( if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error, got none") } }) } } func TestUnpackRRWithHeaderInvalidLengths(t *testing.T) { rr, err := NewRR(" 300 IN SSHFP 1 2 BC6533CDC95A79078A39A56EA7635984ED655318ADA9B6159E30723665DA95BB") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to parse SSHFP record: %v", err) } buf := make([]byte, Len(rr)) headerEnd, end, err := packRR(rr, buf, 0, compressionMap{}, false) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to pack A record: %v", err) } rr.Header().Rdlength = uint16(end - headerEnd) for _, off := range []int{ -1, end + 1, 1<<16 - 1, } { _, _, err := UnpackRRWithHeader(*rr.Header(), buf, off) if de, ok := err.(*Error); !ok || de.err != "bad off" { t.Errorf("UnpackRRWithHeader with bad offset (%d) returned wrong or no error: %v", off, err) } } for _, rdlength := range []uint16{ uint16(end - headerEnd + 1), uint16(end), 1<<16 - 1, } { rr.Header().Rdlength = rdlength _, _, err := UnpackRRWithHeader(*rr.Header(), buf, headerEnd) if de, ok := err.(*Error); !ok || de.err != "bad rdlength" { t.Errorf("UnpackRRWithHeader with bad rdlength (%d) returned wrong or no error: %v", rdlength, err) } } } func TestParseZONEMD(t *testing.T) { // Uses examples from dt := map[string]string{ // Simple Zone `example. 86400 IN ZONEMD 2018031900 1 1 ( c68090d90a7aed71 6bc459f9340e3d7c 1370d4d24b7e2fc3 a1ddc0b9a87153b9 a9713b3c9ae5cc27 777f98b8e730044c ) `: "example.\t86400\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018031900 1 1 c68090d90a7aed716bc459f9340e3d7c1370d4d24b7e2fc3a1ddc0b9a87153b9a9713b3c9ae5cc27777f98b8e730044c", // Complex Zone `example. 86400 IN ZONEMD 2018031900 1 1 ( a3b69bad980a3504 e1cffcb0fd6397f9 3848071c93151f55 2ae2f6b1711d4bd2 d8b39808226d7b9d b71e34b72077f8fe ) `: "example.\t86400\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018031900 1 1 a3b69bad980a3504e1cffcb0fd6397f93848071c93151f552ae2f6b1711d4bd2d8b39808226d7b9db71e34b72077f8fe", // Multiple Digests Zone `example. 86400 IN ZONEMD 2018031900 1 1 ( 62e6cf51b02e54b9 b5f967d547ce4313 6792901f9f88e637 493daaf401c92c27 9dd10f0edb1c56f8 080211f8480ee306 ) `: "example.\t86400\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018031900 1 1 62e6cf51b02e54b9b5f967d547ce43136792901f9f88e637493daaf401c92c279dd10f0edb1c56f8080211f8480ee306", `example. 86400 IN ZONEMD 2018031900 1 2 ( 08cfa1115c7b948c 4163a901270395ea 226a930cd2cbcf2f a9a5e6eb85f37c8a 4e114d884e66f176 eab121cb02db7d65 2e0cc4827e7a3204 f166b47e5613fd27 ) `: "example.\t86400\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018031900 1 2 08cfa1115c7b948c4163a901270395ea226a930cd2cbcf2fa9a5e6eb85f37c8a4e114d884e66f176eab121cb02db7d652e0cc4827e7a3204f166b47e5613fd27", `example. 86400 IN ZONEMD 2018031900 1 240 ( e2d523f654b9422a 96c5a8f44607bbee ) `: "example. 86400 IN ZONEMD 2018031900 1 240 e2d523f654b9422a96c5a8f44607bbee", `example. 86400 IN ZONEMD 2018031900 241 1 ( e1846540e33a9e41 89792d18d5d131f6 05fc283e ) `: "example. 86400 IN ZONEMD 2018031900 241 1 e1846540e33a9e4189792d18d5d131f605fc283e", // URI.ARPA zone ` 3600 IN ZONEMD 2018100702 1 1 ( 0dbc3c4dbfd75777c12ca19c337854b1577799901307c482e9d91d5d15 cd934d16319d98e30c4201cf25a1d5a0254960 )`: "\t3600\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018100702 1 1 0dbc3c4dbfd75777c12ca19c337854b1577799901307c482e9d91d5d15cd934d16319d98e30c4201cf25a1d5a0254960", // ROOT-SERVERS.NET Zone ` 3600000 IN ZONEMD 2018091100 1 1 ( f1ca0ccd91bd5573d9f431c00ee0101b2545c97602be0a97 8a3b11dbfc1c776d5b3e86ae3d973d6b5349ba7f04340f79 ) `: "\t3600000\tIN\tZONEMD\t2018091100 1 1 f1ca0ccd91bd5573d9f431c00ee0101b2545c97602be0a978a3b11dbfc1c776d5b3e86ae3d973d6b5349ba7f04340f79", } for i, o := range dt { rr, err := NewRR(i) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } if rr.String() != o { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", i, o, rr.String()) } } }