Commit Graph

5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Brian Shea 034f791cf8
answer queries with no matching handler with RcodeRefused (#1151)
* answer queries with no matching handler with RcodeRefused

* update documentation

* mark HandleFailed deprecated

* add handleRefused and use it to answer requests matching no handler

* silence noise maker

Co-authored-by: Brian <brian@pop-os.localdomain>
2020-08-20 08:41:45 +02:00
Jan Včelák 524a80c35d
CanonicalName function to return domain name in canonical form (#1073)
* add Canonical function to get name in canonical form

* replace strings.ToLower with Canonical

* rename Canonical to CanonicalName

* replace Fqdn with CanonicalName in ServeMux
2020-03-18 11:21:59 +01:00
Tom Thorogood ba5bfd0295 Use strings.ToLower in ServeMux.match (#1010)
This has been a long standing TODO. was included in
go1.12 which is the oldest officially supported release.
2019-09-21 08:50:53 +01:00
Tom Thorogood 068c7e7c81 Rework and optimise ServeMux (#754)
* Avoid using pointer to sync.RWMutex in ServeMux

* Initialize ServeMux.z only when needed.

This means the zero ServeMux is now valid and empty.

* Add benchmark for ServeMux.match

* Use strings.ToLower once in ServeMux.match

strings.ToLower has a special path for ASCII-only (which q always should
be), and avoids all allocations if the string is already lowercase
(which most DNS labels should be).

* Move NextLabel into for clause in ServeMux.match

* Make ServeMux.ServeDNS easier to read

* Fix the documentation of ServeMux.ServeDNS

* Invoke HandleFailed directly in ServeMux.ServeDNS

* Bail early in ServeMux.match if Handle never called

* Fix typo in ServeMux.match

* Improve documentation of ServeMux

This just splits the massive wall of text up so it's easier to follow.

* Fix typo in ServeMux.HandleRemove documentation

* Replace strings.ToLower with once-allocating version

strings.ToLower allocates twice for uppercase ASCII which causes an
overall regression for this changeset. By writing our own custom version
here we can avoid that allocation.

When lands in a go
release this can be removed.
2018-09-27 07:48:02 +01:00
Tom Thorogood 60d113313c Move ServeMux into seperate file (#753)
This reduces the clutter in server.go.
2018-09-26 10:20:48 +01:00