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Miek Gieben 2012-06-20 12:52:16 +02:00
commit c9e5777301
1 changed files with 50 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,22 @@ const (
// A Denialer is a record that performs denial
// of existence in DNSSEC. Currently there are
// two types NSEC and NSEC3.
type Denialer interface {
// HashNames hashes the owner and next domain name according
// to the hashing set in the record. For NSEC it is the identity function.
// The string domain is appended to the ownername in case of NSEC3
HashNames(domain string)
// Match checks if domain matches the (hashed) owner of name of the record.
Match(domain string) bool
// Cover checks if domain is covered by the NSEC(3) record
Cover(domain string) bool
// MatchType checks if the type is present in the bitmap
MatchType(rrtype uint16) bool
type saltWireFmt struct {
Salt string `dns:"size-hex"`
@ -55,21 +71,45 @@ func HashName(label string, ha uint8, iter uint16, salt string) string {
return unpackBase32(nsec3)
// HashNames hashes the ownername and the next owner name in an NSEC3 record according to RFC 5155.
// It uses the paramaters as set in the NSEC3 record. The string zone is appended to the hashed
// ownername.
func (nsec3 *RR_NSEC3) HashNames(zone string) {
nsec3.Header().Name = strings.ToLower(HashName(nsec3.Header().Name, nsec3.Hash, nsec3.Iterations, nsec3.Salt)) + "." + zone
// Implement the HashNames method of Denialer
func (nsec3 *RR_NSEC3) HashNames(domain string) {
nsec3.Header().Name = strings.ToLower(HashName(nsec3.Header().Name, nsec3.Hash, nsec3.Iterations, nsec3.Salt)) + "." + domain
nsec3.NextDomain = HashName(nsec3.NextDomain, nsec3.Hash, nsec3.Iterations, nsec3.Salt)
// Match checks if domain matches the first (hashed) owner name of the NSEC3 record. Domain must be given
// in plain text.
func (nsec3 *RR_NSEC3) Match(domain string) bool {
return strings.ToUpper(SplitLabels(nsec3.Header().Name)[0]) == strings.ToUpper(HashName(domain, nsec3.Hash, nsec3.Iterations, nsec3.Salt))
// Implement the Match method of Denialer
func (n *RR_NSEC3) Match(domain string) bool {
return strings.ToUpper(SplitLabels(n.Header().Name)[0]) == strings.ToUpper(HashName(domain, n.Hash, n.Iterations, n.Salt))
// RR_NSEC Match? (Do have them both??)
// Implement the Match method of Denialer
func (n *RR_NSEC) Match(domain string) bool {
return strings.ToUpper(n.Header().Name) == strings.ToUpper(domain)
func (n *RR_NSEC3) MatchType(rrtype uint16) bool {
for _, t := range n.TypeBitMap {
if t == rrtype {
return true
if t > rrtype {
return false
return false
func (n *RR_NSEC) MatchType(rrtype uint16) bool {
for _, t := range n.TypeBitMap {
if t == rrtype {
return true
if t > rrtype {
return false
return false
// Cover checks if domain is covered by the NSEC3 record. Domain must be given in plain text (i.e. not hashed)
// TODO(mg): this doesn't loop around