Simplify unpackString (#1012)

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Richard Gibson 2019-09-25 01:53:47 -04:00 committed by Miek Gieben
parent e393768b85
commit 9a6f1f2dc9
1 changed files with 17 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -269,33 +269,32 @@ func unpackString(msg []byte, off int) (string, int, error) {
if off+l > len(msg) {
return "", off, &Error{err: "overflow unpacking txt"}
escapedLen := l
for _, b := range msg[off : off+l] {
switch {
case b == '"' || b == '\\':
case b < ' ' || b > '~': // unprintable
escapedLen += 3 // escapeByte always returns four characters
if escapedLen == l { // no escaping needed
return string(msg[off : off+l]), off + l, nil
var s strings.Builder
for _, b := range msg[off : off+l] {
consumed := 0
for i, b := range msg[off : off+l] {
switch {
case b == '"' || b == '\\':
if consumed == 0 {
s.Grow(l * 2)
s.Write(msg[off+consumed : off+i])
consumed = i + 1
case b < ' ' || b > '~': // unprintable
if consumed == 0 {
s.Grow(l * 2)
s.Write(msg[off+consumed : off+i])
consumed = i + 1
off += l
return s.String(), off, nil
if consumed == 0 { // no escaping needed
return string(msg[off : off+l]), off + l, nil
s.Write(msg[off+consumed : off+l])
return s.String(), off + l, nil
func packString(s string, msg []byte, off int) (int, error) {