Fixed signing stuff (doesn't work yet)

Need a nice priv-key representation to make it all work
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Miek Gieben 2011-01-14 12:10:54 +01:00
parent a60238bdde
commit 67230e9759
1 changed files with 100 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -150,29 +151,108 @@ func (k *RR_DNSKEY) ToDS(h int) *RR_DS {
// Sign rrset with k and return the signature RR. There
// is no check if rrset is a proper (RFC 2181) RRSet
func (k *RR_DNSKEY) Sign(rrset RRset, expiration, inception uint32) *RR_RRSIG {
sig := new(RR_RRSIG)
sig.Hdr.Name = rrset[0].Header().Name
sig.Hdr.Class = rrset[0].Header().Class
sig.Hdr.Rrtype = TypeRRSIG
sig.Hdr.Ttl = rrset[0].Header().Ttl // re-use TTL of RRset
sig.Inception = inception
sig.Expiration = expiration
sig.KeyTag = k.KeyTag()
sig.SignerName = k.Hdr.Name
sig.Labels = uint8(labelCount(rrset[0].Header().Name))
sig.TypeCovered = rrset[0].Header().Rrtype
s := new(RR_RRSIG)
s.Hdr.Name = rrset[0].Header().Name
s.Hdr.Class = rrset[0].Header().Class
s.Hdr.Rrtype = TypeRRSIG
s.Hdr.Ttl = rrset[0].Header().Ttl // re-use TTL of RRset
s.Inception = inception
s.Expiration = expiration
s.KeyTag = k.KeyTag()
s.SignerName = k.Hdr.Name
s.Labels = uint8(labelCount(rrset[0].Header().Name))
s.TypeCovered = rrset[0].Header().Rrtype
sigwire := new(rrsigWireFmt)
sigwire.TypeCovered = sig.TypeCovered
sigwire.Algorithm = sig.Algorithm
sigwire.Labels = sig.Labels
sigwire.OrigTtl = sig.OrigTtl
sigwire.Expiration = sig.Expiration
sigwire.Inception = sig.Inception
sigwire.KeyTag = sig.KeyTag
sigwire.SignerName = sig.SignerName
sigwire.TypeCovered = s.TypeCovered
sigwire.Algorithm = s.Algorithm
sigwire.Labels = s.Labels
sigwire.OrigTtl = s.OrigTtl
sigwire.Expiration = s.Expiration
sigwire.Inception = s.Inception
sigwire.KeyTag = s.KeyTag
sigwire.SignerName = s.SignerName
return nil
// Create the desired binary blob
signdata := make([]byte, 4096)
n, ok := packStruct(sigwire, signdata, 0)
if !ok {
return nil
signdata = signdata[:n]
// identical to Verify // TODO(mg) seperate function
for _, r := range rrset {
h := r.Header()
// RFC 4034: 6.2. Canonical RR Form. (2) - domain name to lowercase
name := h.Name
h.Name = strings.ToLower(h.Name)
// 6.2. Canonical RR Form. (3) - domain rdata to lowercaser
switch h.Rrtype {
case TypeNS, TypeCNAME, TypeSOA, TypeMB, TypeMG, TypeMR, TypePTR:
case TypeHINFO, TypeMINFO, TypeMX /* TypeRP, TypeAFSDB, TypeRT */ :
case TypeSIG /* TypePX, TypeNXT /* TypeNAPTR, TypeKX */ :
case TypeSRV, /* TypeDNAME, TypeA6 */ TypeRRSIG, TypeNSEC:
// lower case the domain rdata //
// 6.2. Canonical RR Form. (4) - wildcards, don't understand
// 6.2. Canonical RR Form. (5) - origTTL
ttl := h.Ttl
h.Ttl = s.OrigTtl
wire := make([]byte, 4096)
off, ok1 := packRR(r, wire, 0)
if !ok1 {
println("Failure to pack")
return nil
wire = wire[:off]
h.Ttl = ttl // restore the order in the universe
h.Name = name
if !ok1 {
println("Failure to pack")
return nil
signdata = append(signdata, wire...)
var signature []byte
var err os.Error
switch s.Algorithm {
case AlgRSASHA1, AlgRSASHA256, AlgRSASHA512, AlgRSAMD5:
//pubkey := k.pubKeyRSA() // Get the key, need privkey representation
// Setup the hash as defined for this alg.
var h hash.Hash
var ch rsa.PKCS1v15Hash
switch s.Algorithm {
case AlgRSAMD5:
h = md5.New()
ch = rsa.HashMD5
case AlgRSASHA1:
h = sha1.New()
ch = rsa.HashSHA1
case AlgRSASHA256:
h = sha256.New()
ch = rsa.HashSHA256
case AlgRSASHA512:
h = sha512.New()
ch = rsa.HashSHA512
// Need privakey representation in godns TODO(mg) see keygen.go
io.WriteString(h, string(signdata))
sighash := h.Sum()
// signature, err = rsa.SignPKCS1v15(rand.Reader, priv *PrivateKey, hash PKCS1v15Hash, hashed []byte) (s []byte, err os.Error)
signature, err = rsa.SignPKCS1v15(rand.Reader, nil /*priv*/, ch, sighash)
var _ = signature
var _ = err
case AlgDH:
case AlgDSA:
case AlgECC:
case AlgECCGOST:
return s
// Validate an rrset with the signature and key. This is the