package dns import ( "testing" ) // This tests everything valid about SVCB but parsing. // Parsing tests belong to parse_test.go. func TestSVCB(t *testing.T) { svcbs := []struct { key string data string }{ {`mandatory`, `alpn,key65000`}, {`alpn`, `h2,h2c`}, {`port`, `499`}, {`ipv4hint`, `,`}, {`no-default-alpn`, ``}, {`ipv6hint`, `1::4:4:4:4,1::3:3:3:3`}, {`ech`, `YUdWc2JHOD0=`}, {`dohpath`, `/dns-query{?dns}`}, {`key65000`, `4\ 3`}, {`key65001`, `\"\ `}, {`key65002`, ``}, {`key65003`, `=\"\"`}, {`key65004`, `\254\ \ \030\000`}, } for _, o := range svcbs { keyCode := svcbStringToKey(o.key) kv := makeSVCBKeyValue(keyCode) if kv == nil { t.Error("failed to parse svc key: ", o.key) continue } if kv.Key() != keyCode { t.Error("key constant is not in sync: ", keyCode) continue } err := kv.parse( if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse svc pair: ", o.key) continue } b, err := kv.pack() if err != nil { t.Error("failed to pack value of svc pair: ", o.key, err) continue } if len(b) != int(kv.len()) { t.Errorf("expected packed svc value %s to be of length %d but got %d", o.key, int(kv.len()), len(b)) } err = kv.unpack(b) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to unpack value of svc pair: ", o.key, err) continue } if str := kv.String(); str != { t.Errorf("`%s' should be equal to\n`%s', but is `%s'", o.key,, str) } } } func TestDecodeBadSVCB(t *testing.T) { svcbs := []struct { key SVCBKey data []byte }{ { key: SVCB_ALPN, data: []byte{3, 0, 0}, // There aren't three octets after 3 }, { key: SVCB_NO_DEFAULT_ALPN, data: []byte{0}, }, { key: SVCB_PORT, data: []byte{}, }, { key: SVCB_IPV4HINT, data: []byte{0, 0, 0}, }, { key: SVCB_IPV6HINT, data: []byte{0, 0, 0}, }, } for _, o := range svcbs { err := makeSVCBKeyValue(SVCBKey(o.key)).unpack( if err == nil { t.Error("accepted invalid svc value with key ", SVCBKey(o.key).String()) } } } func TestPresentationSVCBAlpn(t *testing.T) { tests := map[string]string{ "h2": "h2", "http": "http", "\xfa": `\250`, "some\"other,chars": `some\"other\\\044chars`, } for input, want := range tests { e := new(SVCBAlpn) e.Alpn = []string{input} if e.String() != want { t.Errorf("improper conversion with String(), wanted %v got %v", want, e.String()) } } } func TestSVCBAlpn(t *testing.T) { tests := map[string][]string{ `. 1 IN SVCB 10 one.test. alpn=h2`: {"h2"}, `. 2 IN SVCB 20 two.test. alpn=h2,h3-19`: {"h2", "h3-19"}, `. 3 IN SVCB 30 three.test. alpn="f\\\\oo\\,bar,h2"`: {`f\oo,bar`, "h2"}, `. 4 IN SVCB 40 four.test. alpn="part1,part2,part3\\,part4\\\\"`: {"part1", "part2", `part3,part4\`}, `. 5 IN SVCB 50 five.test. alpn=part1\,\p\a\r\t2\044part3\092,part4\092\\`: {"part1", "part2", `part3,part4\`}, } for s, v := range tests { rr, err := NewRR(s) if err != nil { t.Error("failed to parse RR: ", err) continue } alpn := rr.(*SVCB).Value[0].(*SVCBAlpn).Alpn if len(v) != len(alpn) { t.Fatalf("parsing alpn failed, wanted %v got %v", v, alpn) } for i := range v { if v[i] != alpn[i] { t.Fatalf("parsing alpn failed, wanted %v got %v", v, alpn) } } } } func TestCompareSVCB(t *testing.T) { val1 := []SVCBKeyValue{ &SVCBPort{ Port: 117, }, &SVCBAlpn{ Alpn: []string{"h2", "h3"}, }, } val2 := []SVCBKeyValue{ &SVCBAlpn{ Alpn: []string{"h2", "h3"}, }, &SVCBPort{ Port: 117, }, } if !areSVCBPairArraysEqual(val1, val2) { t.Error("svcb pairs were compared without sorting") } if val1[0].Key() != SVCB_PORT || val2[0].Key() != SVCB_ALPN { t.Error("original svcb pairs were reordered during comparison") } }