[scan] fix crashers when parsing comment (#1018)

* [scan] fix crashers when parsing comment

When dealing with comments the parsers was potentially incrementing comi
variable twice. During the second access to com[], comi was possibly
longer than maxTok, causing an out of bound error:
panic: runtime error: index out of range [2048] with length 2048

* * Keep only 1 crasher test string.
* move tests from scan_test.go to fuzz_test.go
This commit is contained in:
chantra 2019-10-03 11:09:39 -07:00 committed by Miek Gieben
parent 046ae4ead6
commit 557870346a
2 changed files with 129 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -143,3 +143,127 @@ func TestCrashNSEC3(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("expected length of %d, got %d", expectedLength, l)
// TestNewRRCommentLengthCrasherString test inputs to NewRR that generated crashes.
func TestNewRRCommentLengthCrasherString(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in string
err string
" HINFO ;;;;;;;;;;;;;" +
";;;;;;;;\x00\x19;;;;;;;;;;" +
";\u007f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" +
";;}mP_Qq_3sJ_1_84X_5" +
"45iW_3K4p8J8_v9_LT3_" +
"6_0l_3D4VT3xq6N_3K__" +
"_U_xX2m;;;;;;(;;;;;;" +
";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\x1d;;;;" +
";;;;;;-0x804dBDe8ba " +
"\t \t\tr HINFO \" \t\t\tve" +
"k1xH11e__P6_dk1_51bo" +
"g8gJK1V_O_v84_Bw4_1_" +
"72jQ3_0J3V_S5iYn4h5X" +
"R_2n___51J nN_ \t\tm " +
"aa_XO4_5\t \t\t \t\tg6b" +
"p_KI_1_YWc_K8c2b___A" +
"e_Y1m__4Y_R_avy6t08x" +
"b5Cp9_7uS_yLa\t\t\t d " +
"EKe1Q83vS___ a \t\t " +
"\tmP_Qq_3sJ_1_84X_545" +
"iW_3K4p8J8_v9_LT3_6_" +
"0l_3D4VT3xq6N_3K___U" +
"_xX2\"\" \t \t_fL Ogl5" +
"_09i_9__3O7C__QMAG2U" +
"35IO8RRU6aJ9_6_57_6_" +
"b05BMoX5I__4833_____" +
"yfD_2_OPs__sqzM_pqQi" +
"_\t\t \tN__GuY4_Trath_0" +
"yy___cAK_a__0J0q5 L_" +
"p63Fzdva_Lb_29V7_R__" +
"Go_H2_8m_4__FJM5B_Y5" +
"Slw_ghp_55l_X2_Pnt6Y" +
"_Wd_hM7jRZ_\t\t \tm \t" +
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"0055yaP_LKu_72g_T_32" +
"iBk1Zm_o 9i1P44_S0_" +
"_4AXUpo2__H55tL_g78_" +
"8V_8l0yg6bp_KI_1_YWc" +
"_K8c2b \t \tmaa_XO4_5" +
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"4b_1b___Y8f_K_3y_005" +
"5yaP_LKu_72g_T_32iBk" +
"1Zm_o 9i1P44_S0__4A" +
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"8l0y_9K9_C__6af__wj_" +
"UbSYy_ge29S_s_Qe259q" +
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"y43j1TzV__9367tbX56_" +
"6B3__q6_v8_4_0_t_2q_" +
"nJ2gV3j9_tkOrx_H__a}" +
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"_RVm_3Zh4vr7yI_H2 a" +
" m 0yq__TiqA_FQBv_SS" +
"_Hm_8T8__M8F2_53TTo_" +
"k_o2__u_W6Vr__524q9l" +
"9CQsC_kOU___g_94 \"" +
" ~a_j_16_6iUSu_96V1W" +
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"0y_08Jr6OR__WF8__JK_" +
"N_wx_k_CGB_SjJ9R74i_" +
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"_5_y732S43__D_8U9FX2" +
"27_k\t\tg6bp_KI_1_YWc_" +
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"Wc_K8c2b _BzOc6S_Lk0" +
"Ky43j1TzV__9367tbX56" +
"_6B3__q6_v8_4_0_t_2q" +
"_nJ2gV3j9_tkOrx_H__ " +
"a\t_Iks_ \\ ma 0_58_r1" +
"y8jib_FaV_C_e \t \td\"\"" +
" ^Dy_0 \t\t \t ;;;;;;;" +
`dns: bad HINFO Fields: "comment length insufficient for parsing" at line: 1:1951`,
for _, tc := range tests {
t.Run(tc.in, func(t *testing.T) {
_, err := NewRR(tc.in)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Expecting error for crasher line %s", tc.in)
if tc.err != err.Error() {
t.Errorf("Expecting error %s, got %s", tc.err, err.Error())

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@ -968,6 +968,11 @@ func (zl *zlexer) Next() (lex, bool) {
// was inside braces and we delayed adding it until now.
com[comi] = ' ' // convert newline to space
if comi >= len(com) {
l.token = "comment length insufficient for parsing"
l.err = true
return *l, true
com[comi] = ';'