Todo: * NSEC and nsec3 closest encloser helper functions * os.Error in Pack()/Unpack() * wildcards * Tsig testing * Private key file parsing use io.Reader (or the like) * Parsing from /etc/resolv.conf - clean up the code, use normal packages * IP6 testing - in resolver and also in responder code extend Responder interface with ipv6? * Test impl of nameserver, with a small zone, 1 KSK and online signing * NSEC3 - need base32 for Nsec3 Longer term: * Parsing from strings, going with goyacc and own lexer * Multi line output? Issues: * make TCP UDP naming more in line with the net package i.e. prefix instead of postfix * escaped dots in names \. * quoted quotes in txt records * Better sized buffers * Check the network order, it works now, but this is on Intel * Make the testsuite work with public DNS servers * shortened ipv6 addresses are not parsed correctly (maybe net issue) * Convenience functions? Not sure if I want them?? - NXDomain pkt - FormErr pkt - for new(RR*) - nsupdate