Parsing .private files work - needs some cleaning up

This commit is contained in:
Miek Gieben 2011-01-16 17:59:04 +01:00
parent 317b23ceaf
commit 96457a435a
2 changed files with 94 additions and 87 deletions

View File

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ package dns
import (
@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ func (r *RR_DNSKEY) Generate(bits int) (PrivateKey, os.Error) {
return nil, &Error{Error: "Algorithm not recognized"}
switch r.Algorithm {
case AlgRSAMD5, AlgRSASHA1, AlgRSASHA256, AlgRSASHA512:
switch r.Algorithm {
case AlgRSAMD5, AlgRSASHA1, AlgRSASHA256, AlgRSASHA512:
priv, err := rsa.GenerateKey(rand.Reader, bits)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -47,12 +47,12 @@ func (r *RR_DNSKEY) Generate(bits int) (PrivateKey, os.Error) {
keybuf := make([]byte, 2)
if priv.PublicKey.E < 256 {
keybuf[0] = 1
keybuf[0] = 1
keybuf[1] = uint8(priv.PublicKey.E)
} else {
keybuf[0] = 0
//keybuf[1] = part of length
//keybuf[2] = rest of length
//keybuf[1] = part of length
//keybuf[2] = rest of length
// keybuf[1]+[2] have the length
// keybuf[3:..3+lenght] have exponent
// not implemented
@ -71,83 +71,92 @@ func (r *RR_DNSKEY) Generate(bits int) (PrivateKey, os.Error) {
// info from the key (hashing, keytag), so its a method
// of the RR_DNSKEY.
func (r *RR_DNSKEY) PrivateKeyString(p PrivateKey) (s string) {
switch t := p.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
algorithm := strconv.Itoa(int(r.Algorithm)) + " (" + alg_str[r.Algorithm] + ")"
modulus := unpackBase64(t.PublicKey.N.Bytes())
pub := make([]byte, 1)
pub[0] = uint8(t.PublicKey.E) // Todo does not fit with binds 65537 exp!
publicExponent := unpackBase64(pub)
privateExponent := unpackBase64(t.D.Bytes())
prime1 := unpackBase64(t.P.Bytes())
prime2 := unpackBase64(t.Q.Bytes())
// Calculate Exponent1/2 and Coefficient as per:
// and from:
one := big.NewInt(1)
minusone := big.NewInt(-1)
p_1 := big.NewInt(0).Sub(t.P, one)
q_1 := big.NewInt(0).Sub(t.Q, one)
exp1 := big.NewInt(0).Mod(t.D, p_1)
exp2 := big.NewInt(0).Mod(t.D, q_1)
coeff := big.NewInt(0).Exp(t.Q, minusone, t.P)
switch t := p.(type) {
case *rsa.PrivateKey:
algorithm := strconv.Itoa(int(r.Algorithm)) + " (" + alg_str[r.Algorithm] + ")"
modulus := unpackBase64(t.PublicKey.N.Bytes())
pub := make([]byte, 1)
pub[0] = uint8(t.PublicKey.E) // Todo does not fit with binds 65537 exp!
publicExponent := unpackBase64(pub)
privateExponent := unpackBase64(t.D.Bytes())
prime1 := unpackBase64(t.P.Bytes())
prime2 := unpackBase64(t.Q.Bytes())
// Calculate Exponent1/2 and Coefficient as per:
// and from:
one := big.NewInt(1)
minusone := big.NewInt(-1)
p_1 := big.NewInt(0).Sub(t.P, one)
q_1 := big.NewInt(0).Sub(t.Q, one)
exp1 := big.NewInt(0).Mod(t.D, p_1)
exp2 := big.NewInt(0).Mod(t.D, q_1)
coeff := big.NewInt(0).Exp(t.Q, minusone, t.P)
exponent1 := unpackBase64(exp1.Bytes())
exponent2 := unpackBase64(exp2.Bytes())
coefficient := unpackBase64(coeff.Bytes())
exponent1 := unpackBase64(exp1.Bytes())
exponent2 := unpackBase64(exp2.Bytes())
coefficient := unpackBase64(coeff.Bytes())
s = "Private-key-format: v1.3\n" +
"Algorithm: " + algorithm + "\n" +
"Modules: " + modulus + "\n" +
"PublicExponent: " + publicExponent + "\n" +
"PrivateExponent: " + privateExponent + "\n" +
"Prime1: " + prime1 + "\n" +
"Prime2: " + prime2 + "\n" +
"Exponent1: " + exponent1 + "\n" +
"Exponent2: " + exponent2 + "\n" +
"Coefficient: " + coefficient + "\n"
s = "Private-key-format: v1.3\n" +
"Algorithm: " + algorithm + "\n" +
"Modules: " + modulus + "\n" +
"PublicExponent: " + publicExponent + "\n" +
"PrivateExponent: " + privateExponent + "\n" +
"Prime1: " + prime1 + "\n" +
"Prime2: " + prime2 + "\n" +
"Exponent1: " + exponent1 + "\n" +
"Exponent2: " + exponent2 + "\n" +
"Coefficient: " + coefficient + "\n"
// Read a private key file and create a public key and
// return a private key
func (k *RR_DNSKEY) PrivateKeySetString(s string) (PrivateKey, os.Error) {
p := new(rsa.PrivateKey)
r := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(s))
var left, right string
line, _ := r.ReadBytes('\n')
fmt.Printf("%v\n", string(line))
// Do we care about the order of things?
for len(line) > 0 {
n, _ := fmt.Sscanf(string(line), "%s %s\n", &left, &right)
if n > 0 {
switch left {
case "Private-key-format:":
if right != "v1.3" {
return nil, &Error{Error: "v1.3 supported"}
case "Algorithm:":
// simple switch on the string
case "Modulus:", "PrivateExponent:", "Prime1:", "Prime2:":
v, err := packBase64([]byte(right))
println(left, right)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if right == "Modulus:" { p.PublicKey.N.SetBytes(v) }
if right == "PublicExponent:" { /* p.PublicKey.E */ }
if right == "PrivateExponent:" { p.D.SetBytes(v) }
if right == "Prime1:" { p.P.SetBytes(v) }
if right == "Prime2:" { p.Q.SetBytes(v) }
case "Exponent1:", "Exponent2:", "Coefficient:":
/* not used in Go (yet) */
println("ERR: ", left)
return nil, &Error{Error: "Private key file not recognized"}
line, _ = r.ReadBytes('\n')
return p, nil
p := new(rsa.PrivateKey)
r := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader(s))
var left, right string
// I think I'm doing too much work here TODO(mg)
line, _ := r.ReadBytes('\n')
// Do we care about the order of things?
for len(line) > 0 {
n, _ := fmt.Sscanf(string(line), "%s %s+\n", &left, &right)
if n > 0 {
switch left {
case "Private-key-format:":
if right != "v1.3" {
return nil, &Error{Error: "v1.3 supported"}
case "Algorithm:":
// simple switch on the string
case "Modulus:", "PublicExponent:", "PrivateExponent:", "Prime1:", "Prime2:":
v, err := packBase64([]byte(right))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if right == "Modulus:" {
if right == "PublicExponent:" { /* p.PublicKey.E */
if right == "PrivateExponent:" {
if right == "Prime1:" {
if right == "Prime2:" {
case "Exponent1:", "Exponent2:", "Coefficient:":
/* not used in Go (yet) */
case "Created:", "Publish:", "Activate:":
/* not used in Go (yet) */
println("ERR:", left, "end")
return nil, &Error{Error: "Private key file not recognized"}
line, _ = r.ReadBytes('\n')
return p, nil

View File

@ -27,11 +27,9 @@ func TestConversion(t *testing.T) {
func TestPrivateKeyRead(t *testing.T) {
a:=`Private-key-format: v1.3
Algorithm: 5 (RSASHA1)
Modulus: vyVjCzz87g3rg9vDj1NJ1tlFP7lEY2pEQLkWGXAFuZM6Fw/bNmEH/z3ybDfsJqx4QQ6YZXN8V2kbzY7oX+tExf6AMiMIcKYzEGwg5xBYFh33du4G+6kE/VzG906ubp
Modulus: vyVjCzz87g3rg9vDj1NJ1tlFP7lEY2pEQLkWGXAFuZM6Fw/bNmEH/z3ybDfsJqx4QQ6YZXN8V2kbzY7oX+tExf6AMiMIcKYzEGwg5xBYFh33du4G+6kE/VzG906ubpaIEnrZOMTdGqE7OwptAqrqXe4uGXY99ZqNdqutOKQyIzs=
PublicExponent: AQAB
PrivateExponent: PFg/RoMAjt8SJVSyDoOK4itBs3Z34rLfzVchZPJ6vDWAt1soJ6jGb4xNBmE5SpRUeqVy80RcUvQ59NFTB0UtNo/zAXhC1RfKiFCNRFTyV3k6a9CMLPAU9g
PrivateExponent: PFg/RoMAjt8SJVSyDoOK4itBs3Z34rLfzVchZPJ6vDWAt1soJ6jGb4xNBmE5SpRUeqVy80RcUvQ59NFTB0UtNo/zAXhC1RfKiFCNRFTyV3k6a9CMLPAU9g4peW91lw87HXnYALTC9bTiTAoMU3vKvNx80F5qfK7qY/N28S1PMeE=
Prime1: +vPWyp37iUa7/LbhejOX/KdkhfwECUCdJF0uEePjaBCSf85xceEBzU89JFk9dCojtVqcI8xLKnRKRixg07Rc+Q==
Prime2: wv2aVWr13Cq2vRkKiHlqqP9vihGuDN/kWfmXb7slJH3s2i9+yI7vepAlow9SY8lNHOqXibEaAFsP3aj5OAAS0w==
Exponent1: sChCenBzhWV1yGvH0zQsWFpYogTKAISuyjvufvhtRTt82uJbmAjObwRUcxOBo+2Aq2kzeZ2Klf6TtLaqMXHGYQ==